Jason_Ryock said:
Sure sounded like you did. I've got that work finished Casper, just lemme know how ta get 'em to you, and could you scroll back through the thread and answer my questions on my older post? I'm really curious...
Just zip and email all the files to
casper@solsector.net if you can - they shouldn't be very large.
Now for the questions:
1) zooming works, but only smoothly after you pause - basically you type in any zoom factor you'd like, and the detail map will scale to that number - the overall map currently does not zoom
2) group selection works - click-drag to select a wing and give orders (right-click) normally - units will also move in the formation that they were in when selected - missile salvoes also work (telling 4 or 6 fighters to all fire a Tracker MIRV is very cool)
3) naming is not implemented, but shouldn't be too hard to add - I'll do it when I have time
4) radar is not implemented yet - both you and any AI players can see all of the map and all units - like naming, though, not too hard to implement
5) stealth - same as naming
6) campaign handling - same as naming - I'll have a few quick missions available when it's released
7) I need to learn more about Java network support before adding multiplayer - consider it on the drawing board
8) BW and BL players are already supported - all that needs to be added are the ship definition files
I hope that'll satisfy some issues
one more thing - right now, AI is simply "everyone find the nearest target and attack it" - feel free to post suggestions
[Screenshot removed 7-16-2005]