Let's replay WC....as a community!

Yes, because for one thing, I think stupid deaths will be the funniest: "I died because I got bored and flew into an astroid".. so you were bored to death!?

I think a lot of people would be eliminated in Wing Commander 4 on the scientist extraction mission when Maniac has to survive until the extraction.. "Maniac just randomly crashed into the ground!" (That actually happened in one of my play throughs while no enemies were around, it was frustrating and hilarious at the same time.)

Also, I think it would add an element of realism and help us appreciate JUST how good Christopher Blair would have to be... of course I think this could be one of the primary causes of cheaters.. people who tell themselves: Knight shot me. That doesn't count. I'm going to replay it!! Then they replay it and don't tell anyone.
Well before we start getting ahead of ourselves we need to figure out what would be a good starting date. I think we should stick to the weekly schedule for moving through missions in each of the games. Now that's not to say people shouldn't pick up late if they have to because of whatever issues may pop up. If anything that should motivate people to play catch up :)

My WC1/2 Deluxe CD shipped today so I'm already really excited about this. I'm also almost done WCP as well. Just jumped into Kilrah last night.
Sounds good to me. Maybe we could start a new thread each week for the missions.. Week 1: Wing Commander 1 missions 1-5... people could then comment even if they were a week or two late. We could have someone take charge and be the one to start each thread... I would nominate Dundradal.
That was my intention to start individual threads. I really see this as almost a three goal undertaking. First, for all of us to replay the games and enjoy the experience en mass. Second, to in essence create a new type of playguide that could be used in conjunction with the CIC guides to help people get through some of the tougher mission as well as have great stories to go along with the strategies. Finally, with so many people playing through the games we can also work on WCPedia as we go along.

So basically, this is a win, win, and win situation for us all :D
Oh, and by the way- if you're going to include wingman inflicted deaths, I'll just shoot them myself! I did THAT today a few hours ago- nuking my own wingman to play it by myself. They're not smart enough to catch on...
Oh, and by the way- if you're going to include wingman inflicted deaths, I'll just shoot them myself! I did THAT today a few hours ago- nuking my own wingman to play it by myself. They're not smart enough to catch on...

I think in most (if not all) the games, you get in trouble for that. It would be better to send them home through your com system: "Return to base". Of course I don't think Maniac will listen to you.. not sure if the WC1 wingmen will. I think sending them home could be a good strategy in WC1 since I think they usually did more harm than good.
You don't get in trouble for shooting your wingmen in WC1.

I don't think I'll participate in the killboard challenge if there is one... Replaying a mission again and again until I've *personally* shot down *everything* isn't my idea of fun.

EDIT : The "no reload" challenge sounds kinda interesting... I don't think I'm going to participate, though. It would be too annoying and long, especially for WC3 and WC4.

EDIT 2 : I think we might also want to try every available ship in WC3, WC4, and Standoff (and UE?) as well. That's probably what I'll do, anyway.

If you need to pick up some of the games this is a great excuse!

Hehe, yeah it would be, though that's not my problem. I should have all DOS-WC games on CD now (though I am unsure, it could be that WC 2 is missing...have to check when I get to my parents!).

It's a time issue, because even with the holidays, I have to work and a matter of equipemt. The only PC I have at the moment is a 4 years old laptop with 512 MB RAM, a crappy video card and a 2 Ghz Pentium 4 M processor. My place is so cramped, I wouldn't even have the space to mount a seperate DOS-PC. I have no joystick anymore. Also, its CD-ROM drive is broken.

Yes, I love wallowing in self-pity. :)

But I certainly will follow the threads about it.
Hehe, yeah it would be, though that's not my problem. I should have all DOS-WC games on CD now (though I am unsure, it could be that WC 2 is missing...have to check when I get to my parents!).

It's a time issue, because even with the holidays, I have to work and a matter of equipemt. The only PC I have at the moment is a 4 years old laptop with 512 MB RAM, a crappy video card and a 2 Ghz Pentium 4 M processor. My place is so cramped, I wouldn't even have the space to mount a seperate DOS-PC. I have no joystick anymore. Also, its CD-ROM drive is broken.

Yes, I love wallowing in self-pity. :)

But I certainly will follow the threads about it.

Bah. I'm in the same boat. My current "WC" machine is a Inspiron laptop that well sucks for games.

You don't need a separate PC, just setup DOSBox. That's how I do it.
You think DOSBox will run properly on my system? The last time I tried, I couldn't play a single game, it was all stutters and freezes. Granted, that was some time ago, maybe newer versions of DOS box will require less ressources. That's something I could try over the holidays...
You may have configured it downright horribly; between that and a new version it should work- I've never hit a snag. The main problem is if you give it too many cycles- it slows to a crawl. When you open it, type cycles auto for WC1 or 2, and cycles max for the later ones- works like a charm on my machine.
Yeah it does require some tweaking. Armada ran like crap until I messed with the cycles. I have had no trouble using it for WC outside of that damn WC2 bug (meet Concordia...and crash!)

Otherwise I've gotten all the other games to run fine. Give it a try, you could have been missing out all this time!
So here's what I'm thinking.

Start for Wing Commander: January 27th

I'll start a thread called "Wing Commander Replay Week 1" and we can go from there.

How many missions does everyone think they can realistically do in a week? I'm sure many of you can do many more than others but I'd like to find a nice medium so that everyone can keep together. I'm thinking somewhere between 5-8 would work.

The WC1/2 Deluxe combo CD I ordered arrived today so I'm ready to rock! :D
I think 5 is good. As long as we don't do EVERY path. Each person does their own path. If someone wins each time compared to someone who wins/loses/wins/loses, they would finish several games ahead; so we'd have to decide when to move on. Someone who loses the game at Gateway 2 for instance, could replay the mission and move on with the rest of the group. There's not THAT many in the first Wing Commander game and I guess it should only take a couple weeks. Games like WC4 might require more per week if we wanted to get through faster.

Another option could be to open up a completely new forum section similar to the Arena or FanFiction forums where each mission could have it's own thread. Then there could be an overall thread for each entire game playthrough. People could post about their path, how many reloads, kills, etc.. That way it could be an archive like you had hoped for where people could post ideas for that mission over the years. The 'overall' thread could then be for our community replay in general.. Wing Commander 1 Replay: Jan-Feb/2008. Secret Missions 1 Replay Feb-Mar/2008..etc. The individual mission thread could read: Wing Commander I: Enyo System Mission 1 and label each mission.

This way the Wing Commander Chat forum wouldn't be overloaded with threads and a better archive of tips for each individual mission would be created.

P.S. I just got Wing Commander Prophecy Gold from my brother for Christmas!!! So I'd be able to participate in a Prophecy/Secret Ops replay!
5-8 works for me.

Also, Mr.Robot, I somewhat disagree. I do think everyone should do every path. Sure, we'd have to lose on purpose, but it's more fun that way. Some of the best WC missions are losing missions everyone should play, IMHO.