Wing Commander CIC


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  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Jrathek class Medium Fighter# 1381 

Name Jrathek class Medium Fighter
Faction Kilrathi Empire
About The Jrathek was still in prototype stages when the Kilrathi scientist Hajjnah defected to the Confederation, bringing with him Jrathek blueprints.

2668 Academy simulator variant

Class Medium Fighter
Length 20 meters
Mass 15 metric tonnes
Max Velocity 500 kps
Cruise Velocity 350 kps
Acceleration Excellent
Max Afterburner Velocity 1400 kps
Max Y/P/R 10/10/10 deg/s
Guns Photon Cannons (2), Plasma Bolts (2)
Missile Hardpoints 2x1 FF, 2x1 DF
Missile Decoys Chaff Pods (1)
Front Shield 15 cm
Rear Shield 15 cm
Front Armor 20 cm
Rear Armor 20 cm
Right/Left Armor 18 cm
Jump Capable Yes

2669 KIS Shiraak variant

Class Medium Fighter
Length 35 meters
Mass 6.300 metric tonnes
Max Velocity 595 k/s
Cruise Velocity 450 k/s
Acceleration Excellent
Max Afterburner Velocity ??? kps
Max Y/P/R 4/7/5 deg/s
Guns Flux Cannons (2), Photon Cannons (2)
Missile Hardpoints 2x1 FF, 2x1 IR
Missile Decoys Chaff Pods (1)
Front/Rear Shield 40 cm
Right/Left Shield 30 cm
Shield Recharge 0.5 cm/sec
Front/Rear Armor 27.5 cm plasteel
Right/Left Armor 25 cm plasteel
Core Strength 110
Jump Capable Yes

Related records:
Record edited by Cpl Hades
Last modified Aug 9 2003


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