Lance has a Sister!!!!!!!!!

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I dont even think Chris Roberts knows that much about Wing Commander. He said once he really only played a mission or two of Prophecy.
What? There's another member of the Excalibur family out there?!

...Oh, you mean the other Lance. Hmm, considering how often WC fans replay the series, I'm surprised there are still people who didn't know this.

Regarding Iceman's first marriage, I don't think we're ever told exactly what happened. But all those comments of his about killing furballs for what they did to his family on Vega VII (or was it Vega IX?) are probably all the information we need...
LOAF is not Chris Roberts.

LOAF is God. :D

(Makes you wonder...half the time I expect Bandit to answer via heavenly chorus of singing angels descending from the sky. I'm serious. Well, sorta. :))
Originally posted by Quarto
What? There's another member of the Excalibur family out there?!

...Oh, you mean the other Lance. Hmm, considering how often WC fans replay the series, I'm surprised there are still people who didn't know this.

Regarding Iceman's first marriage, I don't think we're ever told exactly what happened. But all those comments of his about killing furballs for what they did to his family on Vega VII (or was it Vega IX?) are probably all the information we need...

On the odd chance that I let Iceman have a kill, he does say that, and I have never thought about it, but why would he be so hell bent on it if he remarried...

Let us assume Casey is 23 (like Maniac when he was assigned to the Tiger's Claw). This is 2681. 2681-23= 2658. Iceman died in 2656 or so correct?

How is it so? How old is Casey REALLY? Who are his parents? Was he a test tube baby? Who are is? What does he want? Why is he here? Was he some 'tank' grown to fight the AI (sorry wrong universes...)

If he was conceived in 2656 he could have been born in 2657, and be 24 by 2681. But he looks too young to be 24! I'd actually put him at 20, if that!

Also, Iceman is, well, cool. Lance isn't. How can he be???
This is the one instance where I would say there's a person playing someone OLDER than them... images of the Beverly Hills 35-year old high school kids come to mind...

Anyway, forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Iceman say Vega VII in the conversation You have with him in the bar, and then Vega IX or something totally different in the cockpit?!
He's still a crap actor. I'm surprised he didn't do the voiceovers for WCP:SO. He would need all the money he can get because he's so shitty.

In other words, he should've taken a paycut!
WCP wasn't exactly jam-packed wth great actors... IMO I prefer the cartoons in WC1 to the idiotically bad cutscenes in WCP, nothing that game ever did gave me the feel of WC, it was like a shootemup with bad graphics... like Chaos Control for all You gamers out there... I dislike WCP to the point of gagging on it.
There's a pretty good description of Iceman's life in the Prophecy Guide (in Lance's bio) -- his first wife and a 15 month old daughter were killed, another daughter was taken as a slave.

Casey was born in '56 -- and he's 25 in Prophecy (he waited before going to the Academy).
Mav, just a question...

Do You also like Duck Hunt? because the plot is about as good and the point is the same... WCP (and in particular WCSO) is a disguised shootemup game... I mean, Descent has less bogeys per mission than WCSO!
Yeah, Prophecy rocked! IT was an excellent way to start the new era in Wing Commander. I mean I did wish it was a little longer and I do miss having the choices that you had in WC3/4. But the new enemy is great and the characters, while not to terriblely fleshed out, are pretty cool to. The interaction between Casey and Blair was very good. Stilletto is the perfect new bitch on the block. And Maniac was good as ever. so all in all it was very cool and I really hope that Origin and EA get there act together and bring out a sequel cuz I really want to know what happened to Blair. Even though the producers have already said he's not dead.
Basically, what I missed in Prophecy was on the one hand, depth of character (although Maniac was masterfully done), as Blair, Hawk, Maestro, Dallas, all attained incredibly and inanely stupid stereotypical roles throughout the game, making responses very predictable and always a drag... You also had no more choices in the FMV, which I thought was a terrible idea....

Also, on the action front, WCP didnt FEEL very Wing Commander, I mean it was a space sim, but when I play Starlancer i get uch more of a Wing Commander feel than in Freespace... I mean Prophecy. if you catch my drift.
I for one, DO recall that someone like Garriott or someone like that said in an interview that "we might as well say it now that there won't be another game" and said that Blair wasn't dead, but that he didn't want to get into specifics... I don't think I dreamt it, but anything's possible...
I haven't heard anything like that... and I wouldn't expect to from Gariott, who has absolutely nothing to do with WC <G>
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