
The only designations seen in WC are CVE (all escort carriers), CVX (Midway class ships), CVA (Heavy Attack Carriers), CVS (Dreadnoughts) and CV (everything else).
Why would CVS be a dreadnought? And why do dreadnoughts carry fighters? And why am I writing this? Sorry, I always considered a dreadnought akin to a battlewagon, a la Action Stations...
Raptor: That's good isn't it. If the bugs have stuff bigger than the Tiamat, it doesn't matter since they can't get it through the wormhole and at us.

Bob McDob: Well a dreadnought is the biggest of the big. Considering the prevalence of fighter capabilities it makes sense that ship designers would find some way of equipping a dreadnought with fighters.
The bugs apparently designed Tiamat so it could go through such tunnels -- presumably, anything larger would be able to, too. <G>

I don't know why CVS stands for dreadnought -- the real designation means anti-sub carrier... I suppose it's because it can hunt for other capships.

ANyway, in WC, dreadnoughts are like battleships that also have either fighters or some amazing weapon.
like the sivar, i bet you have a tougher time fighting a dorkir then blowingup the sivar, its so tiny :)
going waaaaay back...

Originally posted by Penguin
AzraeL & Dak: But that defeats the purpose of the game. Fun. Can you honestly tell me that flying through the wormhole and not ending up in the bugs' homespace is more fun than getting a look at that massive fleet Dekker was talking about?

I was talking about not being able to get through the wormhole at all actually. But yes, a cut-scene to see the alien fleet briefly before you get totally trashed would be so cool.

Back to the big ships, how long before someone brings up the subject of Deathstars again? Special weapons, fighters, armoured to hell...
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Nah -- Dorkirs are incredibly easy to kill... <G>
Not as much as Draymans... :)

You realise how hard it is to protect those things on escort missions :mad:, when you see how easily you can blow up the captured Drayman in... SM1 (IIRC)...
I'm pretty sure the Dorkirs are an easier kill than the Draymanses... especially with the WC1 Kilrathi strategy of keeping all their armor up front (and, apparently, loading all their transports with oily rags...).
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
The only designations seen in WC are CVE (all escort carriers), CVX (Midway class ships), CVA (Heavy Attack Carriers), CVS (Dreadnoughts) and CV (everything else).

Why did you tell the guy from WC Invasion that the Midway's designation was "CMX"? I asked him about it (after informing him of his immense wrongness :)), and he said it was part of a list that LOAF gave him... just curious.
I can only assume so, but unfortunately, now the Invasion MOD is going to have a typoed Midway :(
its not like its the end of the world, look at that game with 'all your base are belong to us' it turned out pretty funny :D
on Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun, the NOD voice over guy says "Constructure complete" :)

Oh, and on WC IV, when you get a message from the Admiral (NOT Tolwyn) or Eisen from the St. Helens, it says "Ingoming Communication" :)

[Edited by Mav23 on 06-04-2001 at 22:03]
I've been replaying the StarLancer trial version over and over again for about the fiftieth time now, but I'll be getting some money for graduation, so I can FINALLY get the full game :)
Originally posted by Mav23
Oh, and on WC IV, when you get a message from the Admiral (NOT Tolwyn) or Eisen from the St. Helens, it says "Ingoming Communication" :)
No, no it doesn't. I just played that movie (ripped from the game) to check. What you have is a line from the map in the background showing through such that the 'C' might, at a glance, appear to be a 'G'. But more than a casual glance reveals it to be correct.
oh, yes, you're quite correct, Maybe they should of used a different color for the "Incoming Communication" text :)