Knife fight

Considering how Blair suddenly became imbued with the Force, ops, became a Pilgrim with special time-space powers and marine boarding training... He'd have killed Seether with a force choke, ops, pilgrim nasty stare.

My favorite part of Star Wars was when Yoda taught Luke to be really good at math.
Bandit LOAF said:
My favorite part of Star Wars was when Yoda taught Luke to be really good at math.

I'm just glad there are no Pilgrims in the WC games... They are one of the most stupid and un-wing-commanderish things I've ever heard. Hilarious :D .
I think I catch what he's saying.

For me, WC was a rather "non-sci-fi" sci-fi. It was a very basic story that stayed as realistic as possible (with a few exceptions, of course). It never did very much to stray too far into fantasy until the whole Pilgrim thing was thrown in. Suddenly, the character who, before, was just a good pilot simply because he had quick reflexes and good training, becomes some sort of powers-posessing superhero, who flies well because he has some inborn superhuman math skills and such. Kinda took away from the appeal of things, for me.

"Faster than a speeding logarythm!"
That's flawed in two ways, though: Wing Commander isn't remotely realistic (it's 'asteroids' from the first person perspective, with a zany pulp sci fi storyline), and the 'Pilgrim Powers' aren't remotely interesting. The guy who's a great futurespacepilot is especially good at one fairly useless aspect of futurespaceflying! If they hadn't elaborately worked the movies plot around the fact that he'd have to make a crazy jump at the end his "power" would have never come up.
You're suddenly sounding like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man, McGruff
LOAF, I perhaps phrased that incorrectly. Yes, WC is unrealistic in the fact that it's a spaceflying game, where we battle alien cats and do things that are technologically impossibe (at this point in time, at least), and, most likely, physically impossible. Sure. All sci-fi has that going. What I was referring to was more of the fact that it didn't have as much of that fantasy feel that most sci-fi includes. (Obviously, it has to have *some*, but it's more toned down than say StarWars, Andromeda, Babylon 5, or even some Star Trek series)

Not being a very big fan of (what I consider to be) an excessive fantasy element, I really liked that WC was more toned down. Of course, I'm sure you'll probably disagree with me, but, oh well. I'm not a fan of anime, either, oddly enough.
Fenris Ulven said:
most things are possibel, SCIAM says that its possibel to build a time machine to travel BACKWARDS IN TIME, forward in time is easy we are doing it all the time.
Perhaps, yes... but the biggest issue of time travel is this:
You travel back in time, likely you would be in the exact place you were in the time you traveled from... which could be anywhere from in the middle of the earth(instant suntan), to the cold vaccum of space (instant suntan, followed by the "instant weight loss" program... all the water being boiled out of your system... or turned into a chunk of ice.) The earth moves around. Who is to say that you would be relocated to wherever the earth was, even if you could manage time travel? :(