Just to remind....The time is almost here.
The greatest replay in replay history is upon us. Somebody call Guinness.
This Sunday it's going to start with the one that started them all (amazing isn't it?) Wing Commander.
I'll start a thread Sunday when I wake up (so probably 9:30-10am EST) called "Wing Commander Replay Week 1"
Week 1 will cover 3 systems. What systems those are after Enyo are up to you. The direct winning path is Enyo, McAuliffe, Gimle. The direct losing path is Enyo, Gateway, Cheng-du. There are also multiple other paths which I won't outline here for brevity but you can check them out in the
CIC Game Guides.
So my point is after you've completed 3 systems contain yourselves for the week, yes I know it is difficult, get your ass here and make your posts. The format for the posts are completely left up to the individual, so feel free to express your experience in any way you like. I'm curious to see what you guys can cook up, as I'm still thinking about how I want to do my own.
So get your copies of WC, KS, whatever format you have WC1 in make sure it's installed and ready to rock in 4 days.
That is all.