Arrow 3D model

If you are still working on this, I would suggest making the bump map more subtle. It will give you a more realistic appearance. I also suggest putting some dirt/weathering on the textures. You might try referring to a site like for some tips on weathering. Those scale modelers are nuts about weathering, and you can pick up a lot of useful ideas that translate pretty well over to a digital medium.
@Magnum: yeah, thats what we were telling him for some time, to make it dirty :D Thank you for that link, I find it very usefull! Good examples for everyone.

@Kilrah: I'v been doing the "dusting", but without the ship modell I can't really test it. I'll try to apply the map to my arrow modell, just to get a fell of it, and post a render here.
oh, and one more tip: try useing at least 3 different colored omnis for lighting the scene! Place them around like 3 suns. White, red-yellow, blue-purple for example. Look at my render above, and you'll spot the lighting.
Oh, well, it seems like the modell I'm useing differs so much that it's almost useless. Anyway, here's the render of the new texture on my modell. Most of the detail gets lost cause of modell differences. I'll keep doing it then post it to you, sometime at the end of the week. Sorry but I got lots of things to do at the university, so can't do it earlier.


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@Maj. Striker

I agree with you 100%. :)


As you probably know lorddarthvik as kindly offered help in the dirt/weathering department. :)


Although your model differs from mine, it’s obvious that your new texture works very well. Good job. :)
Do you want me to send my model so that you can test it properly?
It would be much easier and faster if I could use the modell as well. If you't working with Max6 or later, than I can't use the modell. Maybe if you export it to mesh, than I can with my Max5, but still not sure.

Btw, did you know that you can make anything look more "realistic" with some more motion blur? :D
Oh, and forgot to mention: your texures are really great to work with, with the layers and nameing and such! learned a lot from it :D Thanx


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lorddarthvik said:
It would be much easier and faster if I could use the modell as well. If you't working with Max6 or later, than I can't use the modell. Maybe if you export it to mesh, than I can with my Max5, but still not sure.
I’ll try that.
lorddarthvik said:
Btw, did you know that you can make anything look more "realistic" with some more motion blur? :D
“Motion blur”, right, got that. :D I don’t know if you have seen it but I’ve tried some of that in one of my wallpapers. :)
lorddarthvik said:
Oh, and forgot to mention: your texures are really great to work with, with the layers and nameing and such! learned a lot from it :D Thanx
I’m very glad they were useful. And surprised that you have learned a lot from it.

Now two questions:
Could you send the textures to me so that I can try it as well?
And could you give some kind of clue on how do you did to create those engine trails?
lorddarthvik said:
Btw, did you know that you can make anything look more "realistic" with some more motion blur? :D
Hehe, including scenes where nothing (not even the camera) is moving? :p
I'v seen you tried the mo-blur, not bad :D Just a lot deends on the renderer wich makes it. The picture above was made with VRay, I like it's blurring better than default max.
Engine trails: That of course post worked in photopaint (not PS! ps sux when you need to skecth something like this fast). I just draw lots of soft white lines then blue lines on them to create the "flame" then applied motion blur effect. It was on a layer below the ships, but then I had to move em up. So I erased the unneded parts. I gave it a little transparency curve. It all took about 2 minutes. Just do it a few times for practice, then you'll get the hang of it.

The textures: I'll post em as soon as I finished em. I only need to apply the same "dirt" to the whole map.

Btw, I didn't finish cause I took some time and made some textures for my Longbow. See my Creat Anim. thread here.
Okay, received your modell. Here's how it look with the half ready weathering of the texture: (there is some artifacting cause useing the same map as bumpmap)
Heh, thanx, but it was 99% your work there that made it look so good. I only messed the texture :D
I made a render for fun, with the material a "bit" more shiny :D The chhrome/polished alu arrow :D
I wasn't till I tried myself. Sometimes, it's a good little additon, but these days in movies and games, it's very over used, and overdone.
In moveis it helps to hide the lowdetailed/full-of-error kind scenes, like big battles with thousands of CG soldiers. They just drop in a little bit of mo-blur for the very fast camera movement, and you can't see anything more then a blur of colors, so you can't notice that every 2nd soldier uses the same modell, and has some arms and legs sticking through rocks and each other. (like in LotR)

Hehehe, really shiny. :D

@Maj. Striker

I think that motion blur is something useful in some situations, and not just to hide errors. But I can think of some images seen around here that don’t have it and don’t need it, for example your wallpaper with the Raptors. I love that image; it’s a great “still” image of a beautiful model in a nice environment.
A little bit off-topic: here's a little post about the xB-70 Valkyre, and on the same page, the F-108 RAPIER !
There is only one small drawing of the plane from to view, but it deffinetly looks like the wing shape of a rapier, and wiht the dual vertial fins it's very close to the WC ship. If I would have to find a source for the rapier, then this is deffinetly the best (so far).
It does have similarities, but being a two-seat aircraft it would certainly be bigger than the WC Rapier. The drawing shows an interesting shape, would it have been done and I think it would have a nice design.
Ok, I’m back from a small vacation and here are a few experiments I did with the Arrow. Hope you like it. BTW, thanks for the news.:)
