Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds



Brazilian Rain Forest
Ascilotriptostolene is discovered in the Brazilian rain forest. The forest is later eliminated.
[Victory Streak]


Malacreaux's Bite
The biological agent known as Malacreaux's Bite destroys the Io colony.
[Secret Ops Online Fiction]


First Kilrathi Encounter
During exploration of the Vega Sector on 2629.105 (Orbit 151, Sun Year 5105 Kilrathi date), the TCS Iason encounters a craft of unknown origin. This craft is later discovered as being the KIS K'rath'kan. Commander Jedora Andropolos, commander of the Iason transmits an international wide-band, non-verbal greeting to the unknown craft, keeping guns off-line. Detecting the wide-band radiation produced when the Iason transmits, the K'rath'kan believes that the radiation is an attempt to disable Kilrathi shields. When the Iason fails to leave the area after twenty minutes, Brath'kar nar Caxki, commander of the K'rath'kan orders the ship to open fire destroying the Iason and all hands.
[Voices of War]


Kilrathi High Command
The Kilrathi High Command rejected attempts to meet the Confederation. A strict non-aggression policy was enforced by the Terran Confederation Congress. The Kilrathi are warned that future transgressions would lead to military reprisals.
[Victory Streak]


Terran Confederation Congress
The TCC voted unanimously to enforce a non-agression policy with the Kilrathi and threaten military reprisals if it was broken.
[Victory Streak]


Declaration of War
The Anna Magdelena, ferrying orphans to Dieno, is attacked by a pair of Kilrathi fighters. All hands are lost. In retaliation for this and the five-year string of equally heinous abuses of all known laws of civility, the Terran Confederation officially declares war on the Empire of Kilrah for countless acts of piracy and unwarranted assault.
[Victory Streak]


McAuliffe attack signal
Confederation cryptographer Ches M. Penney partially decodes a Kilrathi message which refers to a strike against the Confederation, starting with an attack on the colony on McAuliffe and the station in orbit around it, Alexandria. Confederation High Command sends a fleet twice the size of the expected enemy fleet to defend McAuliffe.
[Wing Commander]


McAuliffe attack
A Kilrathi fleet attacks McAuliffe and wipes out the defending Terran fleet using their new shield-piercing torpedoes and fighter based doctrine to decimate the Confederation forces. Despite the Confederation deploying a fleet twice the size of the estimated enemy fleet, the incomplete translation of the partially decoded signal means that the enemy fleet is actually quadruple the expected size. The battle lasts four days. The Kilrathi take more damage than they expected during the battle forcing them to turn back and regroup after the offensive.
[Voices of War]

TCS Coral Sea
TCS Coral Sea was destroyed by fighter based shield-piercing torpedoes, shortly after managing to disconnect from Alexandria base at McAuliffe.
[Action Stations]

TCS Belarus
TCS Belarus exploded after having its outer hull ruptured by a collision with the falling skyhook at McAuliffe
[Action Stations]


Battle of McAuliffe
Fighters and bombers from the Concordia the Ark Royal launch on a counter-attack against Kilrathi forces at McAuliffe. Concordia's forces feign at a carrier, then break off, loop McAuliffe and attack the Kilrathi transports and landing craft, while Ark Royal's forces engage the originally targetted Carrier. Once Ark Royal's bombers have struck the carrier, they loop around the planet and form the second wave of the attack against the Kilrathi transports and LCs. There is only time for one sweep, and the confed forces can't slow down because they need the velocity to loop back out and make it to rendezvous with the carriers. Missiles are to be under complete computer control, taking care of target acquisition and firing. Pilots are to control the guns
[Action Stations]

Ratha, ejecting after his ship was destroyed by Vance Richards, kills himself by removing his helmet, so he would not be shamed by being defeated and left alive. Instead of taking Tolwyn's wave as a friendly gesture to a fellow warrior, he took it as a mocking insult to his honour
[Action Stations]

2634.236 - 2634.239 

TCS Concordia explodes
The Concordia is abandoned and explodes just before Turner jumps back to McAuliffe.
[Action Stations]


Enyo capture
The Kilrathi occupy the human world of Enyo taking 250,000 humans prisoner. See Enyo engagement.
[Wing Commander]

McAuliffe occupation
Kilrathi forces occupy McAuliffe and take a quarter of a million humans hostage under orbital guns. The Confederation attempts an attack, made difficult by the presence of hostages. The Confederation deploys an attack force consisting mainly of Raptor class fighters equipped with Porcupine mines. The Raptors drop their mines in a region of space near a main jump point. This forces the Kilrathi to avoid the area. While the Kilrathi concentrate on destroying the Raptors, a radio signal detonates all of the mines allowing the Terran fleet to jump in-system. The Terran fleet smashes the orbital guns and enemy ships with minimal loss of life to the colonists. The Kilrathi are forced to retreat, however losses on both sides are about equal.
[Voices of War]


Custer's Carnival
In 2644, Terran ground forces launch an attack on the fortified Kilrathi Kr'azna colony. Unexpected Kilrathi fighter cover causes the ground forces to retreat in their lightly armed transports. Since the transports had little chance against the pursuing heavy Kilrathi warships, the TCS Tiger's Claw attempts to intercept the Kilrathi warships and give the transports time to escape. The Tiger's Claw succeeds in allowing the transport to escape, but suffers heavy losses and damage. The Claw retreats in to Terran space with three quarters of its engines destroyed and half of its pilots injured. Two Gold Stars and numerous other medals are awarded to Tiger's Claw pilots. The Claw itself is forced to spend six months in spacedock repairing.

This action is later given the name Custer's Carnival.
[Voices of War]


All of Ralgha nar Hhallas' hrai and all of Kirha's family are killed when the Confederation raids their homeplanet of Hhallas. The ship they were all on was mistaken for an enemy vessel by a Kilrathi commander. The action was in retaliation for the Kilrathi raids on several Confederation colonies.
[Freedom Flight]


Confed pledges to defend Firekkans from 2653-55, culminating in the Sivar ceremony where the TCS Tiger's Claw, TCS Austin and others must route a massive invading fleet with Thrakhath and his Drakhai. Ralgha nar Hhallas defects during this period. Confederation Marines kill Kilrathi priestesses who land on Firekka for the ceremony.
[Victory Streak]

Ralgha nar Hhallas
Ralgha nar Hhallas joins the rebel movement on Ghorah Khar.
[Freedom Flight]


Battle of Repleetah
When declaration of war reached this backwater planet (took twenty years?), Terran researches went to visit Kilrathi researchers to reaffirm their pursuit of knowledge. Kilrathi wiped out humans in surprise biological attack. Marines engaged in most sustained land-based fighting of the entire war. It was World War I style trench warfare in bio-resistant suits. Back and forth, one side would gain ground one day only to lose it the next. Though an airstrike would end the battle, neither side commits. Ten years later, supply ships stop coming and only a few troops remain. Everyone dies in a last-ditch attack by led Lt Miles D'Arby.
[Victory Streak]


Confederation probe H227 returns to Confed space with data on a new type of alien race with double-helix shaped spacecraft.
[Wing Commander]


Double-Helix announcement
The Committee for Interaction with Alien Intelligences (CIAI) announces contact with a new alien race, which the CIAI refer to as the Double Helix. What is known about the Double Helix is that they are a sentient race possessing space travel technology, though it is unclear if they possess jump technology. They appear to be carbon-based arthropods which communicate through scents and pheramones.
[Wing Commander]


Joan's Fighting Spacecraft supplement
Joan's Fighting Spacecraft supplement is published. The update contains specifications revised specifically for forces in the Vega Sector
[Claw Marks]


Enyo 1
Christopher Blair flies a patrol mission off the Tiger's Claw in a Killer Bees squadron Hornet with Mariko Tanaka.
[Wing Commander]


Enyo 2
Christopher Blair again flies a Hornet with Mariko Tanaka, escorting a Drayman class transport to a jump point.
[Wing Commander]


McAuliffe 1
Christopher Blair flies a Blue Devil squadron Scimitar with James Taggart patrolling McAuliffe system
[Wing Commander]

McAuliffe 2
Christopher Blair flies a Scimitar off the Tiger's Claw with James Taggart again on a mission to destroy an unknown capital ship, which turns out to be a Ralari class destroyer.
[Wing Commander]


McAuliffe 3
Christopher Blair flies a Scimitar with James Taggart to escort a Drayman class ship to the Tiger's Claw. Bhurak Starkiller intercepts the Drayman. Bhurak manages to lure Blair away from the Drayman long enough for the rest of his wing to destroy the Drayman. The Terran Research Colony on McAuliffe falls, and the scientists there are murdered by the Kilrathi.
[Wing Commander]


Gateway 1
James Taggart and Michael Casey fly Hornets off the Tiger's Claw, patrolling the Gateway system.
[Wing Commander]

Gateway 2
James Taggart and Michael Casey launch in Hornets to defend the Tiger's Claw during a scramble.
[Wing Commander]


Gateway 3
James Taggart and Michael Casey fly Hornets and escort a Drayman back to the Tiger's Claw
[Wing Commander]


Gimle 1
Jeanette Devereaux and Mariko Tanaka launch in Raptors off the Tiger's Claw to defend an Exeter class destroyer from attack.
[Wing Commander]

Gimle 2
Jeanette Devereaux and Mariko Tanaka launch in prototype Rapiers on a standard three point patrol around the Tiger's Claw.
[Wing Commander]

Gimle 3
Jeanette Devereaux and Mariko Tanaka launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to attack a couple of wings of Dralthi.
[Wing Commander]

Brimstone 1
Christopher Blair flies a Scimitar off the Tiger's Claw with Todd Marshall, patrolling Brimstone system prior to the Confederation invasion.
[Wing Commander]

Brimstone Assault
A Terran assault on a Kilrathi base in the Brimstone system fails
[Wing Commander]


Brimstone 2
Blair flies a Scimitar with Todd Marshall to escort an Exeter class destroyer back to the Tiger's Claw.
[Wing Commander]


Brimstone 3
Blair flies a Scimitar off the Tiger's Claw with Todd Marshall to destroy a Kilrathi Dorkir class transport.
[Wing Commander]

Chengdu 1
James Taggart and Jeanette Deveraux launch from the Tiger's Claw in Hornets to rescue Valkyrie, a pilot under attack by Krant fighters.
[Wing Commander]

Chengdu 2
James Taggart and Jeanette Deveraux launch from the Tiger's Claw in Hornets to escort an Exeter class destroyer to the Ymir jump point.
[Wing Commander]

Chengdu 3
James Taggart and Jeanette Deveraux launch in Hornets to defend the Tiger's Claw from a wing of six Gratha.
[Wing Commander]


Dakota 1
Blair and Knight launch in Raptors to escort a Drayman hospital ship to a jump point before moving on to a second nav point to escort another Drayman back to the Tiger's Claw
[Wing Commander]

Dakota 2
Blair and Knight fly a three point patrol around the Tiger's Claw in Raptors, encountering and destroying a Ralari class destroyer along the way.
[Wing Commander]

Dakota 3
Blair and Knight launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors on a mission to destroy a couple of Dorkirs.
[Wing Commander]

Port Hedland 1
Blair and Knight launch in Scimitars to escort a Drayman full of dancers for the TCSO show to the Tiger's Claw.
[Wing Commander]

Watson's Outbreak
Colonists in the Dakota system suffer an outbreak of Watson's disease.
[Wing Commander]


Port Hedland 2
Blair and Knight launch from the Tiger's Claw in Scimitars on a four point patrol mission. During the mission they encounter and destroy a new type of Kilrathi cruiser, which Intelligence are calling Fralthi class.
[Wing Commander]

TCSO show
The TCSO (Terran Confederation Service Organization) show takes place aboard the TCS Tiger's Claw. The show includes Zero-G dancers and a holovid of Bob Hope, a comic who retired in the middle of the 22nd century.
[Wing Commander]


Port Hedland 3
Blair and Knight scramble in Scimitars to first defend from Claw from attacking Jalthi, before moving on to Nav 1 to defend an Exeter from Gratha and then finally moving on to Nav 2 to destroy a Fralthi class cruiser.
[Wing Commander]


Kurasawa 1
Blair and Kien Chen launch from the Tiger's Claw in Rapiers on a mission to destroy two Dorkir transports.
[Wing Commander]

Kilrathi comms station
The CSS Suffolk destroys a Kilrathi communications station over Kurasawa IV.
[Wing Commander]


Kurasawa 2
Blair and Kien Chen launch from the Tiger's Claw in Rapiers on a mission to escort a captured Ralari back to the Tiger's Claw.
[Wing Commander]


Kurasawa 3
Blair and Kien Chen launch in Rapiers to escort a badly damaged Exeter class destroyer, the TCS Formidable, back to the Tiger's Claw.
[Wing Commander]


Rostov 1
Blair and Iceman launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors on a four point patrol.
[Wing Commander]

Todd Marshall's Friendly Fire
Todd Marshall accidentally destroys a transport with a heat seeking missile during an escort mission. All fourteen of the transport crew are lost.
[Wing Commander]

Rostov Hairball
Shotglass invents a new drink called the Rostov Hairball.
[Wing Commander]


Hubble's Star 1
Major Puzaki and Lieutenant Shannon fly a three point patrol off the TCS Eagle's Talon in Scimitars in Hubble's Star system to protect the colonists in the system.
[Wing Commander]


Hubble's Star 2
Major Puzaki and Lieutenant Shannon of the TCS Eagle's Talon launch in Scimitars to escort Drayman tankers back to the Talon, which is low on fuel.
[Wing Commander]


Hubble's Star 3
Major Puzaki and Lieutenant Shannon launch in Scimitars from the TCS Eagle's Talon to search and destroy a wing of fighters in an asteroid field, but are required to defend the Talon upon their return.
[Wing Commander]


Rostov 2
Blair and Iceman launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors on a mission to destroy a Ralari class destroyer.
[Wing Commander]

Hell's Kitchen 1
Major Puzaki and Lieutenant Shannon launch from the TCS Eagle's Talon in Scimitars to escort a Drayman full of civilian refugees back to the Talon
[Wing Commander]


Rostov 3
Blair and Iceman launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors on a mission to destroy a large capital ship of an unknown type, which turns out to be a Fralthi.
[Wing Commander]

Hell's Kitchen 2
Major Puzaki and Lieutenant Shannon fly from the TCS Eagle's Talon in Scimitars to investigate Kilrathi forces around a jump point. They encounter a Fralthi cruiser at the jump point. Lieutenant Shannon is killed during the mission.
[Wing Commander]


Hell's Kitchen 3
Major Puzaki and Captain Reynolds Carpenter launch from the TCS Eagle's Talon on a mission to escort an Exeter class destroyer back to the Eagle's Talon.
[Wing Commander]

Venice 1
Christopher Blair and Ian St. John fly a four point patrol mission around the Tiger's Claw in Rapiers, encountering and destroying a Ralari.
[Wing Commander]

Kilrathi High Command found
Terran patrols locate the Kilrathi High Command in Vega sector. The patrols are lost, but not before they are able to relay the co-ordinates of the base.
[Victory Streak]


Hell's Kitchen 4
Major Puzaki and Captain Carpenter launch from the TCS Eagle's Talon to eliminate a Ralari destroyer which is attempting to catch the Talon on it's way to the jump point.
[Wing Commander]

Venice 2
Christopher Blair and Ian St. John rendezvous with Rapiers from the TCS Kyoto before proceeding to attack and destroy the main objective, a Fralthi class cruiser. One of the Kyoto pilots is lost when his computer system malfunctions.
[Wing Commander]

Venice 3
Christopher Blair and Ian St. John fly a three point patrol in Rapiers while the TCS Tiger's Claw repositions itself to prepare for an attack on the main Kilrathi base in the system.
[Wing Commander]

Venice 4
Christopher Blair and Ian St. John take off from the TCS Tiger's Claw in Rapiers on a mission to destroy the Kilrathi High Command for Vega Sector, first taking out a Fralthi cruiser along the way. Successful destruction of the command station forces the Kilrathi to retreat from the sector and move their military command back to Kilrah.
[Wing Commander]

TCS Kyoto
The Confed carrier TCS Kyoto, helps the TCS Tiger's Claw in Venice system
[Wing Commander]


Goddard 1
Christopher Blair and Ian St. John launch from the Tiger's Claw in Hornets to defend a Dilligent transport heading for the colony as it prepares to jump. They then escort a Venture class corvette back to the Tiger's Claw.
[Secret Missions 1]

Goddard 2
Christopher Blair and Ian St. John launch from the Tiger's Claw in Hornets to search and destroy any Kilrathi that have remained in the Goddard system.
[Secret Missions 1]

Border Zone 1
Blair and Jeanette Deveraux launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to defend the Tiger's Claw and to destroy all enemies at their Nav point.
[Secret Missions 1]

Goddard attack
The Kilrathi attack the Goddard colony in the Deneb section with a new type of weapon. The colony manages to transmit a distress call, but contact is lost before the extent of the Kilrathi fleet and the extent of the damage is made clear. The TCS Tiger's Claw is ordered to investigate and assist.
[Secret Missions 1]

Investigation crews land on Goddard
Landing crews investigate the Goddard colony. They find that the devasatating attack by the Kilrathi has left no survivors, only wreckage and ruins. A quarter of a million colonists have been killed. The TCS Tiger's Claw is ordered to pursue the Kilrathi weapon in to Kilrathi space and to destroy the weapon.
[Secret Missions 1]


Border Zone 2
Blair and Jeanette Deveraux launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to escort the Sleipnir convoy to a jump point.
[Secret Missions 1]


Midgard 1
Blair and Kien Chen launch from the Tiger's Claw in Scimitars to destroy the TCS Falstaff, a transport carrying classified information that had been captured by the Kilrathi. They then proceed to a second Nav point to destroy a Ralari.
[Secret Missions 1]

Epsilon station attacked
Epsilon station is attacked by the Kilrathi. Spirit's fiancé is one of those taken prisoner.
[Secret Missions 1]


Midgard 2
The Reaver marines manage to capture a Kilrathi Dralthi class fighter intact. Blair and Kien Chen launch from the Tiger's Claw in Scimitars to escort the Dralthi back to the Tiger's Claw.
[Secret Missions 1]

Jotunheim 1
Blair and Spirit launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to locate a Drayman class transport and escort it back to the Tiger's Claw.
[Secret Missions 1]


Jotunheim 2
The Kilrathi set up an ambush for the Tiger's Claw. Blair and Spirit launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to ambush the ambush. Blair's wing manages to destroy a Dorkir communications ship and a Fralthi cruiser.
[Secret Missions 1]


Jotunheim 3
The Tiger's Claw receives a distress call from the TCS Johann, an Exeter class ship. Blair and Kien Chen launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to escort the Johann back to the Tiger's Claw. The Johann turns out to actually be the TCS Gwenhyvar, an Exeter class ship that had been captured by the Kilrathi several years earlier. Blair's wing manages to destroy the captured ship.
[Secret Missions 1]


BiFrost 1
Believing the Kilrathi fleet to be low on fuel and heading towards a supply depot, the Tiger's Claw launches Blair and James Taggart in Raptors to patrol and attempt to locate the depot. During the mission, Blair's wing destroys a Ralari and encounters an unknown capital ship which forces the wing to break off and return.
[Secret Missions 1]


BiFrost 2
Having identified the location of the Kilrathi supply depot in the system, Blair and James Taggart launch from the Tiger's Claw in Scimitars to destroy the depot.
[Secret Missions 1]


BiFrost 3
The Tiger's Claw positions itself in the supply depot's old location in order to intercept any craft coming in for refuelling, unaware of the depot's destruction. Pilots from the Killer Bees squadron manage to capture a Kilrathi courier ship and also identify the ship with the secret weapon. The ship turns out to be a "super-dreadnought" which Confed code-names the Sivar. Meanwhile, Blair and Iceman launch from the Tiger's Claw in Rapiers on a three point patrol mission.
[Secret Missions 1]


Valgard 1
Blair and Iceman launch from the Tiger's Claw in Rapiers on a three point patrol mission to try and locate the Kilrathi fleet.
[Secret Missions 1]


Valgard 2
Blair and Iceman scramble in Rapiers to defend the Tiger's Claw from attacking Kilrathi fighters which were attempting to capture the Claw since the Kilrathi are low on fuel.
[Secret Missions 1]


Vigrid 1
The Tiger's Claw pinpoints the location of the Sivar dreadnought, however there is no time to launch an attack as Blair and Knight are forced to scramble in Rapiers to defend the Claw from incoming fighters and a Ralari.
[Secret Missions 1]

Vigrid 2
Having dealt with the incoming attackers, Blair and Knight land to refuel their Rapiers before launching from the Tiger's Claw to attack the Sivar dreadnought. Despite a large amount of fighter cover, Blair's wing destroys the Sivar. The Kilrathi Emperor orders the execution of the Grand Admiral of the Kilrathi Empire to pay for his failure.
[Secret Missions 1]

Ian St. John wrecks the flight deck
Ian St. John attempts to perform a manual two point touch and go landing just to show off. He manages to snap off one of his laser cannons, break three aerials and terrify the flight deck crew.
[Super Wing Commander]


Tartarus 1
Christopher Blair and Ian St. John fly a mission off the Tiger's Claw in Rapiers to intercept and destroy a Fralthi that is on it's way to the Tartarus system. Blair's wing successfully destroys the Fralthi.
[Super Wing Commander]

Use your ACLS
In light of Ian St. John's manual landing attempt the day before, Colonel Halcyon states that the next pilot to attempt a manual control landing will be scrubbing decks for a week.
[Super Wing Commander]


Firekka 1
Blair and Iceman launch from the Tiger's Claw in Hornets to escort the TCS Perez de Cueller to it's jump point.
[Secret Missions 2]

Ghorah Khar
The rebel council on Ghorah Khar decide to call for help from the Confederation. Ralgha nar Hhallas is to ask them for ships, troops and weapons. As a sign of good will, he is to surrender his Fralthi cruiser, the KIS Ras Nik'hra to the Terrans. They communicate with the Tiger's Claw, who will wait for their arrival in the Firekka System.
[Freedom Flight]


Firekka 2
Blair and Iceman launch from the Tiger's Claw in Hornets to attempt to track down the remnants of a Kilrathi convoy.
[Secret Missions 2]

Kilrathi withdraw from Vega Prime
A Kilrathi strike force withdraws from Vega Prime for no apparent reason, later discovered to be so it could attend the Way of Sivar ceremony on Firekka.
[Secret Missions 2]

Scimitars retired
Scimitar fighters are officially retired
[Secret Missions 2]

Firekka treaty signing
The Tiger's Claw and the TCS Austin are honor guard for the Diplomatic Corps in the Firekkan System, where the corps will oversee the signing of the treaty that will make Firekka a member of the Confederation.
[Freedom Flight]

Todd "Maniac" Marshall
The stress from the Vega Campaign and Operation Thor's Hammer has gotten to Todd Marshall.
[Freedom Flight]


Firekka 3
Confed detects a Kilrathi battle fleet moving towards Firekka, but is unable to determine why. Blair and Knight launch from the Tiger's Claw in Rapiers to patrol the system. During the mission Blair's wing runs in to a new type of Kilrathi carrier, Snakeir class, and a new type of fighter, Hhriss class.
[Secret Missions 2]

Firekka System
Two Kilrathi cruisers arrives in the system, ahead of the Sivar-Eshrad. Pilots from the TCS Tiger's Claw are sent in.
[Freedom Flight]

Firekka signs the Articles of Confederation
Firekka signs the Articles of Confederation.
[Freedom Flight]


Ralgha nar Hhallas
Ralgha nar Hhallas is questioned for five hours at Imperial Intelligence Headquarters on Ghorah Khar. He never showed a hint of treason. He had insulted Jahkai, the Kalrahr of Imperial Security. Prince Thrakhath attends the questioning and finally orders his release, saying Ralgha "will do well."

Ralgha is a Thrak'hra lord.
[Freedom Flight]

KIS Ras Nik'hra
The KIS Ras Nik'hra is scheduled to leave for the N'Tanya System this evening. The ship is to join a Kilrathi strike force that is departing for the Confederation frontier.
[Freedom Flight]

A Kilrathi strike force is gathering in the N'Tanya System. They will depart for the Deneb Sector.
[Freedom Flight]


Firekka 4
Blair and Knight fly an escort mission off the Tiger's Claw in Rapiers, escorting the TCS U Thant and the TCS Trygvie Lie to their respective jump points.
[Secret Missions 2]

Firekka 5
Captain Ralgha nar Hhallas and his officers defect bringing with him a Fralthi and twenty Kilrathi fighters with them. Blair and Spirit launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to escort the Fralthi back to the Tiger's Claw.
[Secret Missions 2]

Kien Chen's death
Kien Chen and Jeanette Deveraux are ambushed by several wings of Kilrathi Imperial Guard fighters. Kien Chen is killed in the ambush and Jeanette Deveraux is slightly injured. The TCS Austin arranges a temporary transfer for two of its pilots.
[Secret Missions 2]

KIS Ras Nik'hra
The KIS Ras Nik'hra jumps to the Firekka System.
[Freedom Flight]

KIS Ras Nik'hra
The Ras Nik'hra contacts the Tiger's claw:

"To the lord captain of of the Tiger's Claw. I am Ralgha nar Hhallas, lord of the Kilrathi Empire, and captain of the Fralthi cruiser RAS Nik'hra. In the names of the rebel lords of Ghorah Khar, I bid you welcome in all honor. At their request, I bring you messages suing for alliance with your Confederation against the Imperial Kilrathi, and my own Imperial ship as a gift. The Ras Nik'hra will continue toward the planet Firekka from this jump point, so that you may rendezvous with us at any time."
[Freedom Flight]

KIS Ras Nik'hra
The Ras Nik'hra makes it to the Tiger's Claw. Ralgha and Kirha are questioned seperately.
[Freedom Flight]

Tiger's Claw's library
The TCS Tiger's Claw gets a new shipment of novels for its library.
[Super Wing Commander]

Cairo 1
The TCS Tiger's Claw begins to evacuate Cairo system in order to stage an attack later. Christopher Blair and Todd Marshall escort a Confederation Venture class Corvette to a jump point, protecting it from a Ralari along the way.
[Super Wing Commander]

Philip captured
The Confederation confirms to Mariko Tanaka that her fiancee Philip was captured by the Kilrathi.
[Super Wing Commander]

Cairo 2
Blair flies a captured Dralthi off the Tiger's Claw on a mission to deceive Kilrathi ships in to giving information. Blair is able to obtain information from two Snakeir carriers.
[Super Wing Commander]

Sivar-Eshrad at Firekka
During questioning Ralgha nar Hhallas informs Captain Thorn of the upcoming Sivar-Eshrad on Firekka.
[Freedom Flight]


Kilrathi troopships begin landing on Firekka. The Firekkans have been given firearms by the Confederation. The Confederation will not send the necessary forces to defend the system.
[Freedom Flight]


Thrakhath's first message
The Tiger's Claw receives a signal from the Kilrathi fleet as follows:

"Warriors of the Human ships, hear me now. You are trespassing on the holy ground of Lord Sivar. If you remain, the Sons of Kilrah will destroy you. We must prepare the Way of Lord Sivar, and no unbelievers may remain here alive. But because you are brave warriors, I shall grant you this: You have one planetary rotation to leave this system. Leave here now, and no harm will come to you until we meet again in honourable combat. Thus speaks Prince Thrakhath, Firstborn of the Firstborn, Heir to Kilrah."
[Secret Missions 2]

Firekka 6
Following a message from Prince Thrakhath, the Tiger's Claw begins to retreat from the Firekka system and begins a major evacuation of Firekka. Blair and Spirit launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to escort an evacuation transport to it's jump point.
[Secret Missions 2]

Corsair 1
Blair and Zachary Colson fly captured Dralthi fighters off the Tiger's Claw on a mission to fool Kilrathi ships in to transmitting certain information.
[Secret Missions 2]

Zachary Colson and Etienne Montclair arrive
Two transfer pilots from the TCS Austin arrive on the TCS Tiger's Claw, Zach Colson and Etienne Montclair.
[Secret Missions 2]

Ian St. John steals a Dralthi
Ian St. John steals one of the Tiger's Claw's captured Dralthi and goes on a joyride to the TCS Austin. He arrives just in time to save the Austin from a wing of Hhriss fighters.
[Secret Missions 2]

Kilrathi presence in the Firekka System has increased by a factor of 10 since the Ras Nik'hra defected. So far a Fralthi, two Dorkir, a Snakier, a lot of corvettes and countless fighters have been taken out. Tiger's Claw pilots are flying patrols four hours on, four hours off.
[Freedom Flight]

Jeanette "Angel" Deveraux transfers
Jeannette Devereaux is transferred to the TCS Austin and promoted to squadron commander.
[Freedom Flight]

Firekka System
Five Kilrathi carriers, three light cruisers, four tankers and at least eight corvettes jump into the Firekka System. The TCS Tiger's Claw and TCS Austin retreat from the system, waiting for orders from Confederation High Command.
[Freedom Flight]

Cairo 3
Christopher Blair and Todd Marshall fly a standard three-point patrol around the Tiger's Claw in Cairo system.
[Super Wing Commander]


Anchorage 1
Blair flies a captured Dralthi fighter off the Tiger's Claw on a mission to deceive a Kilrathi Fralthi in to giving information. The Fralthi is successfully tricked and gives out the requested information.
[Super Wing Commander]

Anchorage 2
Blair flies a mission with Etienne Montclair to escort a Drayman transport from the Tiger's Claw to a jump point. Despite facing several wings of enemy fighters, the Drayman jumps as scheduled. Blair is later told that the Drayman contained the Vice-Admiral of the fleet.
[Super Wing Commander]

Anchorage 3
The Kilrathi somehow discover the location of the Tiger's Claw and their strike plans. Faced with incoming Kilrathi forces, Blair and Etienne Montclair fly a patrol around the Tiger's Claw to locate and destroy incoming Kilrathi. Blair's wing faces and destroys a Ralari and a Snakeir.
[Super Wing Commander]


Jakarta 1
Blair flies yet another mission in a captured Dralthi off the Tiger's Claw to receive a Kilrathi transmission from an unknown source. The transmission is received as scheduled.
[Super Wing Commander]

Jakarta 2
Blair flies a three point patrol around the Tiger's Claw with Zachary Colson to locate and destroy Kilrathi defenders. Blair's wing successfully completes the mission, including destroying a pair of Kilrathi carriers.
[Super Wing Commander]

Jakarta 3
Blair and Zachary Colson strike a Kilrathi convoy heading for a Kilrathi research base believed to be carrying weapons to defend against a Confederation attack. Blair's wing successfully smashes the convoy which includes three Lumbari transports and a Fralthi.
[Super Wing Commander]

Jakarta 4
Blair and Iceman assault a Kilrathi research base instrumental in the development of numerous Kilrathi weapons systems as well as the Sivar dreadnought. Blair's wing successfully destroys the base, crippling Kilrathi developments.
[Super Wing Commander]


Near Firekka 1
Blair and Etienne Montclair launch from the Tiger's Claw in Hornets to escort a couple of marine transports to the Tiger's Claw.
[Secret Missions 1]

Near Firekka 2
Blair and Etienne Montclair launch from the Tiger's Claw in Hornets to destroy the Kilrathi fighters around the TCS General Powell, a marine transport which the Kilrathi are attempting to capture.
[Secret Missions 1]

Corsair part 2 mission 1
Four Marine assault shuttle craft manage to land on Firekka and plan an attack on the Kilrathi with the Firekkan leaders. Meanwhile, several wings of fighters attack the Tiger's Claw. Christopher Blair and Ian St. John launch in Raptors to defend the Tiger's Claw and clear out the surrounding area.
[Secret Missions 1]

Corsair part 2 mission 2
Christopher Blair and Ian St. John launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to intercept transports full of Kilrathi ground troops heading for Firekka.
[Secret Missions 1]

Corsair part 2 mission 3
Blair and Jeanette Deveraux launch from the Tiger's Claw in Dralthi fighters to escort a marine Drayman back to the Tiger's Claw.
[Secret Missions 1]

Corsair part 2 mission 4
The TCS Tiger's Claw attempts to lure Kilrathi ships in to an ambush before they can retaliate against Firekka. Blair and Jeanette Deveraux launch from the Tiger's Claw in Rapiers to destroy as many Kilrathi ships as possible.
[Secret Missions 1]

Border Zone 1
While the Tiger's Claw tries to retreat, Christopher Blair and Todd Marshall launch in Raptors to fly a three point patrol ahead of the Tiger's Claw and clear a path for the carrier.
[Secret Missions 1]

Border Zone 2
The Tiger's Claw comes under heavy attack by several waves of fighters. Blair and Todd Marshall launch in Rapiers to cover the Claw's retreat.
[Secret Missions 1]

First Mandarins discovered
The capture of two human traitors on the TCS Winterrowd alerts Confed to the possible existence of a large network of traitors. Confed calls this network the 'Society of Mandarins.'
[Secret Missions 2]

Terran marines land on Firekka
The Terran marines land on Firekka, and the Firekkan soldiers successfully disrupt the Way of Sivar ceremony, launching assaults upon the warrior-priestesses.
[Secret Missions 2]

Thrakhath's second message
Four Terran marine ships are destroyed trying to leave Firekka. Prince Thrakhath sends another message to the Tiger's Claw:

"Human warriors, hear me now. You have proven that you are brave, astonishingly brave, for mere apes. Because of this bravery, I shall grant you one quarter of a planetary rotation to leave this sector. But your land soldiers are ours. We shall run them to ground like the apes that they are. Thus speaks Prince Thrakhath, Firstborn of the Firstborn, Heir to Kilrah.”

[Secret Missions 2]

Iceman's daughter rescued
The TCS Jerusalem intercepts a Kilrathi slave ship. One of Iceman's daughters is on board. It has been six years since Casey last saw her.
[Secret Missions 2]


Kilrathi retreat from Firekka
Firekkan soldiers force the Kilrathi to leave Firekka. The Kilrathi take many flock leaders with them as hostages. Rikik is among the captives.

Kilrathi warships leave the system.
[Freedom Flight]


Enigma Campaign
2656 marks the beginning of an eleven year fight to win Enigma Sector. The sector is important since strategic jump nodes lead to Human homeworlds. A second strike on K'Tithrak Mang in 2667 wins the sector for the Confederation.

The first strike failed when the Tiger's Claw was destroyed by stealth fighters.
[Victory Streak]


Ian St. John gets shore leave
Ian St. John is transferred off on a two week furlough. This is the day before the Tiger's Claw was destroyed.
[Fleet Action]


Tiger's Claw goes boom
The Tiger's Claw is destroyed by stealth fighters on approach to K'tithrak Mang, the Kilrathi sector HQ for Engima sector. Blair is the only survivor of the attack and his blamed for the loss of the Claw. Without a functioning flight recorder to back him up, nobody believes Blair's claims that stealth fighters exist. A court convicts Blair of negligence and demotes him to Captain. Believing him to be guilty of treason, Admiral Tolwyn demands Blair's resignation. When Blair refuses to sign, Tolwyn transfers Blair to the security forces where he spends the next ten years on Caernarvon Station, Gwynedd system and gets labelled "The Coward of K'Tithrak Mang."
[Wing Commander II]


Enigma Sector
Kilrathi incursions are becoming ever more frequent in the Enigma Sector.
[Freedom Flight]

K'Kai meets Kirha
K'Kai meets Kirha on Sol Station. She wants information from him that could help her free Rikik and the others from Ghorah Khar.
[Freedom Flight]


Freedom Flight
After a five day journey from Sol Station, the Bonnie Heather arrives at the Ghorah Khar space station.
[Freedom Flight]

Rikik and the other Firekkans are freed from a Kilrathi space station orbiting Ghorah Khar by K'Kai, Kirha, Ian St. John, James Taggart and Gwen Larson.
[Freedom Flight]


Project Hari
Thrakhath details off all new transport construction to his Project Hari. By 2668 the project will tie up many transports and materials and many clan leaders want the project of which they've only heared rumors revealed to them.
[Fleet Action]


Project Hari
Project Hari development begins.
[Fleet Action]


Gwynedd A
Despite being free of Kilrathi for quite some time, Blair and Shadow encounter Sartha and Drakhri fighters during a routine patrol around Caernarvon in Ferrets. It is Blair's first combat mission since being convicted of negligence.
[Wing Commander II]

Gwynedd B
The TCS Concordia comes under attack from Kilrathi fighters near Caernarvon Station. With it's escort TCS Beowulf destroyed and it's hangar bay damaged and unable to launch fighters, Blair and Shadow scramble from Caernarvon in Ferrets to assist. Blair's wing destroys the fighters and the Concordia manages to outrun the Fralthra from which they launched.
[Wing Commander II]


Gwynedd C
Blair and Shadow escort a pair of Concordia's Broadsword bombers on a mission to destroy the Kilrathi cruiser in the area.
[Wing Commander II]


Gwynedd D
Blair and Shadow fly back to Caernarvon. While waiting in a parked orbit for a freighter to depart, they receive a request for help from the TCS Concordia. The Concordia comes under attack by a Kilrathi strike force and the flight deck is damaged by a bomb. Since it is unable to launch fighters, Blair and Shadow go to assist the Concordia. Shadow dies during the battle. After assisting the Concordia, Blair lands on it. Because the Concordia is due to jump to Niven, Blair is unable to return to Caernarvon.
[Wing Commander II]

Niven A
The Concordia arrives in Niven system to determine if the Kilrathi are preparing for an assault on the Niven Colony. Spirit leads a patrol wing to investigate Kilrathi jump traces. Since Admiral Tolwyn refused to allow Blair to fly combat missions, Blair launches on a reconnaissance mission in a Broadsword equipped with a trace analyser to scan for jump trails of Kilrathi vessels. Despite being a recon mission, Blair encounters and engages enemy fighters during the mission.
[Wing Commander II]


Niven B
During sunspot activity, the TCS Concordia loses contact with the Niven colony. Blair flies a mission to deliver a comm packet from Admiral Tolwyn to the Chief Officer at Niven. While he is gone, a traitor kills Comm Specialist McGuffin in the Concordia's Auxiliary Communications Room. McGuffin is found with pilot wings in his hand.
[Wing Commander II]

Niven C
Blair returns from the Niven colony to the TCS Concordia. On the way, Blair escorts the TCS Bhomis and the TCS Excalibur, which are carrying medical supplies, to their jump point on their way to an outpost at Argarrio Two. Upon his return, Blair is informed of the murder of Specialist McGuffin and is ordered to turn all personal weapons over to Security.
[Wing Commander II]


McGuffin murder
Following the murder of Specialist McGuffin, Security searches all pilots quarters. Stingray's pilot wings were missing from his locker during inspection, and since McGuffin was found with pilot wings in his hand, suspicion instantly falls on Stingray who is removed from the flight roster for the following mission.
[Wing Commander II]

Niven D
The TCS Concordia prepares to jump to Ghorah Khar system, believing that the Kilrathi in Niven were only passing through and that their real target is the colony on Ghorah Khar.

The Concordia launches scout wings to clear a route to the jump point. Blair flies a wide scout pattern to Concordia's port side. During the mission Blair encounters stealth fighters, however his flight recorder is damaged in the fighting.

Without any proof, Jeanette Deveraux refuses to tell the Admiral Blair's mission report and instead records that Blair encountered Drakhri fighters.
[Wing Commander II]


Ghorah Khar A
Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas fly a patrol around the TCS Concordia in Rapiers to gain reconnaissance data in Ghorah Khar system. Although Blair is assigned as Ralgha nar Hhallas' wingman, upon launch Ralgha nar Hhallas insists that Blair leads the wing.
[Wing Commander II]


Ghorah Khar B
Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas launch from the TCS Concordia to escort the Bonnie Heather back to the Concordia. James Taggart, who has been investigating the situation in Ghorah Khar, is the pilot of the Bonnie Heather.
[Wing Commander II]

Ghorah Khar and shipyards
James Taggart reports to Admiral Tolwyn that his agents say the Empire are preparing to retake Ghorah Khar. He also reports that they have been unable to identify a Kilrathi manufacturing site the Kilrathi destroyed when they retreated ten years earlier.

Though they don't know it at the time, the manufacturing site was actually the site used to create stealth fighters.
[Wing Commander II]


Ghorah Khar C
A number of corvettes and fighters attack Olympus Station in Ghorah Khar. Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas are assigned to rendezvous with Broadswords currently guarding a Clydesdale minesweeper before continuing on to defend Olympus. They are first forced to defend the Concordia before they can commence the mission. After the mission Blair's wing lands on Olympus for debriefing.
[Wing Commander II]

Ghorah Khar D
As Blair's wing takes off from Olympus to return to Concordia, Olympus again comes under attack by Drakhri. After successfully defending Olympus, Blair returns to the Concordia. Since Ralgha nar Hhallas is officially the wing leader, he is credited with having saved the station.
[Wing Commander II]

Thrakhath orders Khasra
Prince Thrakhath orders Khasra's squadron to destroy the Concordia. Khasra is unhappy since Thrakhath won't lead the squadron in to battle as the Emperor has ordered Thrakhath to the Imperial Palace. Meanwhile Kilrathi forces retreat from Ghorah Khar
[Wing Commander II]


Novaya Kiev A
With Ghorah Khar free of Kilrathi, the Concordia checks out the Novaya Kiev system which the Kilrathi have also retreated from. Blair launches from the TCS Concordia in a Broadsword with Etienne Montclair on his wing to destroy a Kilrathi supply depot on the far side of the system. The mission requires a mini-jump across the system forcing Blair's wing to refuel at the TCS Valdez.
[Wing Commander II]

Flight deck explosion investigation
Janet McCullough reveals to Christopher Blair that investigations in to the flight deck explosion placed the blame on a broken fuel line, however there are no fuel lines in that area of the deck.
[Wing Commander II]


Novaya Kiev B
Blair and Etienne Montclair are assigned a routine patrol, however before they can engage autopilot for Nav 1, Concordia orders them on a search and rescue mission. Stingray had been forced to eject, however before they can reach Stingray, the Concordia reports that a wing of Drakhri and a Kamekh are heading for Stingray's position. Disobeying a direct order to return to base, Blair's wing continues on and rescues Stingray. Blair is repremanded by Admiral Tolwyn upon return to the Concordia.
[Wing Commander II]


Novaya Kiev C
Kilrathi forces start fighting back and attack Confederation colonies in Fiddler's Green, Niffleheim, and Midian systems. Blair and Etienne Montclair launch from the TCS Concordia to assist the TCS Hector on a mission to destroy a Fralthra cruiser.

Meanwhile, due to their fighting, Zachary Colson and Stingray are assigned to escort the garbage shuttle to the local asteroid field.
[Wing Commander II]


Traitor contacts Spirit
Spirit reveals to Blair that the person who killed Specialist McGuffin has contacted her, but doesn't say why.
[Wing Commander II]

Novaya Kiev D
Etienne Montclair flies the regular patrol alone, while Blair is diverted to the Talbot system where a courier is under attack. Upon arrival in Talbot, Blair locates the courier ship which is decompressing. Before exploding, the courier ejects a data capsule which Blair retrieves and returns to the Concordia.
[Wing Commander II]


Milk Run
The CS Johnny Green arrives in the Vukar Tag system. Unfortunately, there are Kilrathi war games going on.
[End Run]


Ramona Chekova
Ramona Chekova is killed by the Kilrathi over Vukar Tag after photographing the Dowager Empress Graknala's ancestral home and transmitting the data back to the Johnny Greene.
[End Run]


Heaven's Gate A
While Concordia prepares to liberate Heaven's Gate from Kilrathi control, it detects a Kilrathi strike force moving through the system. Blair and Spirit launch from the TCS Concordia in Epees to patrol the system's jump points but encounter and destroy the strike force. Spirit is forced to eject during the mission
[Wing Commander II]

Ralgha nar Hhallas and Stingray fight
Ralgha nar Hhallas and Stingray end up in Sickbay suffering from multiple cuts and bruises after fighting each other during an argument over Blair's loyalty.
[Wing Commander II]


Spirit under investigation
Jeanette Deveraux reveals to Blair that since Spirit is under investigation over communications with the traitor, the other pilots refuse to fly with her. Jeanette Deveraux also reveals that despite an intercepted message from Spirit to the traitor saying that she refuses to betray the Confederation, the Admiral does not completely believe it.
[Wing Commander II]

Heaven's Gate B
Blair and Spirit launch from the TCS Concordia in Epees to escort a convoy to a jump point, then investigate possible enemy movements. The convoy jumped out without a hitch, however while investigating the enemy movements, Blair's wing is ambushed. Spirit tries to take on four Jalkehi fighters alone, but is soon forced to eject. The mission is saved by Zachary Colson unexpectedly showing up and helping, even though he wasn't assigned to that area.
[Wing Commander II]


Spirit "ill"
Spirit is removed from duty due to sickness
[Wing Commander II]

Heaven's Gate C
The traitor leaks word of Confederation plans to retake Heaven's Gate to the Kilrathi prompting them to call in heavy reinforcements. The plan changes to a quick strike to destroy the starbase, then a retreat. Since Spirit is unwell, Blair launches alone to escort a supply of missiles back to the Concordia. Before reaching the transport, Blair encounters stealth fighters, however due to a flight recorder malfunction, he is unable to prove this.
[Wing Commander II]

Contents of traitor's message to Spirit
Spirit reveals to Blair that the message she received from the traitor claimed that her fiance, Philip, who was captured ten years earlier is alive and on the Heaven's Gate starbase. Even though the Concordia is preparing to destroy the starbase, Spirit refuses to tell anyone else about the message.
[Wing Commander II]


Heaven's Gate D
A Kilrathi strike fleet moves to intercept the Concordia, leaving Heaven's Gate starbase unguarded. While Stingray, Zachary Colson and Etienne Montclair lead wings against the strike fleet, Blair and Spirit fly a mission to destroy the starbase.

Upon reaching the station, something inside Spirit's Broadsword explodes killing her turret gunner. With the craft losing air pressure, Spirit flies her Sabre straight into the space station. All of her torpedoes explode on impact, killing her and destroying the starbase.
[Wing Commander II]


Marines retake Niffleheim
Confederation Marines manage to retake Niffleheim.
[Wing Commander II]

Tesla A
While Buckaroo and Hollywood launch to destroy a small Kilrathi listening post in Tesla system's asteroid belt, Blair flies the morning patrol with Stingray. During the mission, they rescue James Taggart and the Bonnie Heather which is under attack by Grikath fighters.
[Wing Commander II]


Tesla B
The TCS Concordia detects two Dorkathi troop transports that have strayed from their destroyer escort. Blair and Stingray scramble to destroy the transports before they can regroup.
[Wing Commander II]


Tesla C
Blair and Stingray escort the Bonnie Heather to the jump point out-system. While the Bonnie Heather prepares to jump, Concordia notifies Blair of two incoming Fralthra. Blair is ordered to wait until the Bonnie Heather jumps, then to destroy the Fralthras' fighter cover.

After Blair destroyed the fighter cover which included Khasra in one fighter, Concordia launches a wing of Broadswords to finish them off. Khasra survives the attack.
[Wing Commander II]


Tesla D
While Jeanette Deveraux assigns patrol missions, she receives an emergency communication from the Concordia's bridge which notifies her of a large Kilrathi strike fleet incoming.

Blair and Stingray are reassigned to fly point in Rapiers defending the Concordia, then to escort the TCS William Tell against the Ralatha flagship of the strike fleet. The Concordia then retreats to the Enigma system.
[Wing Commander II]


Enigma A
Blair and Jeanette Deveraux launch in Broadswords to jump ahead of the Concordia and clear out any enemies before the Concordia arrives. Upon its arrival, the Concordia moves in to a nearby asteroid belt and powers down for repairs.
[Wing Commander II]


Enigma B
Blair and Jeanette Deveraux fly a mission in Broadswords to destroy the Korah Pakh Kilrathi listening post at the edge of the Enigma asteroid belt.
[Wing Commander II]


Enigma C
TCS Concordia discovers a Kilrathi strike force at the edge of the asteroid belt. Blair and Jeanette Deveraux launch from the TCS Concordia in Broadswords and attack the strike force, deliberately allowing a Ralatha to jump and escape. Jeanette Deveraux is able to track the Ralatha's course back to it's base at K'tithrak Mang before jumping after the Ralatha to finish it off. With the information on the location of the Kilrathi base, Blair's wing returns to the Concordia.
[Wing Commander II]


K'Tithrak Mang A
While a pair of patrol wings cover the Concordia's flanks, Blair and Zachary Colson fly a mission to destroy a Ralatha destroyer
[Wing Commander II]


K'Tithrak Manga B
Blair and Zachary Colson patrol an asteroid field to clear a path for Concordia's final approach. During the mission, Blair's wing encounters stealth fighters. With a flight disk as proof and Zachary Colson as a witness, Blair is finally able to prove his innocence.
[Wing Commander II]


K'Tithrak Mang C
While Blair flies a standard patrol, Jeanette Deveraux calls Zachary Colson to her office to ask a few questions. When Zachary Colson accidentally reveals that he knows more than he should, Jeanette Deveraux realises that he is the traitor. Zachary Colson threatens Jeanette Deveraux with a gun and explains that he betrayed the Confederation to get revenge for his brother who died on Goddard. Zachary Colson blamed the Tiger's Claw for letting everyone on Goddard die. Zachary Colson then steals a Sabre and flees the Concordia. Blair is diverted from his patrol to intercept Zachary Colson. Blair forces Zachary Colson to eject and then tractors him back to the Concordia.
[Wing Commander II]

Zachary Colson arrested
With Zachary Colson under arrest, Blair goes to see him to ask why he betrayed the Confederation. Zachary Colson believed that the Goddard colony would have been saved if the Tiger's Claw hadn't detoured to attack a Kilrathi troopship. Zachary Colson had sworn to kill everyone who served on the Claw, and admits to killing Spirit.
[Wing Commander II]


K'Tithrak Mang D
Blair is ordered to fly a patrol with Nightshade ahead of an assault on K'Tithrak Mang by Jeanette Deveraux's strike force. Upset by being left out, Christopher Blair asks Janet McCullough to refit his Sabre with torpedoes so that he can attack K'Tithrak Mang himself. Ignoring orders to return to base, Blair heads for the starbase which is defended by Drakhai fighters let by Prince Thrakhath. Blair downs Thrakhath and the other fighters, then destroys the starbase. Thrakhath's ejection pod is later retreived.
[Wing Commander II]


Thrakhath orders Khasta to attack Ghorah Khar
Thrakhath orders Khasra to lead an assault on the rebels at Ghorah Khar. Khasra questions the order and blames Thrakhath for the failure at K'Tithrak Mang. Thrakhath tells Khasra to carry out the orders or die a traitor.
[Special Operations 1]

Blair to be transferred
Tolwyn relays to Blair a message from Confed High Command that his field promotion to Colonel has been confirmed. Blair is also to be transferred temporarily to the Special Operations division if he accepts the assignment. Blair would be working under Colonel Taggart, who is the Chief Field Officer of Intelligence and Special Operations in the Enigma Sector. Everyone aboard Concordia except for Tolwyn, Ralgha nar Hhallas and Jeanette Deveraux will be told that Blair is on extended R&R.
[Special Operations 1]

Pembroke A
Due to Pembroke system's importance as it is the jump nexus between Enigma and Vega sectors, Blair and Stingray fly a patrol in the new P-64D Super Ferret fighters. Blair's wing encounters a large amount of resistance including a Kamekh and Strakha stealth fighters.
[Special Operations 1]


Special Operations cover up
Blair tells Stingray that he is taking R&R on Earth for a few weeks to cover up his assignment to Special Operations.
[Special Operations 1]

Pembroke B
Major Edmond detects communications from an enemy patrol which she believes to be jump co-ordinates sent to a larger strike force. Because of this, the Concordia deploys patrols to all jump points in the system. Blair and Stingray patrol the main Pembroke jump point in Super Ferrets and encounter two Fralthra cruisers heading to Pembroke Station at top speed.
[Special Operations 1]

Pembroke C
Concordia moves in to attack position to intercept the two Fralthra. Blair and Stingray launch to defend the Concordia from enemy fighters while the Concordia destroys the cruisers. Afterwards, Blair's wing flies to Pembroke Station to defend it from more attacking fighters. During the mission, Blair encounters a new type of fighter, the Gothri heavy fighter.
[Special Operations 1]

Pembroke D
Concordia loses communications with the Rigel Supply Depot and several Free Traders that were enroute to the depot. Blair flies the first jump point patrol solo in a Broadsword. Due to previous losses, Jeanette Deveraux flies with Blair as his Chief Gunnery Officer. Upon arrival in Rigel, Blair is attacked by human pilots flying Confederation Ferrets.
[Special Operations 1]

Gettysburg mutiny
Tolwyn informs Blair that pilots of the TCS Gettysburg staged a mutiny near N'Tanya several weeks earlier.
[Special Operations 1]


Special Operations transfer delay
Tolwyn informs Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas that their transfers to Special Operations and Ghorah Khar have been delayed until the Gettysburg has been dealt with.
[Special Operations 1]

Rigel A
Jeanette Deveraux sends Blair with Sky and Shelton on his wing in Epees to investigate a distress call from a Kilrathi corvette and then broadcast a message to the mutineers. The distress call turned out not to be a trap, but the Kamekh was under attack by Gettysburg pilots. Unfortunately Blair's wing arrived too late to save it.
[Special Operations 1]

Gettysburg mutiny situation
Jeanette Deveraux briefs Blair on the Gettysburg situation. "The Gettysburg was stationed at N'Tanya, during the rebellion in that system. When several refugee ships of Imperial Kilrathi loyalists tried to leave the planet, the commander ordered his pilots to open fire on the unarmed transports." The pilots refused triggering the mutiny. The commander had already been released from the Gettysburg in a prototype Crossbow bomber, and Confed High Command is planning his court-martial for issuing an illegal order.
[Special Operations 1]

Rigel B
A delegation from the Gettysburg signals that is it willing to talk to the Concordia. Blair is sent alone to patrol Nav points, then rendezvous with the Gettysburg pilots. Blair meets with Jason Bondarevsky and escorts him and his wingman back to the Concordia, but since part of the Gettysburg crew are still unwilling to talk, there are hostile encounters during the mission.
[Special Operations 1]

Rigel C
Due to regulations, Jason Bondarevsky is kept imprisoned aboard the TCS Concordia and so is unable to return to the Gettysburg to convince the crew to return to the Confederation. Instead, Blair flies to the Gettysburg and convinces the Gettysburg to let him land.
[Special Operations 1]

Rigel D
Blair meets with Lieutenant Colonel Poelma and informs him that the Gettysburg crew has been pardoned. Poelma agrees to return to the Confederation with the Gettysburg, but also alerts Blair to a Confed convey that they detected heading for the Rigel Depot. Blair scrambles in a Prototype Crossbow bomber with Gettysburg pilots on his wing and successfully defends the convoy and escorts them to a jump point. Afterwards, Blair's wing flies to and destroys the Rigel Depot.
[Special Operations 1]


Ghorah Khar A
James Taggart arrives a day early to collect Blair, Ralgha nar Hhallas and Major Edmond for their Special Operations mission. Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas escort James Taggart in the Bonnie Heather to Olympus Station. During the escort, they encounter several Kilrathi patrols suggesting that the Kilrathi Empire may be preparing to assault the system.
[Special Operations 1]

Ralgha nar Hhallas goes to Ghorah Khar
Once Ralgha nar Hhallas lands on Olympus Station, he immediately leaves for Ghorah Khar to organize the ground resistance.
[Special Operations 1]

Ghorah Khar B
Blair launches in a Crossbow to escort a Clydesdale to the Sh'ar N'Tanya before escorting them both to the N'Tanya jump point. The Clydesdale is carrying guns and supplies for the rebellion on N'Tanya. The Sh'ar N'Tanya escorts the Clydesdale back to the planet.
[Special Operations 1]

Ghorah Khar C
Ralgha nar Hhallas returns from Ghorah Khar with a team of trainee Human pilots. James Taggart asks Blair to fly with them so they can learn combat tactics, how to command, and how to stay alive. Blair flies to meet Ralgha nar Hhallas and his team and takes them on a patrol around Olympus Station. Despite encountering a lot of Kilrathi, including a Kamekh, the patrol faces no problems.
[Special Operations 1]

Ghorah Khar D
An Imperial Kilrathi intelligence team drops a data pod with invasion plans at the edge of the system. Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas launch to retrieve the data pod, with the intention of cracking the code and substituting another data pod with an invasion plan which would lead the Kilrathi into Confed's main forces.
[Special Operations 1]


Ghorah Khar E
Blair leads an assault wing with Ralgha nar Hhallas and Lieutenant Landis to destroy the Kilrathi strike force heading for Ghorah Khar consisting of two Fralthra. Unfortunately, after the mission Major Edmond detects the rest of the strike force which consists of five carrier groups.
[Special Operations 1]

James Taggart leaves
James Taggart leaves for the Sharm system to track the approach vectors of the enemy fleet, leaving Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas on Olympus.
[Special Operations 1]

Ghorah Khar F
Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas launch to defend Olympus Station from the Kilrathi assault, but before the assault begins they receive a message from James Taggart requesting assistance. James Taggart's powerplant and jump capacitor have been damaged and he can't jump out, however in the middle of the Kilrathi attack another wing of Imperial Kilrathi arrive and start attacking the other wing leaving James Taggart alone.

When the assault on Olympus is over, Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas fly to assist James Taggart. After clearing the remains of the Kilrathi, Blair tractors in an ejected Kilrathi pilot whose life support suit is failing.
[Special Operations 1]

Blair rescues Thrakhath
The ejected Kilrathi pilot who Blair has rescued turns out to be Prince Thrakhath. His flight suit's heat regulator had broken and he was slowly freezing to death until Blair rescued him. Thrakhath is kept prison aboard the Bonnie Heather where he reveals that his cousin Khasra attempted to kill him.
[Special Operations 1]

Ghorah Khar G
Khasra threatens to destroy the Bonnie Heather if they don't turn Thrakhath over to him. Blair launches to defend the Bonnie Heather. Meanwhile the Heather suffers a power failure due to it's previously damaged power plant just as Ralgha nar Hhallas is locking Thrakhath in the brig. Thrakhath knocks out Ralgha nar Hhallas and steals a Crossbow. Blair shoots down the attacking forces including Khasra, but Thrakhath escapes
[Special Operations 1]


Ghorah Khar H
The Bonnie Heather returns to Olympus Station. They arrive fifteen minutes before the remaining of the Kilrathi carrier groups having faced three of the five the day before while Blair rescued the Bonnie Heather. Olympus lost fourteen pilots the day before and their attempts to call for reinforcements are jammed by the Kilrathi.

Blair and Ralgha nar Hhallas land their Crossbows and immediately launch in Sabres since there is no time to refit the Crossbows. Fortunately, a wing of pilots from the Gettysburg including Jason Bondarevsky arrive after they were sent ahead by Admiral Tolwyn when they lost communications with Olympus. Blair, Ralgha nar Hhallas, and Jason Bondarevsky's wing successfully defend Ghorah Khar and allow N'Tanya, K'arakh and Shariha to complete their rebellions.
[Special Operations 1]

Kilrathi capture Deneb
While the Confederation's Enigma sector fleet are diverted to defend Ghorah Khar, Thrakhath moves his forces in to the Deneb Sector, managing to capture Deneb Sector Command in less than six hours.
[Special Operations 1]


Zachary Colson's court martial
Three weeks after Zachary Colson's treason was revealed, his military tribunal concludes. Zachary Colson is found guilty of murder and high treason and is sentenced to death. He is placed on the prison ship TCS Bastille and is to be transferred to TCS Alcatraz for the trip back to Earth for his execution.
[Special Operations 2]

Traitor talks to Kilrathi
A Confederation traitor sends a message to the Kilrathi, informing them that the Morningstar Project is near the final stages of prototype testing and that a squadron of test pilots is being transferred to the Concordia.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon A
Blair's leave on Akko Station is cancelled and he is ordered to escort the prison ship Bastille to the prison ship Alcatraz. Zachary Colson is to be transferred to the Alcatraz for the flight back to Earth for his execution. During the mission, Blair receives a distress signal from a group of freighters. Blair defends the freighters, however while he does, Mandarin hijackers take over the Bastille and activate the jump drive allowing Zachary Colson to escape. After the mission, Blair returns to the Concordia which has just entered the system.
[Special Operations 2]

Emperor wants the Morningstar
Thrakhath reports to the Emperor that his forces have decimated the Confederation's 6th Battle Fleet and have attacked a Human colony. Thrakhath also informs the Emperor of Zachary Colson's escape. The Emperor orders Thrakhath to use Zachary Colson to help gain the Morningstar prototype.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon B
Blair and Stingray fly a patrol of Canewdon system to assess the strength of enemy forces. Aside from a Dorkathi, Blair's wing doesn't find anything of interest.
[Special Operations 2]

Todd Marshall arrives
Todd Marshall arrives on the Concordia. He has been promoted to Major since he last met Blair, and is now in command of the Wild Eagles, a group of test pilots who are testing the new Morningstar fighter.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon C
One of the Wild Eagles, Minx, failed to make the jump due to problems with the prototype Morningstar. Blair launches in a Sabre to rescue Minx.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon D
Since the Morningstar is plagued with random jump failure, Blair flies a Sabre equipped with a jump recorder to record Todd Marshall as he jumps in a Morningstar. Afterwards, Blair continues on a patrol where he encounters the Gamal Gan, a Dorkathi with engine trouble. The freighter surrenders and Concordia launches a patrol to retrieve it.
[Special Operations 2]


Gamal Gan
The Gamal Gan had a Mandarin working on board. After interviewing the Mandarin, he reveals that the Gamal Gan was transporting supplies to a secret Mandarin base called Ayer's Rock. The location of the base remains a mystery.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon E
Blair launches in a Broadsword and escorts Todd Marshall, Crossbones and Talon in Morningstars on a test patrol. The patrol encounters some heavy resistance including a wing of Strakha fighters.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon F
The Concordia detects a wave of Kilrathi approaching from the asteroid field. Blair and Stingray scramble to intercept and are able to take them out. The attackers included a Kamekh and a wing of Gothris.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon G
While navigating through dense mine and asteroid fields, the Concordia detects low level transmissions from an unknown source. Blair and Wasp launch to investigate, but before they get to the source, Concordia signals Blair telling him that the source is a timed explosion device. Blair's wing retreats just in time before the explosive device triggers.
[Special Operations 2]

Mandarin transmissions
The Mandarins start transmitting propaganda broadcasts showing two Terran freighters being hijacked. The hijackings are led by Zachary Colson.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon H
Jeanette Deveraux and Minx fly a patrol, but during the mission they encounter a massive enemy force. Jeanette Deveraux orders Minx back to the Concordia so that the Morningstar doesn't get captured, but Jeanette Deveraux is forced to eject. When Blair sees that Minx has returned without Jeanette Deveraux, he immediately launches and rescues Jeanette Deveraux.
[Special Operations 2]


Canewdon I
The Mandarins offer the Concordia a deal. They offer to return the crews of the hijacked freighters in exchange for three Mandarins currents imprisoned on the Concordia. High Command approves the exchange and Blair launches alone in a Broadsword to escort the transport. After the exchange, a Ralatha and a wing of Drakhai attack the transport carrying the freighter crews, but Blair manages to hold them off.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon J
Maria Grimaldi steals a Morningstar prototype and flees the Concordia, setting an explosive to cover her escape. Markham Colt is killed and Janet McCullough and Jeffrey Burkheimer are injured in the explosion. It takes 25 minutes to repair the flight deck before Christopher Blair and Todd Marshall can launch and persue her. This delay along with a co-ordinated enemy presence allows Maria Grimaldi to escape with the Morningstar.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon K
Blair, Todd Marshall and Talon transfer to the Special Operations division leave with James Taggart in the Grimalkin - formerly the Gamal Gan. Blair and Todd Marshall fly to meet the Grimalkin which has already left with James Taggart and Talon. Talon mans the communications room since the explosion left him unable to fly.
[Special Operations 2]

Canewdon L
Blair and Todd Marshall escort the Grimalkin to the jump point to Ayer's system. Since the Morningstar still has trouble with random jump failure, Blair and Todd Marshall dock before the Grimalkin jumps.
[Special Operations 2]


Grimalkin reaches Ayer's Rock
The Grimalkin arrives at Ayer's Rock where they are signalled by security. Talon gives the correct countersign. Talon tells the Kilrathi that the Gamal Gan is late due to engine problems and that they can't dock at that time. This buys time for the Grimalkin to monitor the base.
[Special Operations 2]

Scorpion talks to James Taggart
Scorpion opens communications with James Taggart and informs him that the base is scrambling two wings to fighters to investigate the electronic masking of the Morningstars. Blair and Todd Marshall intercept the wings and destroy them before they can report back to Ayer's Rock.
[Special Operations 2]

Scorpion talks to James Taggart 2
Scorpion sends another message saying that the entire base is under security alert looking for him. He also says that Ayer's Rock is being used as the main base for all Mandarin operations and hundreds of pockets of resistance are co-ordinated from there. Also because of security risks, there has never been a meeting of all Mandarin leaders until this time. With all of the Mandarin leaders on Ayer's Rock, the destruction of the base would effectively eliminate the Mandarins.
[Special Operations 2]

Ayer's B
James Taggart alerts the Concordia to the present situation, but the Concordia is unable to assist. Blair and Todd Marshall launch to escort the Grimalkin to the nearest jump point destroying two Fralthra cruisers on the way.
[Special Operations 2]

Scorpion talks to James Taggart 3
Scorpion sends yet another transmission to James Taggart. Scorpion says that Ayer's Rock is being evacuated since they are certain that the Concordia is coming. Talon lets slip that the Concordia isn't coming and at that point Admiral Rakh'rhi takes over the communications offering James Taggart the chance to surrender. James Taggart refuses and Rakh'rhi executes Scorpion.
[Special Operations 2]

Ayer's C
With Scorpion dead and Ayer's Rock feeling safe after learning that Concordia isn't coming, Blair and Todd Marshall launch to attempt to destroy Ayer's Rock themselves. Despite facing forces including Sabres and two Kamekhs, Blair's wing succeeds in destroying the base.
[Special Operations 2]

Concordia fires its big gun
The Concordia comes under attack from a Fralthra. Despite only being at 60% power and with the risk of blowing Concordia's power plant, Tolwyn issues an order to fire the main gun. Fortunately the powerplant survives and the Fralthra is destroyed.
[Special Operations 2]

Minx dying
The Grimalkin receives a transmission from the area of the remains of Ayer's Rock. The transmission comes from Minx who tells Blair that she is in an escape pod, but she has taken too much radiation damage from the explosion of the base. She also tells Blair that Zachary Colson has the Morningstar prototype and left her to die.
[Special Operations 2]

Ayer's D
Blair and Todd Marshall launch to attempt to locate and destroy Zachary Colson, however shortly after launch Todd Marshall's Morningstar breaks down. Blair flies the mission alone and successfully tracks down and terminates Zachary Colson. After the mission Blair jumps to the Concordia.
[Special Operations 2]


Thrakhath reports to the Emperor
Thrakhath reports to the Emperor. Thrakhath tells the Emperor that while they were unable to capture a prototype of the Morningstar and that the Mandarin base was destroyed, he was able to divert the Concordia for long enough for his forces to destroy the 6th Battle Fleet. This prompts Confed High Command to order the Concordia to retreat from Deneb sector.
[Special Operations 2]


Tarawa transports marines
Tarawa is escorting nine marine transport ships to Khartoum Station for ground assault exercises. Some of the best marine regiments are among them. The operation would turn out to be a cover for the real mission.
[End Run]

Vukar Tag
Nine marine regiments and a commando battalion were pulled from the front for the Vukar Tag operation. The cover up story said they were to undergo ground assault training near Khartoum Station.

The convoy turns around on 2667.157 and jumps into Vukar Tag System on 2667.160 to take the planet.

Tarawa's crew does the ground pounding, providing combat cover for the marine assault landing craft.
[End Run]


Confed's fleet carriers
Confed has a total of seven fleet carriers left at this point. Austerlitz will spend another year in repairs. Confed's new heavy carriers are expected to come online in one year.

The Kilrathi have at least twenty fleet carriers.
[End Run]

Strike Force Valkyrie
Strike Force Valkyrie jumps into the heart of the Kilrathi empire.
[End Run]

Jason Bondarevsky
When Captain O'Brian is killed, Jason Bondarevsky, as senior officer, takes command of Tarawa.
[End Run]

Back Lash
Back at Vukar Tag, the Kilrathi lost 5 carriers, 16 support ships, 19 troop transports, 4 legions of the Imperial Guard down to the last man. Rusmak and Gar, two of their finest commanders, are dead.

Many sons of royal blood are among the dead, and the family would look for someone to blame.
[End Run]


Back Lash
Strike Force Valkyrie raids a minor orbital base in the Lushkag system. They strip it for parts, canned air, durasteel, shuttle craft and miniguns. The miniguns are welded onto Tarawa near the landing airlock for point defense.
[End Run]


Victory at Vukar Tag
Victorious, Confed marines leave Vukar, destroying everything before taking off.
[End Run]


The Confederation gets an edge
Succesful Confed raids with Escort Carriers deep within the Empire are a source of embarrassment for Prince Thrakhath and the clan leaders. Spy reports and prisoner interrogations reveal that Admiral Tolwyn came up with the idea of using the light carriers for strikes on construction bays, transports and supply ships. The resulting Kilrathi losses are disasterous.
[Fleet Action]

Jukaga nar Ki'ra returns
Jukaga returns from a year in exile, after the other clans pushed for his release so his talents may be used. Jukaga, a master of spies, understands human behaviour better than any.

The Kilrathi Empire is facing a crisis. The fleet lacks logistical support and transport ships, and too many ships will need an overhaul soon. Confederation raids with Escort Carriers have inflicted heavy damage.
[Fleet Action]

Project Hari
Thrakhath reveals to the ruling clans that the Emperor had foreseen dangers along the lines of the current situation (Confed busting transports) and had ordered an large investment of material and wealth into a secret construction yard deep in the Hari Realm on the far side of the empire in relation to Confed.
[Fleet Action]

The armistice
Jukaga suggests sueing for an armistice and promising peace while work on Project Hari continues.
[Fleet Action]


Confederation Task Groups
The Confederation has eight task groups each comprised of an Escort Carrier, a light cruiser and four destroyers which are ready to jump into the heart of the Empire to hit convoys, bases and construction yards. This tactical innovation evolved out of the Vukar Tag operation.
[Fleet Action]

General Order number 2312A orders suspension of all hostilities.
[Fleet Action]


Blair - The Movie
Christopher Blair gets paid royalties from the sales of the holovid A Treacherous Hero.

The Digital Holovid company based in New Las Vegas, Earth paid the sum of 2,022 credits in royalties.
[Kilrathi Saga Manual]


Tarawa's pilots retire
Kevin Tolwyn, Ian St. John, Etienne Montclair and Janet McCullough retire from the fleet.
[Fleet Action]


Let's be friends
Baron Jukage organises the Kilrathi-Human Friendship Committee, "to facilitate peaceful exchanges between the two races."
[Fleet Action]

Tarawa's pilots go to London
The shuttle carrying Jason Bondarevsky, Etienne Montclair, Ian St. John and Kirha arrives in London. Kirha is escorted to Australia. The others board a Zephyr shuttle and head for Windward. They meet up with Johnston, Chamberlain and Vanderman on the shuttle.
[Fleet Action]

The TCS Tarawa is placed on active reserve.
[Fleet Action]

Geoffrey Tolwyn guilty of disobedience
Tolwyn is declared guilty of disobedience for breaking General Order number 2312A, ordering suspension of all hostilities. He is stripped of rank and given a dishonorable discharge with loss of privileges and honors due to someone of rank. A marine officer snaps tolwyn's ceremonial sword, which had been resting on the desk of the court martial officers, and tore the insignias of rank off his shoulders. Tolwyn picked up the pieces of his sword, breaking with tradition.
[Fleet Action]

Tarawa heads for the Landreich
By secret order of President Harold Rodham and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Geoffrey Tolwyn sends TCS Tarawa, TCS Normandy and a number of other vessels to the Landreich.
[Fleet Action]


Tarawa behind enemy lines
TCS Tarawa and TCS Normandy are eight jumps into the Kilrathi Empire, on a mission to gather evidence of the Hakaga fleet construction. Bursts originating from the Hari system are still too far out to be clearly readable with the D 3S 5.
[Fleet Action]


Rhonda Jamison is a mole
Vance Richards says they've for some time suspected a mole in the inner circle of the government.
[Fleet Action]


Three Hakagas complete
The new fleet is the tool for the final offensive against the humans, and also the replacement for the loss of the home fleet in the last two years. Three Hakaga carriers are ready at this point. At least 6 more had to be completed for the campaign to be a guaranteed success. The Emperor can't afford another lost chance, but by waiting for more carriers to be completed Jukaga is gaining influence.
[Fleet Action]

Vak nar Ragitagha
The Emperor promises one of his great nieces for marriage for Vak's family, thus putting the family perhaps in line for succession to the throne, if Vak can provide valuable information about Jukaga.
[Fleet Action]


Psycho Anthropological Profile
The most recent update of the Kilrathi Psycho Anthropological Profile was published on 2668.312. It contained a compilation of facts offered by Ralgha nar Hhallas and gathered by Terran Intelligence and various Covert Ops.
[Victory Streak]


Geoffrey Tolwyn returns to the Landreich
Geoffrey Tolwyn is taking the jump-capable Sabre back to the Landreich. It will be a seven day trip. Kevin Tolwyn will be accompanying him. One can sleep in the tail gunner slot while the other pilots.
[Fleet Action]

Jason Bondarevsky in command
Jason is put in command of the fleet after Tolwyn & Kevin leave.
[Fleet Action]

Bannockburn flies recon
James Taggart and Ian St. John head out in Bannockburn within the hour after Geoffrey Tolwyn and Kevin Tolwyn leave, moving ahead of Tarawa and doing forward recon.
[Fleet Action]


Blair gets certified
Christopher Blair completes his training of how to operate an XCU-50 Optical DataZig Console. Blair receives a certificate from Major Allen M. Myckland to prove it.
[Kilrathi Saga Manual]


Jacorski's shore leave
Commander Jacorski leaves the TCS Concordia to begin his shore leave on Damioyn
[Voices of War]


The Hakaga fleet is discovered
The Bannockburn jumps into the Hari system where the Hakaga fleet is being constructed. James Taggart gathers all the information he can, and hurries back to Tarawa's last known position.
[Fleet Action]

Wayne Banbridge is killed
Ambassador Vak'ga requests to meet the Chiefs of Staff and some of the Confederation's top Fleet Admirals. He activates an explosive device buried in his chest, killing five Admirals, seven Generals and 130 other key personnel. Wayne Banbridge is among the dead. Duke Grecko, Marine General of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the only survivor of the meeting.
[Freedom Flight]

Hakaga attack proceeds
Prince Thrakhath orders the Hakaga strike to proceed immediately, four and a half eights of days ahead of schedule. The information the humans have now will lead to war in any case. Thrakhath also feels that the strike will put an end to Jukaga's scheming.
[Fleet Action]


Geoffrey Tolwyn reinstated
Geoffrey Tolwyn takes command of Third Fleet and is authorized to halt invasion into Confederation space by any means necessary as outlined in Emergency Decree 394.
[Fleet Action]


Battle of Sirius
Third Fleet loses TCS Moskva and TCS Verdun at the Battle of Sirius. TCS Concordia and TCS Leyte Gulf are forced to retreat so TCS Saratoga can reinforce them. Sirius' inhabited worlds are hit with strontium-clad thermonuclear warheads set for airburst.
[Fleet Action]


The Hakaga fleet enters Sol
The Kilrathi Imperial fleet, commanded by Prince Thrakhath enters the Sol System.
[Fleet Action]

Battle of Earth
Concordia, Saratoga and Leyte Gulf are 30 million clicks from Mars. The Lexington and the Ark Royal are pushed out of the construction docks unfinished, to draw fire and disperse the enemy. Lexington, carrying only 57 fighters, moves ahead of the fleet as bait.
[Fleet Action]

Marines board Kilrathi ships
Marine boarding parties detonate thermonuclear mines deep inside Kilrathi ships. Three Hakaga carriers and many other ships are destroyed.

Duke Grecko is killed boarding the Kilrathi flagship.
[Fleet Action]

Earth's industrial centers destroyed
Kilrathi antimatter warheads hit Chicago, Pittsburg, Boston, Miami, Quebec, Amsterdam, Berlin, Stockholm, Constantinople, Paris, Omaha, Rio, Tripoli and Kiev.
[Fleet Action]

Tarawa returns
Tarawa approaches Earth running with scoops fully closed, after jumping through jump point 12Y. Kruger had his fleet do the last jump at full speed. Several ships missed the jump and have to turn around for a new run. Two of his frigates are destroyed when they only achieve partial jump.

The reinforcements destroy the Kilrathi cruisers orbiting Earth before they have a chance to fire their thermonuclear warheads.
[Fleet Action]

Jukaga nar Ki'ra dies
Baron Jukaga is killed when the cruiser he is on is destroyed over Earth.
[Fleet Action]

A hard-won victory
With only two of the five Hakaga carriers surviving, both damaged, Prince Thrakhath orders the retreat.
[Fleet Action]

Lexington destroyed
Lexington succumbs to internal explosions.
[Fleet Action]


Jacorski's shore leave cut short
Commander Jacorski's shore leave is cut short as he is ordered to Goddard transfer Station for an unknown reason. Upon his arrival, he meets General Sturdivan who assigns him as Commander of the newly constructed TCS Lexington. He is ordered to tell his crew only that the ship is performing a dangerous strike run and is sworn to secrecy. As Commander of the new secret ship TCS Lexington (Armada), Commander Jacorski orders 61 people to Goddard Transfer Station where they will join his crew. Orders were sent as follows:


STATEMENT OF SECRECY: This information is the sole property of the Terran Confederation and is not to be distributed publicly. The penalty for doing so, as stated in the Terran Security Council Proceedings, Section 1.32-A, will result in a fine of 25,000 dols and no less than 36 months confinement in a military holding facility.

MISSION ORDERS: Report for duty at Goddard Transfer Station by 1700 hours, 2669.018. Return date not yet determined, estimated to be 4 - 6 months.
[Voices of War]

Jacorski recruits
As Commander of the new secret ship TCS Lexington (Armada), Commander Jacorski orders 61 people to Goddard Transfer Station where they will join his crew. Orders were sent as follows:


STATEMENT OF SECRECY: This information is the sole property of the Terran Confederation and is not to be distributed publicly. The penalty for doing so, as stated in the Terran Security Council Proceedings, Section 1.32-A, will result in a fine of 25,000 dols and no less than 36 months confinement in a military holding facility.

MISSION ORDERS: Report for duty at Goddard Transfer Station by 1700 hours, 2669.018. Return date not yet determined, estimated to be 4 - 6 months.
[Voices of War]


Lexington crew told of mission
Six days after beginning its mission, Commander Jacorski tells the crew of the TCS Lexington (Armada) what their mission is. The crew soon realises that their chances of completing the mission are slim.
[Voices of War]


Two days after hearing the accouncement of the TCS Lexington's (Armada) mission, over twenty of the ship's sixty-two crew report to the ship's doctor, James Heircho for counseling or anti-anxiety medication.
[Voices of War]


Cash-strapped Kilrathi
Since the building of the Hakaga fleet strained the Kilrathi's resources to the outmost. They are out of money so the Emperor orders the deployment of their new bioweapons.
[Heart of the Tiger]

TCS Victory
More and more ships like the Victory are appearing on the front; the newer carriers have either been lost or they're being used for the defense fleet.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Jeanette "Angel" Devereaux
Jeanette Devereaux sent an email to Blair on 2669.210 before shipping off on a new secret operation.
[Victory Streak]


Victory Streak
Christopher Blair's personalized Victory Streak Shipboard Orientation Kit was compiled by the Quanntum 3 Artificial Publisher and the Electronics Cretive Services aboard the TCS Victory. This issue of Victory Streak is dated 2669.221.
[Victory Streak]


Unseen Death
Operation Unseen Death begins and the Kilrathi target Locanda.

The Kilrathi carrier Sar'Hrai is ordered to destroy or at least cripple the TCS Victory, which is located in the neighbouring system of Tamayo. The Victory comes out on top, and squadron commander Arrak and Captain Vurrig nar Tsahl pay the price.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Unseen Death
A patrol from the TCS Victory spots the KIS Sar'hrai and the KIS Hvar'Kann. According to Intelligence, the ships are carrying Skipper missiles armed with biological warheads, and they intend to fire them at Locanda Four.
[Heart of the Tiger]

Unseen Death
Five skipper missiles carrying biological warheads hit Locanda IV. They were set for high airbursts, ensuring a quick spread.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Victory goes to Blackmane
The TCS Victory jumps into the Blackmane System.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Locanda IV
Locanda IV is considered lost after the Kilrathi hit the planet with bioweapons. The Confederation quarantines the entire Locanda System. Confederation forces begin to withdraw from secondary territories.
[Heart of the Tiger]

Blackmane Base
Blackmane Base is closed down. Its resources are transferred to Torgo and Vespus.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Geoffrey Tolwyn arrives on the Victory
Admiral Tolwyn arrives on the Victory. The carrier is to be the flagship for the Behemoth task force.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Jason Bondarevsky is wounded
Jason Bondarevsky is wounded when the TCS Coventry hits a mine on approach to Loki VI, escorting the Behemoth. The bridge has been hulled and is decompressing. Jason is the only survivor on the bridge. Janet McCullough leads the team that rescues him. Bondarevsky ended up losing his right arm.
[Heart of the Tiger]

Behemoth test
The TCS Behemoth is tested on Loki VI. The test successfully destroys the planet.
[Wing Commander III]

Behemoth is destroyed
The Behemoth's shielding over a weak area goes down when debris from Graldak nar Sutaghi's fighter crashes into it.

Other Kilrathi fighters finish the Behemoth off. The crew ejected with lifepods.

Tolwyn is forced to order the fleet to withdraw.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Taggart arrives on the Victory
General Taggart arrives on the Victory.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Severin rescued
Dr. Severin is rescued from a prison facility on Alcor V.
[Wing Commander III]


Temblor test
A prototype of the Temblor bomb is tested on an uninhabited planet in the Hyperion system. The bomb detonates successfully, destroying the planet.
[Wing Commander III]


Christopher Blair drops the Temblor Bomb on Kilrah, destroying the planet. Much of the Grand Fleet, still in orbit, is destroyed along with it.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Treaty of Torgo
In the large auditorium of Sector HQ, a Kilrathi delegation signs the Treaty of Torgo, officially ending the war. The treaty converted the initial cease-fire into a lasting peace.

Present for the signing are James Taggart, William Eisen, Geoffrey Tolwyn, Kevin Tolwyn and Melek.
[Heart of the Tiger]


Karga attacks the Landreich
A Kilrathi battlegroup built around the KIS Karga makes it to planet Landreich. The operation is revenge for their assistance at the Battle of Earth. They launch a long-range orbital bombardment before Landreich and Confederation forces chase them off.
[False Colors]

KIS Karga under heavy attack
The KIS Karga is under heavy attack from the TCS Dover and the TCS Juneau. Focusing on the Dover, it manages to destroy the cruiser. With just the Juneau left, the Karga needs to put some distance between them so they can repair the jump drive and head back to Imperial territory. Admiral Largka orders the ship closer in to the sun. The carrier's shielding is already weak, if it failed the crew would die from radiation within minutes.
[False Colors]

KIS Frawqirg
The KIS Frawqirg crash-lands on Vaku VIIa.
[False Colors]

KIS Karga abandoned
The last of its Confederation pursuers destroyed and its crew dead or dying, the KIS Karga begins its lonely orbit around Vaku.
[False Colors]

Juneau survivors land on Vaku VIIa
Roughly 100 survivors from the TCS Juneau land on Vaku VIIa, which they later dub Nargrast.
[False Colors]


Terran Confederation
Fearing a military coup by the Belisarius Group, the Confederation scrambles to reduce its armed forces.
[False Colors]


Jason Bondarevsky recovers
Jason Bondarevsky is declared fit, having recovered from the wounds sustained on Coventry.
[False Colors]


Vision Quest detects Karga
While passing through the Vaku system, the civilian ship Vision Quest detects the drifting KIS Karga. Figuring that the Landreich president Kruger would pay top dollar for the information, the Vision Quest's owner Wenona Springweather offers to lead Kruger to the Karga in exchange for an undisclosed amount.

Kruger accepts the offer and Springweather leads Landreich forces to the Karga.
[False Colors]


Kilrathi raid Ilios System
Kilrathi from the Hralgkrak Province raid the Ilios System. There are heavy casualties in the Dardania district and several industrial centers will be out of operation for months. The Confederation has TNC report it as "pirate activity."
[False Colors]


Vance Richards arrives on Moonbase Tycho
Shuttle Themosticles Alpha arrives on Moonbase Tycho carrying Admiral Vance Richards. Richards, Geoffrey Tolwyn and Jason Bondarevsky discuss Kilrathi violations of the Treaty of Torgo.
[False Colors]


Chancellor Melek
Melek these days calls himself Chancellor and pretends to be in control of the various Kilrathi factions. Many clan leaders and senior officers ignore him.
[False Colors]


FLRS Themistocles travels to Landreich
The FRLS Themistocles, carrying Jason Bondarevsky, Janet McCullough, Geoffrey Tolwyn, Vance Richards and Aengus Harper begins its journey from Earth to Landreich.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath
The FRLS Themistocles arrives in the Landreich System.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath
Admiral Tolwyn, Admiral Richards and Jason Bondarevsky board the FRLS Independence.
[False Colors]


FRLS Independance
The FRLS Independence battle group jumps to the Vaku System.
[False Colors]

Project Goliath

Shuttles from the Independence Battlegroup carrying marines and technical specialist board the KIS Karga.
[False Colors]


City of Cashel picks up survivors
Shuttles from the City of Cashel arrive on Nargrast to pick up the survivors from TCS Juneau, KIS Karga and KIS Frawqirg.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath
The leaders of Project Goliath meet to decide the future of the project. Only Geoffrey Tolwyn is in favor of continuing. He goes over Admiral Richard's head and gets Kruger to authorize the go-ahead even before the meeting. The decision could put thousands of lives at risk.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath
The Karga is operational; emergency power, lights, some instruments and partial artificial gravity are online.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath starts Karga's engines
The Karga's fusion engines are brought online.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath
Project Goliath conferences are now being held in the Operations Planning Center on the Karga instead of the FRLS Independence.

Primary flight control is online. Half the flight wing from the Independence is transferred to Karga, to the dismay of Captain Galbraith; they need the Confederation planes until everyone can get trained on the Kilrathi craft.

The portside flightdeck will take a few more weeks to repair. Shields and maneuvering drives are given priority from now on.

The Independence and the Vision Quest are to head back to Landreich space the next week. Bhaktadil's marines are assigned to the Karga.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath
FRLS Independence and the Vision Quest return to Landreich space.
[False Colors]

Banfeld bribes Springweather
The FRLS Independence and the Vision Quest return to Landreich from the Vaku System. While the port authorities at Lutz Mannheim Starport keep her busy, Zachary Banfeld meets up with Wenona Springweather.

Banfeld pays Springweather 50,000 credits to reveal everything she knows about Project Goliath.
[False Colors]


Karga's shields reactivated

Karga's (Mjollnir's) shields are reactivated, but its sensors are still unreliable.
[False Colors]

Project Goliath

The Guild ship Bonadventure attacks the Karga just as it's passing through Vaku VII's ring system. Broadsword bombers from Guild Squadron Raider-One attack the carrier. They quickly find that the Karga's shield's are far stronger than expected. They have orders to take out the Tender which is repairing Karga; Banfeld believes the derelict still relies on it for shields.
[False Colors]

Karga gets a new name
The Karga is renamed Mjollnir.
[False Colors]


Dawx Jhorrad pledges loyalty to Ragark
Dawx Jhorrad pledges his loyalty to Ukar dai Ragark, Governor of the Hralgkrak Province bordering the Landreich.

Ragark now has Jhorrad's ship, the KIS Vorghath, a Dreadnought, in his arsenal.
[False Colors]

Zachary Banfeld arrives in Baka Kar system
Zachary Banfeld arrives in the Baka Kar system on the scoutship Highwayman. He has never met with Baron Ghraffid nar Dhores there before. The ship drops out of cloak and transmits on all frequencies. Scanning the area, Banfeld realizes that Ragark, the governor of the Hralgkrak Province bordering the Landreich, would still pose a serious threat to the Landreich even if they get the Mjollnir into service. He realizes the mess the Landreich and The Guild are all in when he detects the KIS Vorghath, a Kilrathi Dreadnought under Ragark's control. Banfeld heads straight for home.
[False Colors]

Zachary Banfeld
Ukar dai Ragark orders the ships Hravik and Klarran and their battle groups to track the Highwayman and destroy it the moment it decloaks.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath
Daniel Galbraith reveals the details of Project Goliath to a closed session of the Landreich Council. Kruger is accused of wasting resources on hopeless projects and will soon face a vote of no confidence.
[False Colors]


The Guild
The Guild Base on Hellhole is destroyed by the FRLS Independence and its battle group.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath
Kevin Tolwyn arrives on the FRLS Mjollnir by courier shuttle, bringing orders from Kruger. The Mjollnir is to attack the Dreadnought Vorghath at Baka Kar while it is undergoing repairs.
[False Colors]


Project Goliath
The City of Cashel, Andrew Carnegie and any civilian crew part with the FRLS Mjollnir at Oecumene before the carrier begins its journey to Baka Kar.
[False Colors]

Daniel Galbraith summons the Council of Delegates. He intends to reveal Project Goliath in the Council, in front of the cameras. Kruger doesn't show and takes personal command of Task Force Ilios, the task force assembled to head off Ukar dai Ragark's expected incursion into the Ilios System. The Landreich Council of Delegates can not convene without the president or his appointed speaker, so Daniel Galbraith now has a ton of formalities to work out first.
[False Colors]


KIS Wexarragh
Landreich marines take command of the KIS Wexarragh. They board the bridge through an access tunnel.
[False Colors]

Project Goliath

The FRLS Mjollnir begins its attack on the KIS Vorghath and the Asharazhal Orbital Station at Baka Kar.
[False Colors]

Project Goliath
With Vorghath crippled and the Asharazhal badly damaged, FRLS Mjollnir begins her retreat.
[False Colors]

FRLS Independence
The Independence, Magna Carta and Arbroath with their battle groups jump into Baka Kar just in time to bail out FRLS Mjollnir, FRLS Caliburn and FRLS Durendal.
[False Colors]

Project Goliath

Ukar dai Ragark gives up the pursuit of the human ships, unwilling to risk his task force.
[False Colors]


Geoffrey Tolwyn heads the SRA
Geoffrey Tolwyn announces he will resign his Landreich commission and return to Earth to head up the Strategic Readiness Agency.
[False Colors]

Clark Williams' ultimatum
Clark Williams sends the Landreich an ultimatum in name of the Peace Commission, accusing them of violating the Treaty of Torgo, asking them to arrest and hand over Max Kruger and to retire the Mjollnir and the other carriers and let the Confederation police the border with Ragark. Needless to say, they refuse.
[False Colors]


Blair recalled
Todd Marshall is sent to Nephele II to recall Christopher Blair to active service.
[The Price of Freedom]


Blair arrives on the Lexington
Christopher Blair arrives on the TCS Lexington.
[The Price of Freedom]


Eisen relieved of duty
Paulson arrives on the Lexington. He carries orders from Admiral Harnett from the Admiralty Court, relieving Captain Eisen and confining him to quarters. He is to leave the Lexington at Jupiter Station and face an investigation for "alleged violations of the Security Acts and Section 212 of the Admiralty Court Directives."
[The Price of Freedom]

Tuesday Brody rescued
Dr Brody is rescued from a Border Worlds facility on Tyr VII.
[Wing Commander IV]


Eisen defects
Suspecting an assassination plot, William Eisen steals a Lexington shuttle and defects to the Border Worlds.
[The Price of Freedom]

Blair defects
Christopher Blair defects to the Border Worlds.
[The Price of Freedom]


Geoffrey Tolwyn
Geoffrey Tolwyn delivers his biennial report to the Defense Committee.
[The Price of Freedom]


William Eisen
Eisen leaves the BWS Intrepid. He intends to get back to Earth and meet up with friends in high places so he can find a political solution to what's happening on the frontier.
[The Price of Freedom]

Intrepid goes to Peleus
The BWS Intrepid jumps to the Peleus System to investigate a system-wide jamming device. Black Lance pilots flying modified Black Hellcats were unaffected by the jamming; they switch frequencies every few milliseconds. Evan Bean is one of the Hellcat pilots.

Forced to eject, he gets picked up by Todd Marshall. He leads them to the source of the jamming; an old Confederation capital ship. Todd Marshall takes a squadron in, followed by the remainder of the BWS Intrepid's fighters. They take out the jammer.
[The Price of Freedom]

Geoffrey Tolwyn
Geoffrey Tolwyn's shuttle is captured in the Peleus System and taken to the BWS Intrepid. He is released by Christopher Blair.
[The Price of Freedom]

Vagabond killed
Winston Chang is killed during a mission to infiltrate and steal data from a Confederation communications station.
[Wing Commander IV]


Telamon attacked
Black Lance fighters drop canisters with a bio-convergence weapon on Telamon FT957. The planet sends out a distress signal. The BWS Intrepid is sent to investigate. 90% of the population of FT957 died from the infection. The remainder could no longer cope with the bodies that kept piling up and the secondary epidemics like cholera affected them as well. The entire system is quarantined to prevent it from spreading. Anyone who tried to leave the system and would not turn back was shot.
[The Price of Freedom]


Brody killed
Blair infiltrates the Black Lance base in the Axius system. While trying to escape with Dr Brody, Brody is fatally shot. Blair manages to reach his fighter and escape.
[Wing Commander IV]

Tolwyn heads to the Great Assembly
Geoffrey Tolwyn heads to Earth to get his declaration of war from the Great Assembly. The Intrepid races back to Sol.
[The Price of Freedom]

War prevented
The Great Assembly is about to vote for war when Blair intervenes. He reveals Tolwyn's conspiracy. The Admiral trips himself up. The Senators vote overwhelmingly against war, 130 for, 22 against.

Gradually the Emergency Decrees are lifted and freedom of the press restored.
[The Price of Freedom]


Todd Marshall's 2000th kill
Todd Marshall achieves his 2000th and 2001st kills by shooting down two armed smugglers during a routine sweep of the Hawkins system.
[ICIS Manual]


Valgard Pirate Execution

2681.014.0700 - Thirty six Kilrathi convicted on piracy, murder, extortion and malicious disorder are executed at the Valgard Military Prison complex. The prisoners were executed as a group by flash incineration. The pirate's leader Krahtagh N'Ryllis, AKA Bloodeye was included in the executions. The Kilrathi Provisional Counsel protested the executions. The Kilrathi did not contest the guilt of the pirates, but argued that the pirates should have been turned over to the Kilrathi for execution by traditional methods. Sector Governer Stella Lee issued a statement in response.
"While the government of this sector appreciates the eagerness of the Kilrathi to assist in the process of justice, we strongly feel that it is importatnt that these bloody murderers should meet their well-deserved fate at the hand of those they so brutally victimized. Therefore, we must respectfull refuse Kilrathi assistance in the execution of this sentence."
The "Demon's Eye Pack" pirates terrorized colonists and disrupted space traffic in Epsilon Sector for almost five months in 2680 until their base was taken by Marines from TCS Midway. Of the estimated 400 Kilrathi living in the pirate base, at least 300 were killed and the rest taken prisoner. Fifty four females, children and slaves were released in to Kilrathi custody, while Bloodeye and thirty five followers were given capital convictions in a high-profile trial.
[ICIS Manual]


Senate debate
In a "vigorous" debate on the Senate floor, Senator Taggart and the Federationist party pushed for gradual expansion of the military budget, while Senator Diego and the Populist party pushed for a 35% rollback of all military spending, a reduction of about 1.7 trillion credits, with 10% to be diverted to humanitarian programs and the remaining 25% to tax relief. Senator Diego attacked the spending policies of the Confed armed forces and Senator Taggart's Megacarrier project. Diego said "Now I look at this so-called megacarrier that we're spending so much on, and I ask myself what, exactly are we defending against? My Uncle Eddy used to keep a blaster by his bed in case he was attacked by little blue aliens in the night. After they spent most of their life savings on wall repairs, my Aunt Lori had him locked up. I'm wondering if we're not throwing our money after imaginary threats? And I wonder if we're going to come to our senses, or end up like Uncle Eddy."
Taggart responded "Talk of a 'peace dividend' is, at best, redundant. Military expenditures are already down 45% from their wartime peak. And far from being wasteful, the megacarrier program is the most economical plan available. Over half of our war-era fleet is obsolete and failing, and if we tried to replace the old ships with ships of the same type, it would cost almost twice as much as the entire megacarrier program to provide the same level of defense. When the Kilrathi started the war more than half a century ago, we were unready and underequipped, because we though we could count on a time of peace. The cost of our misjudgement was an unthinkable toll in lives and property. The Confederation owes it to itself - to its people - to make a solemn vow to never be so taken again."
The Senate is expected to vote on the final appropriations bill no later than 2681.030
[ICIS Manual]


TCIA Kilrah timeline 1

Confed Astronomical Station K-105 picks up an unidentified energy surge near Kilrah Prime. The surge is identified as an equipment malfunction or the reflection of a solar flare.
[ICIS Manual]

Kilrah energy pulse

K-105 observatory detected tightly focused pulse of energy .165 of a second in duration, measuring 47,000dG in intensity and crossed the subspace spectrum from mk 1772 down to mk3500 (lower limit of K-105 equipment). Occurred at 2681.018.1441.26, manually flagged as probably false reading by technicians at K-105 at 15:02. Nothing to link energy pulse to the wormhole.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 2

TOBY drones from TCS Devereaux are destroyed while exploring Kilrah Prime.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 3

The TCS Devereaux is destroyed in the Kilrah system.
[ICIS Manual]

[22:15 (est)]
TCIA Kilrah timeline 4

The Sivarist monastic outpost on asteroid K-14G in the Kilrah system is destroyed.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 5

Astronomical Station K-105 in the Kilrah system is destroyed. Fighters are scrambled from Surveillance Outposts Bravo and Delta to recon and respond.
[ICIS Manual]


TCIA Kilrah timeline 6

The recon groups from Outposts Bravo and Delta jump to site of K-105 in the Kilrah system to investigate its destruction. They never reestablish contact.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 7

The Kilrathi colony on Kilrah 6 is attacked by forces at the time unknown. The attackers are later discovered as being the Nephilim aliens.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 8

This time marks the last known signal from Kilrah 6 after it is attacked.
[ICIS Manual]

[02:15 (est)]
TCIA Kilrah timeline 9

The previously unknown Kilrathi smuggler/insurgent base on Kilrah 7.4 is destroyed.
[ICIS Manual]

2681.019.0330 - .0338 

[02:15 (est)]
TCIA Kilrah timeline 10

Surveillance Outposts Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta in the Kilrah system are attacked.
[ICIS Manual]


[04:15 (est)]
TCIA Kilrah timeline 11

All Kilrah Surveillance Outposts are presumed destroyed. Kilrah system is presumed fully in enemy control.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 12

The first of seven recon missions is dispatched into Kilrah systems from Tal'q Naval Station. It does not return as scheduled, all contact is lost.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 13

Tal'q sends a FLASH message to Terra, which goes to full alert status.
[ICIS Manual]

[20:00 (est)]
TCIA Kilrah timeline 14

Lt. Katrina Shea leaves from Tal'q Naval Station on the 6th recon mission into Kilrah system, but doesn't return.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 15

Major Leeward Washington leaves Tal'q Naval Station in an Excalibur refitted for trans-system surveillance on the 7th and final recon mission into Kilrah system.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 16

Major Washington discovers the remains of the smuggler's base on Kilrah 7.4 during the 7th recon attempt from Tal'q.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 17

Major Washington completes his recon of Kilrah 7.4 and begins his return trip to Tal'q.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 18

Major Washington returns to Tal'q with photos and a possible enemy artifact. His is the only recon mission of seven to return as scheduled, others are presumed lost. Recon missions are terminated pending analysis of known data.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 19

A strike group, lead by Corvette TCS Brack, is dispatched from Tal'q to Kilrah 6
[ICIS Manual]


TCIA Kilrah timeline 20

This time marks the last transmission from the TCS Brack.
[ICIS Manual]

TCIA Kilrah timeline 21

The initial TCIA report on the Kilrah incident is compiled and dispatched.
[ICIS Manual]


Letter from Senator Taggart to Commodore Blair
Senator James Taggart sends a letter to Commodore Christopher Blair. Taggart mentions that "we may be facing something that will make the Kilrathi look like a pack of rock-throwing baboons".
Taggart says that he had to "squeeze those dolts" on the appropriations committee to authorize funds to build the Midway.
He also mentions that Blair and Chief Coriolis are getting along well now and that "Iceman's son" will soon be posted to Midway.
As well as this, he attached a TCIA report on Kilrah events. (see record TCIA report on Kilrah events)
[ICIS Manual]


Intercepted Hispaniola communication

A Confederation listening station is located near Aires VI in the T'lan Meth system. It intercepted a communication from the Hispaniola regarding a possible breach of security on 2681.049 1535. It appears that its crew were attempting to make money from salvaging dead Nephilim fighters. The Hispaniola was last seen headed for Sol.
[Secret Ops Online Fiction]


TCS Cerberus begins operations
The TCS Cerberus is slated to begin operations in the Courage System (maiden voyage) on 2681.063.
[Secret Ops Online Fiction]


TCS Cerberus
The Cerberus arrives in Ella system on 2681.069.
[Secret Ops Online Fiction]


TCS Cerberus
The TCS Cerberus heads for Luyten on 2681.089.
[Secret Ops Online Fiction]

Sol Sector Nephilim Conflict
Governor Cavazos finally admits on 2681.089 that the war with the Nephilim is still with the Confederation. Confederation ships sent to protect jump lanes from pirates and unaffiliated mercenaries are now an official blockade. A number of citizen rights groups protested at the apparent withholding of information from the public by the Confederation.
[Secret Ops Online Fiction]


Terran ShipYard Arcology hearings postponed
The General Assembly hearings at the Terran ShipYard Arcology were postponed following bomb-threats received by the Managing Officiate. A Neural EMP device was found outside the Ozawa meeting hall which would have broadcast the message "Freedom from Tyranny". The General Assembly hearings are to be moved to a secret location, with no external communication.
[Secret Ops Online Fiction]


Deep Space Sur  
Double-Digit D  
Macmillan Harc  
Tax Form AC-28  
TB-81S Black S  
TCS Tsiolkovsk  
Terrence O'Hea  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
Vesuvius Heavy  
Midway Heavy C