Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Events around February 20 (.50)


Jotunheim 2
The Kilrathi set up an ambush for the Tiger's Claw. Blair and Spirit launch from the Tiger's Claw in Raptors to ambush the ambush. Blair's wing manages to destroy a Dorkir communications ship and a Fralthi cruiser.
[Secret Missions 1]


Enigma C
TCS Concordia discovers a Kilrathi strike force at the edge of the asteroid belt. Blair and Jeanette Deveraux launch from the TCS Concordia in Broadswords and attack the strike force, deliberately allowing a Ralatha to jump and escape. Jeanette Deveraux is able to track the Ralatha's course back to it's base at K'tithrak Mang before jumping after the Ralatha to finish it off. With the information on the location of the Kilrathi base, Blair's wing returns to the Concordia.
[Wing Commander II]


Intercepted Hispaniola communication

A Confederation listening station is located near Aires VI in the T'lan Meth system. It intercepted a communication from the Hispaniola regarding a possible breach of security on 2681.049 1535. It appears that its crew were attempting to make money from salvaging dead Nephilim fighters. The Hispaniola was last seen headed for Sol.
[Secret Ops Online Fiction]



Daniel Galbrai  
God of the Run  
Janet McCullou  
Middleton Secu  
Omni Incorpora  
Seahawk SEA/SW  
TCS Tsiolkovsk  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
Vesuvius Heavy  
Midway Heavy C