Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Graknala# 1561 

Name Graknala
Race Kilrathi
About Graknala was the Dowager Empress of the Kilrathi Empire during the Kilrathi War, and mother to the last Emperor of Kilrah. Many Kilrathi viewed her with contempt, believing her to be a minor noble whose only claim on the Emperor's father had been her beauty, and that her marriage into the Imperial family had weakened the purity of its bloodline.

When the war had started, the Emperor had insisted that she move away from her ancestoral home on the planet of Vukar Tag, which might have become a frontline, to the Imperial Palace. Graknala's ancestoral palace was considered a sacred site by the Kilrathi, one of many such that were out of bounds in times of war, and which had never been violated in their many civil wars.

Knowing this, and knowing that an attack on the palace would be a massive loss of face for the Emperor, the Confederation used Graknala's palace as bait during Operation Backlash in 2667. Confederation Marines first captured and then defiled the palace, making sure to capture the desecration on video that was then sent to the Kilrathi.

The Confederation believed that such an insult could only be avenged by a tremondous display of force that would show Imperial strength and resolve, and that the Kilrathi would hit back with eight to ten carriers from their home fleet and the Imperial assault legions. The Kilrathi would have to respond quickly, before the Marines were dug in too deep. The Confederation fleet, spearheaded by the carriers Concordia, Wolfhound, Trafalgar and Gettysburg, would jump in just as the Kilrathi were beginning their assault. Since the Kilrathi craft would be configured for ground assault, the Confederation would have the advantage. Meanwhile, the Tarawa would perform a diversionary atttack on construction facilities in the Kilrath system itself to split up the home fleet and give the Confederation carriers a fighting chance. The operation resulted in a major Confederation victory, destroying several Kilrathi carriers and carrier construction facilities, and had the potential to turn the tide of the war before the advantage was squandered by the Armistice.

Related records: TCS Johnny Greene, TCS Tarawa
Record edited by Raptor
Last modified Aug 29 2004


CF-105 Scimita  
FRLS Andrew Ca  
How clan Ishta  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
Vesuvius Heavy  
Midway Heavy C  