Here's a Kat bar, Spirit


What part of
Forlarren said:
what about "continuity puritan"? Hard to type and spell (for us speeling imppared) but moderatly accurate and (hopefully) not derogatory.
confused you? (emphasis mine)

Like I said in the other thread, are you taking crazy pills?
Like I said in the other thread, are you taking crazy pills?

What a clever, mature and original response that's not at all purposed to avoid any sort of actual debate.

Saying "I hope this doesn't offend anyone" does not in any way prevent a concept from being offensive. "I'm going to call everyone I don't like Nazis... but I don't mean to offend them. *WINK*!". Even if it's not your intention to do something dumb, creating the division in the first place is wrong.
nothing about it confused me. it's just that it seems only crazy linux people have to divide things into sects or sub-groups, or anything like that. really, it's dumb.
It's just a very generic way to escape intelligent debate. When you label one group as X and the other as Y, you take away chances for valuable contributions.

Oh, BradMick liked the Wing Commander movie? Well, then, his 3D rendering can't be very good!

It's a silly shorthand that should be avoided at all costs.
*shakes head in complete disbelief*

@ Bandit: I dont even know where to start. So I am not going to.

@ Brad: "only crazy linux people have to divide things..." ROTFLMAO whats even funnier is you have no idea why that is funny in the first place. Here is a hint *cough* hypocrite *cough*. Let me know if you figure it out.

I'm the only crazy one around here. :P

Please take it to the Official Fight Thread :) so we keep the rest of the board clean for actual work.

Now, more seriously:

"Retro" and "AWACS" generated as quasi-derogatory terms which were supposed to be a JOKE, much like "Autobots" and "Decepticons" started off as derogatory terms one faction would use to refer to the other. Take it with a bit of irony please... I've since stopped using those terms because someone was taking actual offence.

I don't know if there are two sides or how many... there's probably a side for every kitty who ever played WC. I for one didn't much like WCP (nifty game, just nothing to do with wing commander) and thought that Priv 2 had nothing to do with the franchise (which is something that even EA design docs admit) and thought that the only nice thing about the movie was the eye candy. This said, will we end up putting Bug ships in the game? Probably. Will we end up having the Tri System in the game (although in a less developed form)? Something like that. Will we have movie related stuff? Maybe (Just please do NOT replace the game Tiger's Claw... please....). Right now we're sort of building a SDK. Then people who create plots will do something like

import VS
AllowAutogenNephs = "true"

as part of their storyline.

I'm VERY sure that this project will fork, that always happens, just in the meantime, can we work on the stuff that we all agree about?
yeah, i'm not an idiot Forlarran. heheh, yeah, i used an example in my little tirade. Pretty fucking retarded using labels eh? so quit trying to come up with them.
I don't know if there are two sides or how many... there's probably a side for every kitty who ever played WC. I for one didn't much like WCP (nifty game, just nothing to do with wing commander) and thought that Priv 2 had nothing to do with the franchise (which is something that even EA design docs admit) and thought that the only nice thing about the movie was the eye candy. This said, will we end up putting Bug ships in the game? Probably. Will we end up having the Tri System in the game (although in a less developed form)? Something like that. Will we have movie related stuff? Maybe (Just please do NOT replace the game Tiger's Claw... please....). Right now we're sort of building a SDK. Then people who create plots will do something like

Wow, neat, you have some Privateer 2 design docs? Contact me offlist -- I'm working on scanning things for the CIC Archive and would love to add some additional Darkening material. Since everything I've ever seen contradicts what you just claimed, it should be an interesting read. It sounds like they'd be an interesting contrast to the original "Privateer 2: Darkside" proposal.

And no, Wing Commander fandom doesn't devolve into "sides". We are, in general, smarter than that. No wingnut will hold a grudge against my ability to debate things intelligently because I disagree with their opinion of the Wing Commander movie.
I don't have design docs other than the ones you gave me, however, the Priv 3 design stuff (which I'm studying) states that veering Priv 2 off from the main story arc was a mistake, and they made its story too linear.
That's not really the same thing as being a different universe -- Privateer 2 very clearly followed a different main character.
Forlarren said:
I apologize Dan. I do feel that the Kilrathi should be treated very carefully. Its one of the things that a (umm anyone have a better term than retro, and no I am not trying to start that argument over again) puritan (?) should have the final word on. It seems that the entire forum is drawing lines and getting a little emotional when it would do a little good to take a step back and a deap breath (my self espically).

Hey, no need to apologize; I'm an engineer, not an artist, and I'm just doing some quick and dirty work so that we can land on kilrathi bases without crashing. I like my kittens, but I'm not attached to them. I'll try to do kilrathi-like kilrathi, eventually, unless somebody beats me to it, but for now I'm on a roll. So, I guess I am apologizing...
Forlarren said:
Well I looked and found nothing intrinsically "retarded" about labels or labeling.

... what about what I just explained? About people using labels as a way to get out of having to have intelligent debates, or to assosciate one idea with another when they're not related?
I think that your average Kilrathi is bigger than your average human... I mean look at Hobbes, he can probably see eye to eye with Shaquille O'Neal.
Thanks. Similarly, you can take k_hirank.png and throw it into privater/sprites/bases/fixers, rename confed.png, then rename k_hirank.png to confed.png.
..go in privater/sprites/bases/mining_base/btr.ani, renaming btr00000.png, etceteras, and removing the k's in front of my filenames.
Finally, throw
into privater/sprites/bases/bar; rename MiningBase_Bar.png, then rename KMiningBase_Bar.png removing the K in front.
All regular mining bases will now look like kilrathi bases, so you won't have to fly across the galaxy to see the work in progress.
here's another rough sketch, this time a quickie figure study of a kilrathi and human 'hero' characters. man, the more i look at this the more i realize i need to get my figure drawing skills up :(


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