

It was really just the frustration of not knowing I was couldn't win. The first few times, I didn't last long enough to get to the dread. Then, I figured I had to kill the Dread to win. By the time I managed to kill it (twice) and then keep fighting for another few hundred ships, I'd spent forever on that damn mission.
Then, after I'd figured out I'd actually screwed up somewhere back aways, I had to go back and find out where :(

At least I got to spit in Thrak's eye a couple of times.
I always hated the losing end game. But at least Blair makes his end worth looking. That "screw you" sounds so good...
Argh! I cannot stop myself this time... I must point out this spelling mistake!


Dammit, is that really so difficult? Why do people keep getting it wrong?
Would you not count the Hha'ifra from WCII as a dreadnought?
It is Thrakhath's flagship after all.
And the Agon Ra Sivar (or whatever it is spelled) from WCATV?

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 02-23-2001 at 08:53]
Well I counted it as a dreadnought, so every WC game has its own Kilrathi dreadnought, but I have no proof for it. I think she is the most beautiful Kilrathi ship of the entire series and the music that is played when it appears in cutscenes, hah those were the days :).
Originally posted by redwolf
Yes it was quite good...

And btw the Dreads are not Hakaga's the Hakaga's were super carriers that looked like Ralari's but with hangars

Where did you see a pic of it? I'm interested!
Try the Fleet Action cover
Originally posted by Dragon
Yes the Snakier in the game is the first "true" Carrier that the Kilrathi start to use,
No it's not... We know form some sources (AS most notably) that the Kilrathi had "true" carriers way before the Snakiers...
Originally posted by Ghost
How many Dreadnought class are, if there is more than one, like the two destroyers in Wc3.

9 classes of dreadnoughts known.

Behemoth class Dreadnought [WC3]
Confederation class Dreadnought [WC2]
Yackyard class Dreadnought [P2]
Agan Ra Sivar class Dreadnought [WCA]
Hvar'kann class Dreadnought [WC3]
Hha'ifra class Dreadnought [WC2]
Sivar class Dreadnought [WCM]
Sivar class Dreadnought [SM1]
Tiamat class Dreadnought [WCP]

(And the Snakeir SuperDreadnought, if it counts).
it doesn't look like a snake... lol

but the dreadnought of the cats far longer then the bugs have. but does that mean they are better ? and what are those red "lights" at the end of each "tentacle" of a cat dreadnought (what you see in wc3 after your ship is tractored in) ?
They're some sort of large battery -- probably PTCs. The bug ships have large un-simulated weaponry in their forward prods, too.

And no, being bigger doesn't make the Kat dreadnought better (G)
Since the PTC was originally a Kilrathi weapon, I see no reason why they wouldn't be using it Dragon. There may have been more WC1 Sivars made, all of the with PTC's (or whatever the cats called them).
Yes but the PTC is a modified weapon from the sivar dreadnought, besides remenber that the base that developed that sivar weapon was destroyed, since the sivar was still under experiment its quite possible that all imformation that the Kilrathi had about the sivar weapon was lost.
Besides the PTC does have that little problem of overheating and take the ship along with it if it blow ups.
Those problems could have made the Kilrathi from never try to make sivars again.(and that would take some time, since the imformation was destroyed)
Correction, the Confed PTC has a problem with blowing up the ship, which could very well be a result of Confed engineers trying to build the weapon using the one from the wrecked Sivar as instructions... As for the information, I don't see why it would be only in that base. I'd figure Thrak would want that info somewhere on Kilrah...
Reading al this, all ConFed's bigger weapons seem to have problems. The PTC, the Behemoth and the Midway's plasma (wich also could take the ship with it in an overload).