Help Wanted

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Vice Admiral
Hi there WC pros. I am posting this to get some WCIV survival tips.

I have been playing WC4 on Rookie for a while now because I find Veteran and Ace way too hard. Too many missiles, and I either run out of decoys, or out of afterburner fuel. Or both.

What are some survival tips to keep me from dying six times a mission on the Ace setting? I fly on Ace in 3 and WCP, so I want to be consistent. Any help you guys give will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.
I can't give you really much help, except those basic rules, like "try to kill your enemies quickly" and be "economical with your decoys" (until you get the Dragon).
I don't really had a special tactic or so that differed greatly from the other WC games. It's just harder. Sorry... :)
A few things:

First, the best defense against missiles is a good offense. Since missiles are so powerfull in WC4 (leeeches are a one shot kill, and IRs have a 50/50 chance of killing with the first shot) use your missiles to take a couple of enemies out at the start of the dogfight. That very quickly cuts down the number of missiles salvoed at you.

Second, missiles *can* be beaten even after you run out of decoys and fuel. Go full throttle, away from the missile, and keep turning constantly. As long as the missile light is on, make dodging the missile your first priority, and worry about chasing the enemy fighters after.

Third, don't let the Banshee lovers fool you. The instant you get to the Border Worlds. start learning how to get the best out of the Vindicator. :p It's best to learn one fighter and stick with it as much as you can, and the Vin is the most adaptable of the lot. It turns a heck of lot better than the Avenger, and its got more decoys than the Banshee. Its torpedoes and atmospheric abilities mean that you can fly it on just about every mission, while its stormfires are perfect for both wasting fighters quickly and for chasing down CSMs.

Best, Raptor
Hell yes, the Vindicator is the definition of an excellent multi-role fighter. I only find Banshees to be good during some "special" missions, like capturing those Bearcats. I needed all the agility I could muster for that.
Originally posted by Raptor
...while its stormfires are perfect for both wasting fighters quickly and for chasing down CSMs.

Best, Raptor

CSM = Cigarettte Smoking Men?...:D
thanks for the tips, guys. :)

One thing I must put here (mostly to remind myself) is NOT to chase enemies too closely! They tend to pull the full stop manuever... you'll be firing like hell, and they'll come to a stop. I don't know if it's because you damage their engines (doubtful, since I've never been able to damage components on an enemy fighter), or because they're just annoying like that.
Power settings! It always helps to tweak your power settings to you liking. If I remember correctly I liked to take out the banshees and give them a bit more power to the guns. The leech gun tends to be a damn fine tool. Finally on missions with cap ships load up a banshee with dumbfires press b and take them out with one click :D .
Hmm, I must be the only one who likes the Avenger. I'm really disappointed when I'm forced to fly the Vindicator in Circe. :(
Oh, don't get me wrong, Wedge. The Avenger is a fine vessel. It's got a great set of... ahem... guns... and, it's especially useful in the Pelius missions. I just prefer the Vindicator. :)
Originally posted by Wedge009
Hmm, I must be the only one who likes the Avenger. I'm really disappointed when I'm forced to fly the Vindicator in Circe. :(

You're not the only Avenger fan. The Vindicator just doesn't feel right to me.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Hmm, I must be the only one who likes the Avenger. I'm really disappointed when I'm forced to fly the Vindicator in Circe. :(

Well, when flying atmospheric missions, it makes sense to take an atmosphere capable fighter. Though that's not to say an Avenger can't enter the atmosphere. It can probably go atmospheric just like any warship can be a sumbmarine....which is to say, only once. :p

Best, Raptor
The restriction on which fighters can be used in an atmosphere in WCIV is probably more related to the fact that they had to limit the number of rendered planetary scenes in the game rather than whether fighters are atmosphere capable or not.

Certainly we see an Avenger land on Karnes' planetoid in WCA...

(And we see a clearly atmospheric Longbow in WCA... and in WC3 only the Excalibur can be chosen for planetary missions, where WC4 shows that the Hellcat is certainly atmosphere capable... and so forth...)
Raptor: There's also the fact that the fighters in the novels not only fight in the atmosphere (End Run, Price of Freedom, and briefly in Heart of the Tiger) but that many can launch and make it to space without breaking up.
That's odd to me... that the novels, movie and cartoon are being tied into the games. Well, are they? I don't see anyone talking like the cartoons can be consistent with the games, but hey... oh well, I just think it would be better to say that the games, movie and novels are of their own different 'universes', but that's just me.

Anyway, given a choice, I'd rather take a Vindicator over an Avenger. Avengers are too slow for me, and I need a quick ship. Granted, I could zip about in a Banshee, but Vindicators have more shields and armor.
You need to lissen to LOAF. He can tie anything in WC to something else. The cartoons, the novels, the games, the movie and even the strategy guides are all canon and are all legit information sources. They're all connected.
Since the talk seems to be heading to "what is canon?" again, I'll use the chance to ask some questions about things where the movie and WC1 *seem* not to fit to another:

When Blair and Maniac arrive on the Claw, Bossman is already dead.

Paladin is not on the "official" flight roster of the claw, and the entire movie "handles" him as if he never was pilot on the claw

I doubt that "outside the movie" Paladin was already working undercover in 2654

Don't get my wrong, I don't want to say that the movie is not canon at all, but it just doesn't fit at all to the novels and games, while the novels and games fit to each other
Bossman was either mistakenly pronounced dead (his body wasn't recovered), or he was pronounced dead as an attempt to protect his friends and/or family from the news that he had been captured. He later found his way back to the claw when he was liberated from captivity, or found his way back from wherever he ended up.

Paladin is somewhat easily explainable. He was always an operative. He worked for intel before the WC Movie, through WC1 and 2, onward until he got involved with politics. This includes his stint as a pilot during WC1.

These are of course somewhat logical explanations that fit things together, this is in no way official.

He was a pilot earlier, too -- they mention that he'd served on the 'Claw at Custer's Carnival in the novel.
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