Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Ludmilla Petranova# 1556 

Name Ludmilla Petranova
Rank Rear Admiral
Faction Black Lance
Race Human
About Admiral Ludmilla Petranova was the commanding officer of the Third Fleet during the Confederation/Border Worlds conflict. She was also a member of the Black Lance. Petranova was considered by her fellow officers to be a highly ruthless "Tolwyn wanna-be", and an ambitious person who would sell her own mother out to get a third star. Within the Project, she overestimated her own importance, and was definitely not on Seether's list of favorite people.

Due to post war cost cutting, the Third Fleet was down to a single fleet carrier at the time, the TCS Lexington. When Captain William Eisen of the Lexington first began investigating the suspicious events on the frontier, Petranova and Elsa Harnett tried to subtly recruit him to the Project. When this failed, Eisen was relieved of his command and confined to his quarters, replaced by Captain Hugh Paulson. The Lexington was too important an asset to the Black Lance to be allowed out of their control. As a result, Petranova was none too pleased when the Lexington was disabled by Christopher Blair, and reportedly threw a ring tailed fit at the loss of her sole fleet carrier.

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Record edited by Raptor
Last modified Aug 15 2004


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