Vice Admiral
If you mean the Capship Shields, really slow. In Fleet Action one of the Kilrathi mentions that his shields will gain 2% in something less than an hour. This suggests, to me, anyway, that Kilrathi shield generators probably can't recharge more then 3% of their total shields in an hour, and Confed, assuming they have an edge, probably about 5%. I dunno how that works into your program with game times and such.
Personally, I'd love to see this kind of game that lasted, literally, for hours, of hunting tracking following positioning, and striking. Maybe you can have an enemy regeneration option...after you kill them they re-spawn somewhere else in the system so you can just keep playing...
Also, I don't know if you can program in Tractor Beams at all...but like, the Tarawa grabbed something with her tractor beam and managed to slingshot around a planet at super high velocities, it's a much faster turn, much quicker, and safer and easier then burning fuel to turn.
I don't know how you would do that...though...recently in a Wing Commander RPG I used my battleships to slingshot my Carriers past a screening line of destroyers to strike at an enemy fleet. It worked rather well.
Personally, I'd love to see this kind of game that lasted, literally, for hours, of hunting tracking following positioning, and striking. Maybe you can have an enemy regeneration option...after you kill them they re-spawn somewhere else in the system so you can just keep playing...
Also, I don't know if you can program in Tractor Beams at all...but like, the Tarawa grabbed something with her tractor beam and managed to slingshot around a planet at super high velocities, it's a much faster turn, much quicker, and safer and easier then burning fuel to turn.
I don't know how you would do that...though...recently in a Wing Commander RPG I used my battleships to slingshot my Carriers past a screening line of destroyers to strike at an enemy fleet. It worked rather well.