Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Kilrathi myth/prophecy# 783 

Name Kilrathi myth/prophecy
About There shall come a time when one who has the heart of a Kilrathi, but is not Kilrathi born shall rain cleansing fire down upon us. And Kn'Thrak, a time of great darkness shall embrace us.

Death itself shall pour forth, obscuring the stars in a veil of darkness. Theirs is the claw that tears flesh from bone. Theirs is the poisoned fang. Their number shall rend the universe barren and crush the breath from our clans. We shall be bathed in our own blood and rotted flesh shall be our fare. With a deafening thunder shall the dark age begin.

"Kilrathi myth holds that in ancient times, warrior-gods descended from the stars and challenged the warriors of Kilrah to battle. But when the Kilrathi army assembled, the gods scorned the force, pronouncing the Kilrathi unworthy of their attention. The gods left promising to return and battle the Kilrathi when they became worthy."
"All battles, including the Mantu, Hari and Terran conflicts have been seen by the Cult of Sivar as preparation for the final challenge of the star gods. Specifically, the prophecy states that if the Kilrathi ever faltered in their path of conquest, the gods would return and destroy both the Kilrathi remnant and their conquerors."
"The Cult of Sivar viewed Kilrathi history as heading towards one of only two possible outcomes. The first, Tr'thrak is a sort of Ragnarok - a glorious final battle against the star gods where the Kilrathi would find either final victory or eternal honor in dead. The second, Kn'thrack, or "void," would occur if the Kilrathi were defeated by unworthy opponents and the star gods returned to annihilate the race without honor."

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Record edited by Cpl Hades
Last modified Aug 4 2003


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