Let's replay WC....as a community!

Ack, I forgot the other problem I have: my non-functioning CD-ROM ! And just today, I got a shitload of work I didn't expect on top of my other work. Happy holidays. :(

Nevertheless, I'll at least try to get it working. Maybe I can use my girlfriend's PC, I don't think she will need it much the next few days.
Dundradal said:
Nice! Now you'll have to try WCP MP!
Sadly, I've been dealing with issues on the Tech forums and it appears my brother got hosed by the amazon.com seller he bought it from. Hopefully he can get his money back since the "Brand New" CD's don't work due to the 3rd one which has scotch tape of all things trying unsucessfully to hold it together. Still, this replay would hopefully give me plenty of time to buy WCP before the community gets there. I wanted to play Standoff first anyway, but it's still disappointing.

Sharpshooter said:
Also, Mr.Robot, I somewhat disagree. I do think everyone should do every path. Sure, we'd have to lose on purpose, but it's more fun that way. Some of the best WC missions are losing missions everyone should play, IMHO.
Maybe we should get a sense of what most people want to do. I think I would get bored if everyone played every single mission. If most people wanted to play through every mission though, I would still participate even though I'd rather just have everyone play through once and report on wherever they ended up. I'm flexible though.
Sadly, I've been dealing with issues on the Tech forums and it appears my brother got hosed by the amazon.com seller he bought it from. Hopefully he can get his money back since the "Brand New" CD's don't work due to the 3rd one which has scotch tape of all things trying unsucessfully to hold it together. Still, this replay would hopefully give me plenty of time to buy WCP before the community gets there. I wanted to play Standoff first anyway, but it's still disappointing.

Just checked that out. Ouch. Yeah sounds like you got a standard WCP edition. The WCP Gold case has the outline of a computer terminal with WCP Gold Edition printed in the middle. The back also has a UO image as well.
5-8 works for me.

Also, Mr.Robot, I somewhat disagree. I do think everyone should do every path. Sure, we'd have to lose on purpose, but it's more fun that way. Some of the best WC missions are losing missions everyone should play, IMHO.

People can do whichever they choose, although I do agree with you. The losing series are really great. I think Delius in WC3 is my favorite.
Actually we did get the Gold edition since it has "Gold Edition" written on the front cover and has the 4 CDs. Unfortunately the scotch taped CD doesn't seem to work.
Also, I would suggest as short of time spans as is reasonable for how long we allow for missions: a mission a day maybe? That way people that don't have one of the games won't lose interest. People that can't play every day could then catch up by playing 3 in a day, etc. For instance, I don't have WC2, so I wouldn't be able to participate for the month or two it takes to beat that game. Someone who didn't have WC3 would have to wait a LONG time.

As Dundradal said, the whole point is to encourage people to play, and if they don't have a certain game, then to buy it. WC2 typically goes for $5-10 these days: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=80329&item=110209342483 There's people here who would kill to get a brand new Wing Commander game in this day and age, so it always blows my mind when people don't spend the few dollars to get one they're missing.

You think DOSBox will run properly on my system? The last time I tried, I couldn't play a single game, it was all stutters and freezes. Granted, that was some time ago, maybe newer versions of DOS box will require less ressources. That's something I could try over the holidays...

Any 1 GHz system should be fine for WC1.

Another option could be to open up a completely new forum section similar to the Arena or FanFiction forums where each mission could have it's own thread. Then there could be an overall thread for each entire game playthrough. People could post about their path, how many reloads, kills, etc..

The Animated Fan Guide Forum is all yours if you want it. http://www.crius.net/zone/forumdisplay.php?f=30 It won't get nearly as much traffic as the general forum though.

I would have suggested a thread per system/series, since "mission 12-15" could be very different to different people depending on the game and path. That's how I would organize the whole thing: one system per week, or two if either of the systems are short or if you're including an optional losing or side path. Having one thread per mission isn't a bad idea, but it depends on what kind of response and how many people participate (and at that point, the subforum makes sense).

Sadly, I've been dealing with issues on the Tech forums and it appears my brother got hosed by the amazon.com seller he bought it from. Hopefully he can get his money back since the "Brand New" CD's don't work due to the 3rd one which has scotch tape of all things trying unsucessfully to hold it together.

If there's any kind of crack or top side scratch, I don't think any amount of tape will help it.

Still, this replay would hopefully give me plenty of time to buy WCP before the community gets there. I wanted to play Standoff first anyway,

You don't need to buy anything for Standoff. The downloadable Secret Ops starter pack is enough.
As Dundradal said, the whole point is to encourage people to play, and if they don't have a certain game, then to buy it. WC2 typically goes for $5-10 these days: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=80329&item=110209342483 There's people here who would kill to get a brand new Wing Commander game in this day and age, so it always blows my mind when people don't spend the few dollars to get one they're missing.

Thanks for responding Chris. I actually will probably have my hands full since I just got Prophecy and Secret Ops and want to play through them after Standoff (which I'm playing now). I don't anticipate I would be through these by the time the WC2 part comes out.
Thanks for responding Chris. I actually will probably have my hands full since I just got Prophecy and Secret Ops and want to play through them after Standoff (which I'm playing now). I don't anticipate I would be through these by the time the WC2 part comes out.

If Dund doesn't kick off WC1 for another month, at the five missions per week you were talking about, that wouldn't put WC2 until at least March. It could easily be April depending on how the Secret Missions go. Do you think it'll take more than three months to play through Standoff, Prophecy and Secret Ops? If so, then the 5 missions per week goal that people are talking about may be too high.
As Dundradal said, the whole point is to encourage people to play, and if they don't have a certain game, then to buy it. WC2 typically goes for $5-10 these days: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=80329&item=110209342483 There's people here who would kill to get a brand new Wing Commander game in this day and age, so it always blows my mind when people don't spend the few dollars to get one they're missing.

Yeah I'm amazed by how many people still don't own them all. You can pick up the entire collection for a fraction of what it originally would have cost and half the time you can find someone on ebay who is selling more than just one and usually can work out some kind of deal.

I would have suggested a thread per system/series, since "mission 12-15" could be very different to different people depending on the game and path. That's how I would organize the whole thing: one system per week, or two if either of the systems are short or if you're including an optional losing or side path. Having one thread per mission isn't a bad idea, but it depends on what kind of response and how many people participate (and at that point, the subforum makes sense).

I figured I'd see how the response was to the first few weeks before settling into anything. We can start with the weekly thread and see how it goes and if there is a huge response we can start splitting it more.
Système Enyo, Mission 1

First mission in Hornet with Spirit. I took 5 Kilrathis, Spirit 0.
My orders was "attack my target.
I dont avoid asteroids, i shoot them

Système Enyo, Mission 2, escort convoy

I took 4, Spirit 1.
Convoy didnt take a hit and jump safety.
Orders was "Break and attack".
after landing, promotion 1st and Bronze star

Système Mc Auliffe, mission 3

First mission in Raptor with Paladin
Feel overconfident. Hit afterburner and fatal collision with a Drathli.
Merde ! game over for now^^
Système Enyo, Mission 1

First mission in Hornet with Spirit. I took 5 Kilrathis, Spirit 0.
My orders was "attack my target.
I dont avoid asteroids, i shoot them

Système Enyo, Mission 2, escort convoy

I took 4, Spirit 1.
Convoy didnt take a hit and jump safety.
Orders was "Break and attack".
after landing, promotion 1st and Bronze star

Système Mc Auliffe, mission 3

First mission in Raptor with Paladin
Feel overconfident. Hit afterburner and fatal collision with a Drathli.
Merde ! game over for now^^

This is exactly the kind of post I hope we won't see during the replay. :p