Colonel Halcyon


Does anyone have a picture of the good Colonel doing his thing in the breifing room that they could post? Thanks

BTW, is that even how you spell Halcyon?
Yes, that is how you spell Halcyon. :) The next time I load up WC, I'll try ta get his pic fer you.
D'oh! Dont say that! He was a Wing COmmander not a CAG. You get people mad at you saying stuff like that.:)
Originally posted by NoRemorse
yore right Supdon; he is a WCO...

Maybe I am stupid, but what is the difference? I mean he is the commander of the flying group, right?

I'd be grateful for an explanation...
Here goes, Halcyon was commander of the Wing on the Claw which there was only one. It consisted of all 104 fighters made up of different squadrons. On the Midway the Cag was in charge of ALL the wings, which there were a couple. Im not sure if those wings each had a Wing Commander or not, but because Commander Drake was in charge of multiple wings, shes a CAG.
Originally posted by Supdon3
Here goes, Halcyon was commander of the Wing on the Claw which there was only one. It consisted of all 104 fighters made up of different squadrons. On the Midway the Cag was in charge of ALL the wings, which there were a couple. Im not sure if those wings each had a Wing Commander or not, but because Commander Drake was in charge of multiple wings, shes a CAG.

OK that explains it to me, thank you. (or to be honest, I still don't understand what the difference is, I have to look into a dictonary to get the German words for it, such as "Geschwader" , "Staffel" and "Flügel", as I do not know which is what in English... But thank you anyway!)
I suppose he must have been a pilot once. But I guess it's impossible to find time to fly, when you've got 104 fighters to manage. A lot different to Blair's 40 fighters in WC3 :).