movie question

in wc the movie when the captain of the tiger claw is in his room and they he zooms in on a photo with him and what looks to be the commander of the pegasus if anyone knows who it is post it
Yes, it's Admiral Wilson. He and Captain Sansky attended the Academy together, I think, and were old friends. Also, they were betraying Confed to the Kilrathi together. Read the novelization for more information on this.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
In the initial cut of the movie, Wilson and Sansky were both traitors -- which is why the Kilrathi were able to take Pegasus and such. Chris Roberts cut a whole lot of the movie out because test audiences found it overly confusing.

(IIRC Wilson and Sansky served together *at* the Academy, but did not attend it at the same time).

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

LOAF's Merry Guild

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
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What I find truly disconcerting is that all of my friends hated the movie because It didn't make sense. It's my belief that it would've made more sense had there not been parts yanked from it.

Hats off to the new-age hairstyle made of bones,
Hats off to the use of hats as megaphones...

I still haven`t seen the movie, but it`s hard for me, after reading the book, to imagine it without the traitor part. it just doesn`t make a lot of sense.
Bandit LOAF said:
(IIRC Wilson and Sansky served together *at* the Academy, but did not attend it at the same time).

Oh, yeah. Well, that would make sense, considering Wilson is like 300 years old or something

Frosty: Indeed, it would have made more sense had the traitor subplot been kept in. I mean, what 27th Century space station couldn't detect a million Dralthis until they were right on top of them? And one complaint I've read by various critics is what was the point of the Pilgrims? The traitor subplot would've given them a point.

Maybe one day, if the gods are feeling especially generous, a special addition will be released. But that's a definite pipe dream.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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Unfortunately, they ripped out those good subplots because the test audiences didn't know the first thing about Wing Commander.

Too bad though, that would have been interesting; because I thought the movie was a bit choppy on the plot side.
And, if you notice, the scene on the bridge of the Kilrathi Communications ship is a tad chopped up, as if they took out a bunch of scenes there (which I think they did).

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
I didn't cheer after First Contact, and I'm a big Trek fan. Odd...

Yeah, why didn't they have WC fans as the test audiences?
'Cause, face it, the only people who really saw the movie were Wing Commander fans and teenage girls that like Freddie Prinze, Jr.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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I'm an exception to that rule. I wasn't even a WC player until a couple of months ago, and I saw the movie soon after it came out, in theaters. I just went to see it cause I hadn't seen a space combat movie in a while.
I figured it wouldn't be any good and so I didn't have expectations. I really didn't like it, cause personally I think it was a low-budgeted film that didn't have great acting. If I saw it now, with the WC knowledge that I have, I might enjoy it more cause I could relate to it.
I still haven't seen the movie
And for a low budgetted movie I think the trailer looked pretty impressive.

BTW, anybody seen X-MEN yet? Besides me, that is.
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For a low-budget movie, it IS pretty impressive.

Nope, haven't seen X-Men yet. What's it like? I mean, I always liked the cartoon (didn't actually see much of the comic), but is the movie worth seeing?
It's a good thing you guys made me understood me the movie properly so thanks.O yeah but I got a question about the movie why are the Jump buoy so dangerous than that of WC:So does this mean there has been technological progress in this or some research I guess
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And I forgot to say this in my previous post well is there gonna be another Wc movie? I hope so if there I also hope to be the 1st customer to see it and buy it
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Quarto: X-Men is awesome! In fact, my sister and I are going to go out and see it again... after we finish our chores, that is.
I used to read the comic religiously, but the fact that I had to buy fifty other Marvel titles just to continue that one storyline made me drop the series.

Assassin: You thought the acting in the WC movie was bad? Hell, Roger Ebert said the acting was good, and it's not easy to impress that guy.

Rider: They were jumping through a pulsar; that's why it was so perilous for the Claw.

And, no, there probably won't be another WC movie, considering it didn't do very well. But, hey, there's still talk of making a sequel to Battlefield: Earth, so...

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!

[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited July 16, 2000).]
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Re: X-Men Movie

I never read the comic, and only casually watched the cartoon... but Lisa and I went and saw the movie on Friday, and I thought it was really good. It seems to have a unique blend of taking the source material seriously and making a movie that's quick and interesting enough to have the non-fans follow it.
i read that the director didn't know that much about the comic series, and that he wanted to do something completly diffrent from the standart story line....
Quarto: Well there you have it, it's a pretty damn good movie! It's a very impressive adaption of the comic. Some creative license was used (Mystique's scale look) but unlike the Batman movies this doesn't make X-Men a worse film. Even LOAF liked it. If LOAF likes something it has to be good! Everybody go watch it! I've seen it twice myself!

Everybody try find Stan Lee and Jubilee ...
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