Engine Flame Red or Blue?

Which engine exhaust is better?

  • Blue-White Exhaust?

    Votes: 38 90.5%
  • Orange-White Exhaust?

    Votes: 4 9.5%

  • Total voters
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Cripes man, the second one nearly made me wet myself... err or not. But damn that looks good. I just wish they wouldn't have purposely blurred it.
Originally posted by CamW
Does THIS look good for blue flame? :D


Cool, but I'm still holdin' out for green flames...:)
Green flames are a good idea. That would mean we'd know who Preacher was and I could shoot him down on a whim. :)
Originally posted by LeHah
Green flames are a good idea. That would mean we'd know who Preacher was and I could shoot him down on a whim.
Well, my (p)ugly comrade, that assumes that you'd live long enough to accomplish such a feat, which is a very long shot indeed (esp. if you *fly* anything like the way you *write*)...

Son, your ego's writing checks your body can't cash.... :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Wedge009
Why green? I don't think that would look right.
It ain't about how right it looks, it's about how *cool* it looks... ;)

Case in point: If we can tolerate a "Screamin' Stogie" for a space fighter (WCM Rapier), then green flames ain't no thang...
:: smirk ::

One more cliche and you'd have written an episode of "Growing Pains", you intellectually-inane boob. (I mean that in the nicest sense possible of course!)

To quote a personal hero of mine, Alex DeLarge, "I'll scrap anytime you say..." :cool:

All I meant was that a green flame would mean you'd have to be burning an interesting fuel mixture in your engines. Going by WCP's system of blue flames for Confed craft, red flames for Kilrathi, on the surface it would appear to people that green flames apply to the Nephilim (despite the fact that Nephilim fighters don't have exhaust flames!). Interesting that most, if not all, capships have yellow exhausts.
Originally posted by Preacher

Cool, but I'm still holdin' out for green flames...:)

Hmm, what?


Short of a full re-render, I cooked this up kinda quick to show a rather rough around the edges look at the vamp with green flames. Cam, dude, if you don't like me mauling your render like this, it IS your intellectual property after all (err sort of), so if you'd like me to trash this file, I'll be more than glad to do so immediately.
Originally posted by NoRemorse
Just imagine that are no explosion, no flame in space... yes, no air, no flame... :(

We call them flames, more properly they are exhaust plumes... besides, there could still be a potential combustion going on internally and what you see is the venting of that combustion...
Hey Antix, I don't mind ya doin' that with my pic, just next time it would be wiser to ask permission first. :D

At least now we know just how ugly green flames are for fighters. :D
Originally posted by Wedge009
Interesting that most, if not all, capships have yellow exhausts.

The WC novel cover for Fleet Action has orange/yellow on the big Kilrathi capships kicking the Earth's butt. End Run has Blue white on the Dralthi on the cover. The mystery ship :) on the cover of Freedom Flight goes with the Orange look. The only time I ever saw Green flame was on the Aramada box.