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Raptor class Heavy Fighter# 1421 

Name Raptor class Heavy Fighter
Faction Free Republic of the Landreich
About The Raptor served as the Confederation's main Heavy fighter for a number of years. The first known use of a Raptor was at McAuliffe on 2639.033 when wings of Raptors were used to drop mines around a jump point in preparation for the arrival of the Confederation fleet.

Even as late as 2670, more than thirty years later, Raptors were still in service in the Landreich.

Class Heavy Fighter
Length 36 meters
Mass 20 metric tonnes
Max Velocity 400 kps
Cruise Velocity 250 kps
Acceleration Good
Max Afterburner Velocity 1200 kps
Max Y/P/R 6/5/6 deg/s
Guns Mass Drivers (2), Neutron Guns (2)
Missile Hardpoints 2x1 HS, 2x1 IR, 1x1 FF, 1x1 Mine
Front Shield 7 cm
Rear Shield 7 cm
Front Armor 8 cm
Rear Armor 8 cm
Right/Left Armor 6 cm
Jump Capable No

Related records:
Record edited by Cpl Hades
Last modified Aug 10 2003


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