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I think you have to multiply the YPR stats from Wc1/2 etc.. with 10 to get the real number. Thus, the Hornet should be able to outmaneuver a Tbolt.

But I very rarely had serious problems with agile Kilrathi fighters in WC3.
Although that ten number is suspect (I think Mark Minasi made it up), it's essentially true -- you can't argue that a Hornet is less maneuverable than a Thunderbolt just because of the Y/P/R numbers... they were very oddly done in the first two games (clearly the fighters move far quicker than a few DPS...).
Originally posted by Wulf
I agree about the Hellcat, but the T-Bolt moves like a Gratha from wc1; it is just SO unmaneuverable. I could easily kill one with a Hornet, LOL!

I believe you're thinking of Longbows. Thunderbolts got some definite kick in them, along with a killer gun loadout. The Excalibur nonwithstanding, it's probably the best fighter in WC3 (but the missile loadout stinks).
Originally posted by Unforgiven
Question LOAF:
Do you play all the games with a notebook handy to write this stuff down?:D

Man, I'd pay good money for a copy of LOAF's "Handy Dandy Notebook" for WC :p
When you need a torpedo and the Excal doesn't carry one (normally).
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