Kilrathi Asteroid in Privateer

Nay, TC, I'm with you and Meson on that.

Originally posted by Zhakrin
I always thought there should be more effect of your actions in Gemini sector... make the galaxy more dynamic.
You have to remember that Privateer is quite an old game, almost 10 years old now. I don't think such variability would be practical in those days, nor what the storywriters wanted.

Originally posted by Aries
I'd demand at least a mil for that.
I have over two million already... and only just finished Lynch's missions. :)

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I mentioned the 'Kilrathi asteroid' to the guys working on Freelancer at Digital Anvil last week... they said they'd learned their lesson and wouldn't have such ambiguous rumors in FL (G)
Hmm, I thought you said that was a not-so-good point in your report.

In any case, most of the bartenders' jabberings seem to be plot related in some way.
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Originally posted by TC
I think I'm the only person in the world who assumed everything non-plot bartenders told you was a rumor and completely useless... I never once tried looking for the Kilrathi Asteroid.

Not even once? Wow, where is your sense of adventure?

I would have loved to see that in Privateer. In any case, even tho it is not there, I still go looking for it! :D

Not much of a *GAME* if there isnt a little fun and adventure.
Originally posted by Quarto
Thank God? Why? Such ambiguous rumours are great, they give you things to look for... and not find ;).

I agree. I think if they do a good job having some of the rumors true and others not it adds a edge of wounder on the game.
I think I never went looking for it because I didn't like the idea of going out with no support (bases) and getting my ship beat all to hell after I spent all that money decking it out.
I went out looking for it personally when I first played Privateer and had my Centurian all decked out. I was racing for my life and those cats couldn't touch me :D
If you want to travel the kilrathi sectors peacefully then don't kill a single Kilrathi (or at least not too many) and you'll be friendly with them. I didn't do this on purpose, I almost jumped when a cat started talking with me peacefully :p A weird game it was, friendly with everyone but pirates and retros.

Originally posted by Zhakrin
If you want to travel the kilrathi sectors peacefully then don't kill a single Kilrathi (or at least not too many) and you'll be friendly with them. I didn't do this on purpose, I almost jumped when a cat started talking with me peacefully :p A weird game it was, friendly with everyone but pirates and retros.


Yeah that works. You can also get the Confeds pissed off at ya by killing alot of there own ships and the Kilrathi will "love" you for it.

But your way Zhak, is alot more safer :D
or you could just slap on invincibility and go after everyone!!!:D:D

(i did that once. warning: if you do it, be prepared for hour long flights to someplace that should only take you a couple minutes.)
Originally posted by Aries
or you could just slap on invincibility and go after everyone!!!:D:D

(i did that once. warning: if you do it, be prepared for hour long flights to someplace that should only take you a couple minutes.) [

Surves you right to cheat! :D
I had already beaten the game several times before i tried that. and it wasn't the cheating. it was everyone wanting to kill me. i couldn't just let them live, i had to properly dispose of them :D. and is there anyone who hasn't used that cheat at least once? didn't think so.

(and anyway, it's only cheating if you get caught, and even then it's still not cheating. it's useing every advantage availiable:D:D)
Yeah, sometimes invincibility is the only way to get every last flaming cat and stay alive in the asteroids.

But hey, what do you mean by long hour flights?
I think I afterburned through the asteroid fields. You had to do violent circles with the joystick, but usually you didn't crash. It was useful for the missions prior to the steltek base, where there are lots of asteroids and Kilrathi. I don't remember using invencibility; correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't invencibility invalidate the mission you were on? That would only make it usefull for exploring :)
Originally posted by Aries
...(and anyway, it's only cheating if you get caught, and even then it's still not cheating. it's useing every advantage availiable:D:D)
...a true Bill Clinton wannabe...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Wedge009
Yeah, sometimes invincibility is the only way to get every last flaming cat and stay alive in the asteroids.

But hey, what do you mean by long hour flights?

hell yeah. and i mean hour long flights cause if you are fighting everyone, you're gonna run into someone who doesn't like you, more like several people who don't like you. and run into several groups of several people who don't like you. and if you are like me (meaning you don't run unless a big green egg shooting green shit is running after you) it will take some time to properly dispose of those several groups composed of several people who don't like you.

Originally posted by Zhakrin
I don't remember using invencibility; correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't invencibility invalidate the mission you were on? That would only make it usefull for exploring

no, you can complete the missions, you just don't get paid

Originally posted by Preacher
...a true Bill Clinton wannabe...

hell no. i hate clinton. he was one of the worst to ever hold the office of President of the United States. and whats worse, he didn't do a damn thing, except what Hiliary told him to do.
Originally posted by Stryker
Ovouslly a studient of Clinton's way of life :D

Unfortunately, we were all students of his way of life, in that the American culture was his classroom. The only way to have escaped that was to hide under a rock. :p