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Edfilho said:
Following the Gorilla theme, there was a Primate in WC4.
Don't forget that he was in Wing Commander III as well. I even commented about his callsign on these forums even before I played WCIV, not realizing he was in WCIV as well. It not only refers to a monkey- which is what the terrans were called by the Kilrathi, but it also is two words combined- Prime and Mate. Prime mate= best friend, which is a nice double entendre callsign. He was also an awesome pilot especially in WC4- my usual choice for a wingman.
TopGun said:
He dies in the a Cutscene
I must have missed that. Which cutscene does Primate die in? I thought I remembered flying with him even through to the last mission involving wingmen. Are you talking about WC Prophesy (which I haven't played)?
It's also notable that Primate was the first pilot to defect to the BW, even before Eisen.
TopGun said:
He dies in the a Cutscene

In the peleus system the pilots that die aren't from the intrepid and are Hacker, Bob-o-mate and Moose. In the intro to wc4 the pilots that die are Russo, Sparky, and Vinman - also not from ships from which blair flies.
Moose was from the Intrepid, and he's listed as dead on the roster after that cutscene.

I don't recall Primate dying in Wing Commander IV.

My only valuable bit of Primate trivia is that he's "J. Allen" in the original game but is changed to "Tony Salvaggio" in the PSX port.
Bandit LOAF said:
Moose was from the Intrepid, and he's listed as dead on the roster after that cutscene.

So loaf ,how are we to assume this takes place? Is the clip out of sequence in the game? or is Moose on loan to another ship in Peleus briefly? Because the clip happens before The intrepid jumps to Peleus. I don't think banshee's are jump capable (correct me if I'm wrong). That aside, if they are jump capable was the intrepid heading to peleus anyway and wilfred simply sped up their arrival, and moose was part of some kind of scout party that didn't report back? Does the novel have anything to say about this?
The novel doesn't have anything to say about this, other than perhaps that the Intrepid's battle group includes a special corvette that can open jump points to let non-jump capable fighters go through.
So despite that we dont see them in game the intrepid is part of a larger group of cap ships working together? I really don't remember much from the novel. How large a group?
Bandit LOAF said:
Moose was from the Intrepid, and he's listed as dead on the roster after that cutscene.

I don't recall Primate dying in Wing Commander IV.

Yeah I got confused with Moose and Primate
AD said:
So despite that we dont see them in game the intrepid is part of a larger group of cap ships working together? I really don't remember much from the novel. How large a group?

Yes, the Intrepid was part of a larger fleet (she was the "flagship of the Outerworlds Fleet"). When Blair defects the fleet includes:

* Two ore transports converted to carry fighters.
* A corvette with a special jump device.
* Three frigates.

Other Border Worlds ships come and go, including a pair of CVEs, the BWS Tango and the BWS Johns Hopkins (as well as a variety of destroyers and other Tallahassee-class cruisers in cutscenes/WC4 missions).
I don't remember the callsign... but did anybody else notice George Oldziey on the flight roster? (He's the guy who does the music for WC)
I hadn't noticed that FlashFire, it's pretty cool, though

I remember hearing the name BWS Tango in the game
All of the redshirts were WCIV team members. George Oldziey was "Blade".

The Tango was the Durango-class ship that shows up in the 'collect fighters' mission. It was like the Intrepid without the charred top.
That would be it

One thing (there are many) I liked about WC IV was that you could be what damage you got when your ship was on the Hanger Bay
Lotsa the QA guys were on the flight roster. Anthony Sommers was in there, too. I want to say he was Primate, but it's been so long I can't remember. :(
Here's the WCIV redshits:

Excell - Pauline Saab (Art)
Blade - George Oldziey (Music)
Yaegar - Anthony Sommers (QA)
Turbo - Frank Roan (Lead Programmer)
Primate - J. Allen {Brack} (QA)
Hippie - David Downing (Assoc. Producer)
Miner - Rodney Brunet (Art)
Quality - Jason Yenawine (Xanmovie)
Scar - Martin Galway (Music)
Moose - Patrick Bradshaw (Product Manager)
Fhish - Weston Giunta (Art)
Gambler - Jeff Shelton (Mission Editor)

I don't recognize these five. Maybe someone else knows them?

Tex - Sean Hall
Vero - Madeline Fox
Hazard - Mark Lewis
Steel - Mark Baird
Slash - Eric Fried

And then in the PSX port...

Excell - Nonie Grounds
Blade - Lon Meineke
Tex - Scott Osborn
Yaeger - Richard Lyle
Turbo - Bruce Burkhalter
Primate - Tony Salvaggio
Miner - Kevin Armstrong
Quality - Chuck Lupher
Scar - David Abelt
Moose - Brian Adams
Vero - Ana Moreno
Hazard - Phil Sulak
Steel - Brian Wacchaus
Fhish - Doug Grounds

(Hippie didn't change and Slash and Gambler aren't in the PSX version.)