
Originally posted by Supdon3
He doesnt like Star Wars?

Blade Runner seemed pretty scifi to me. Of course he doesn't like that one either.

Well, those are two different beasts.

He's running from the shadow of Star Wars his entire professional life. He hated the scripts and told Lucas during the filming of the killing of Greedo: "You can type this but sure as hell can't say it.".

I also remember an interview where he was asked "Would you ever do another Star Wars movie?" and his response was "Not for a hundred million dollars" but he the way he said it was more like "F*** you" ... He was theb asked if he'd do an Indiana Jones movie again and he said "At the drop of a hat" with a big, sh*t eating grin. Good thing, considering theres another one in the works...

Blade Runner is something different. Director Ridley Scott and Ford argued to great extent what the end of the movie should be about: Should Deckard (Ford) be a human being or actually be a Replicant? The movie also was a pain to film since the backlot was crowded and the set wasn't as big as it looked. The film also bombed ($30 million budget, made about $10-15 back I think) and it also put a "curse" on the products placed in the film (affectionately refered to as "The Blade Runner Curse"). Still, the movie was put in the Library of Congress because of it's importance in film history, being (argueably) visually stunning to this day.

I love Star Wars and I love Blade Runner, though I love BR cuz of Rutger Hauer.
Originally posted by Quarto
Eh, Harrison Ford would make a lousy Hunter. He seems to always play serious roles. Even in Six Days, Seven Nights, which was a comedy, he was still serious. He just ain't Hunter material.
Well in that perspective, I suppose you're right...
Yet the "Han Solo" Harrison Ford would make better material... :)
Originally posted by LeHah

Blade Runner is something different.

Director Ridley Scott and Ford argued to great extent what the end of the movie should be about: Should Deckard (Ford) be a human being or actually be a Replicant?

The movie also was a pain to film since the backlot was crowded and the set wasn't as big as it looked. The film also bombed ($30 million budget, made about $10-15 back I think) and it also put a "curse" on the products placed in the film (affectionately refered to as "The Blade Runner Curse"). Still, the movie was put in the Library of Congress because of it's importance in film history, being (argueably) visually stunning to this day.
Right... it so happened that a scene revealing the truth about Deckard was actually cut the time it came out as a Theatrical release (1982), but later re-introduced.

I don't know if all of you remember, but sometime when Deckard is in his apartment, he dreams of an unicorn (scene lasting for about 12 seconds)...
Well apparently, this scene provides a good point for the reasoning that Deckard is indeed a Replicant.
It was only added in the BRDC release...
Whether or not Deckard is a replicant however, is a question that causes the most debate among BR fans...

A site is hosting an excellent Blade Runner FAQ, which I strongly recommend to all fans or people who liked the movie (or the game, which was also awesome):

The issue on whether Deckard is a replicant or not is also mentioned, with a detailed and complete list of pro's and con's... (and scroll down a bit)

[Edited by mpanty on 06-13-2001 at 13:35]
I think that Paul Hogan of Crocodile Dundee fame would make a funny Hunter. The one in the movie was way to serious. I remember Hunter as a light hearted guy from the games and the books.
Yet, I don't quite picture Paul Hogan in a cockpit...

And what would he say to Kirha the first time he saw him? "This is a knife, kitty!", mmmmhh? :)
Deckard being a replicant both solves and introduces a whole bunch of problems...especially with that "selective replicant strength".

If he had that replicant strength to pull him onto a building with two broken fingers and two fingers to support him, why didn't he have it when the other replicant beat the crap out of him?
The Blade Runner arguements are the ones that have been around since the internet has been public. It's interesting, a little stale and definitely not for the WC board.

Paul Hogan as Hunter? Nah. Hugh Jackman from X-Men. :D
Mmmmmh, I dont know... I don't quite see Jackman play St.John, but it's a matter of taste I guess...

On a side note, I just saw the latest movie Jackman plays in, Swordfish, and despite the long/weird first five minutes, the movie pretty much kicks ass!
Jackman and Travolta are into some real good acting, Halle Berry is as cute as ever :D , and the plot is really well designed.

In particular, there's a scene of an explosion in slow-mo, where the camera turns around the impact point and you can see the explosive wave expanding, which is really awesome!
Same type à la Matrix if you want, with Neo dodging bullets... :cool:
Oh really? They made him drop his accent in the movie then... :)

Did you hear Angelina Jolie with a British accent in Tomb Raider? I think it suits her! :D
Really? They made him lose his Austrailian accent to play an American?!:)

Im gonna reserve judgment on her accent in Tomb Raider until I see it though

[Edited by Supdon3 on 06-14-2001 at 17:21]
Originally posted by mpanty
Oh really? They made him drop his accent in the movie then...

Did you hear Angelina Jolie with a British accent in Tomb Raider? I think it suits her!

Hugh was already well known in Australia before he came up here and graced American Cinema with something we rarely see: Charisma and Talent. Rare things these days. What the heck he was doing in a Joel Silver produced movie like Swordfish is beyond me. I'd rather rip my own organs out and throw them at Joel Silver than be in a movie produced by that Turret's Syndromed 10 year old.

Jolie's TR accent is bad but not by far the worst fake brit accent I've ever heard. You can tell it's not real brit but it's good enough not to insult intelligence either...but the script...? :)
Originally posted by LeHah
What the heck he was doing in a Joel Silver produced movie like Swordfish is beyond me. I'd rather rip my own organs out and throw them at Joel Silver than be in a movie produced by that Turret's Syndromed 10 year old.
Did you see the movie at all, LeHah? It's not bad actually...

The scene of the slo-mo explosion is by itself worth the $7.50 I paid to see the movie (Canadian money :) )...
Buddy, you don't need to step into a sewer to know it's a sewer.

Joel Silver is a pre-teen in a 40 year old's body. Big explosions, incorrect techno-babble, SFX up the tailpipe to the point where the actor's acting abilities mimic the soul-less consumerism of popular american culture (98 Degrees, Britney Spears, Limp Bizkit, Survivor, Friends, etc) and a blaring loud, overly important soundtrack (Not a score mind you, no one knows who Jerry Goldsmith is anymore) with who ever is popular these days.

#$^&$T&#^%*^&^%#*^#*^%#*^%*^%*^%*%&%^@&@%!!! :mad:
There are some characteristics you mentioned that apply to Swordfish, indeed... but if you loved Matrix and Face Off, you're going at least to enjoy the movie...

I think it would be a mistake to condemn a director because he usually makes bad movies...
It certainly isn't Oscar material, but if don't have anything to do a Tuesday afternoon, there's nothing that should be stopping you from going to see Swordfish... :)
Originally posted by LeHah
Buddy, you don't need to step into a sewer to know it's a sewer.
But if you say something's a sewer, without ever being anywhere near it, you'll look like a fool if it turns out you're wrong.

Anyway, that's the second (or is it third?) time I've heard you say that a movie that you haven't even seen is absolute crap. As someone who seems to appreciate intelligence (apparently, especially in movies), you should try to appreciate the simple fact that prejudice is one of the dumbest things a person can do.
Care of IMDB, here's a list of Joel Silver Produced films:

Swordfish (2001) (producer)
Proximity (2001) (producer)
Exit Wounds (2001) (producer)
Dungeons & Dragons (2000) (executive producer)
"Freedom" (2000) TV Series (executive producer)
Romeo Must Die (2000) (producer)
House on Haunted Hill (1999) (producer)
"Strip, The" (1999) TV Series (executive producer)
"Action" (1999) TV Series (executive producer)
Made Men (1999) (producer)
Matrix, The (1999) (producer)
Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) (producer)
Conspiracy Theory (1997) (producer)
Fathers' Day (1997) (producer)
Bordello of Blood (1996) (executive producer)
Executive Decision (1996) (producer)
First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies, The (1995) (TV) (producer)
W.E.I.R.D. World (1995) (TV) (executive producer)
Fair Game (1995) (producer)
Assassins (1995) (producer)
Demon Knight (1995) (executive producer)
Richie Rich (1994) (producer)
Demolition Man (1993) (producer)
Lethal Weapon 3 (1992) (producer)
Two-Fisted Tales (1991) (TV) (executive producer)
Ricochet (1991) (producer)
Last Boy Scout, The (1991) (producer)
Hudson Hawk (1991) (producer)
Parker Kane (1990) (TV) (executive producer)
Predator 2 (1990) (producer)
Adventures of Ford Fairlane, The (1990) (producer)
Die Hard 2 (1990) (producer)
"Tales from the Crypt" (1989) TV Series (executive producer)
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) (producer)
Road House (1989) (producer)
Action Jackson (1988) (producer)
Die Hard (1988) (producer)
Predator (1987) (producer)
Lethal Weapon (1987) (producer)
Jumpin' Jack Flash (1986) (producer)
Weird Science (1985) (producer)
Commando (1985) (producer)
Brewster's Millions (1985) (producer)
Streets of Fire (1984) (producer)
48 Hrs. (1982) (producer)
Jekyll & Hyde... Together Again (1982) (executive producer)
Xanadu (1980) (co-producer)
Warriors, The (1979) (associate producer)


Of those movies, the only ones I like are Predator and the first Due Hard (the second one was OK, I guess). Granted, I don't think I've seen all of these, but definitely 85% of them. All offense intended, the man makes CR*P.

The director of "Swordfish" is the same moron who did "Gone in 60 Seconds", the movie where it was so fast sex would've just slowed it down. Worthless, trite, wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am-BS. :mad:

Want a movie? 12 Monkeys is a damn fine place to start.

[Edited by LeHah on 06-14-2001 at 22:36]
Hmm, I actually enjoyed "Gone in 60 Seconds" but it seems to me that you, LeHah, would go against anything popular. Some things are popular for a reason, not just because it's 'pop-trash'. No slight intended, but you seem to be ranting against too many things lately. :)

[Edited by Wedge009 on 06-15-2001 at 00:13]