Blair and Casey

One more thing, in WCIII and WCIV maniac is always talking about blair like blair is over the hill, but maniac went to the academy with him and also recieved his first assignment (the Tigers Claw) at the same time as him. This is kinda odd unless its like friendly joking around.

Dind't Blair consistently beat Maniac at the Academy in terms of performance? Could that have been what made Maniac so jealous of him?
Interesting thought about the jealousy thing, but also maniac is still flying in 2681 whereas Blair isn't and should be in his late 50's depending on when he joined the SF. (2654-2681 is 27 years so if he was 18 when he joined the SF acadamy thats 4 years so 22+27 is 49 and if he was any older he would have been in his fifties.
It was in TPOF and blair was thinking that after watching Paladin in the Senatorial procedings towards the begining just when he was introducing Tolwyn to the assembaly then saying that in 2 weeks they would vote for war. (? when the books and the Game disagree like whether or not paladin was using that accent since in the game he had it, which should we go by? perhaps loaf knows?)
Hawk sould be around that age as well.
well the Midway was in a sake down cruise and not especting trouble perhaps that is why 50 years old pilots were still around.
But maniac is still a major, does Confed dont put people that stays in a grade too long to pasture.
Maniac was promoted to full Colonel at the end of WC4, needless to say, he must have goten in trouble again, and been droped back to major.

Anyhow, there were precious few pilots of Maniacs age on the Midway, most of them were green with no combat experience.

when the books and the Game disagree like whether or not paladin was using that accent since in the game he had it, which should we go by? perhaps loaf knows?)
Games always come first... In this case though, the game is hardly any proof that Paladins accent wasn't fake.

wonder who was the idiot that made him a coronel?
I did not like Hawk back in WC IV I liked Pant.. Phanter better.
I was hoping that we played Blair again but. after WC IV I was spoiled by all those FMV so I did not like the way that WC P FMV was in the game, besides of couse of not having a Dragon figther around to play with.
The acting was good, not as good as WC IV however.
That idiot was someone who decided that Maniacs distinguished record deserved a reward.:)

And why would you want a Dragon when the Vampire is so much better?
WC4 was the best out of all the Wing Commander games, it had the best FMV great graphics and addictive gameplay, plus a great villan who you don't even know is the villian for quite a while as well as great character foils (panther and hawk, also seether and Blair). Panther was my favorite wingman and I would have liked to have seen her in WCP and in the WCIV book would have perfered for her to have been blairs love intrest not sosa
How could you NOT know that Tolwyn will be the bad guy?:) Just by looking at the box you can guess that it's something involving him, and it ain't good.

And when you see how nice he is to Blair in the intro, there's nothing you can do, but know that he's the bad guy.;)
Earthworm, The vampire is not nearly as fun. Because. 1: No cloak, 2: No torps, 3: No unlimited Afterburner, and 4: no Fission cannons
But even if you had a Dragon, it cloak would be useless, it's torps not enough to destroy anything heavy, and it's fission guns wouldn't be any more effective than Vamps main weapons. Six Tachyons and two Particles are extremly deadly, and add to that it's huge missile array, and you've got one hot ship. One that has the capability to simulate unlimited afterburners using it's autoslide, and one that's much more faster and agile.:)
God what is the world coming to

Give me a Dragon, they gave a cloak, a great look, great guns. Vampires...crapy figther a true peace time fighter all show, no use.
And Maniac ... only a idiot would give him a squadron.that is why gets back his MAJOR job.
Originally posted by Dragon
Give me a Dragon, they gave a cloak, a great look, great guns. Vampires...crapy figther a true peace time fighter all show, no use.
Yeah, that's why it's doing so well against the Nephilim... a true peace time fighter indeed. Like I said, Dragons cloak would be useless, it's size a major disadvantage, and it's guns weak. Since you can't fire the Fission guns along with your other weapons, you can't have as much destructive power with either your main weaps, or the Fission, as the Vampire.
And Maniac ... only a idiot would give him a squadron.that is why gets back his MAJOR job.
Say what you want, but Maniac is an incredible pilot, and despire everything, he has had made a major contribution during the war.
Just because Origin does not made a code to cloak ships in WCP does not mean that dragons lost their Cloaking capabilaty.besides I loved those guns(I only use fusion guns on Capships) and the missile bays can still hold a lot of missiles(Besides why not a MK II with a greater missile capabilaty).and T-Bolts carried Torps on SO.besides Vaps are just too ugly.
The only reason I fly Vanpires is because I cant chose my figther, Panthers are a lot better dogfigthers.
Maniac. a Pilot that always make it home is not a good pilot, a pilot that makes it home with his wing IS a good pilot.
Originally posted by Dragon
Just because Origin does not made a code to cloak ships in WCP does not mean that dragons lost their Cloaking capabilaty.
Of course it doesn't. But we do know that cloaked ships can be detected without much problems, like the 6 destroyed Excals in the prophecy manual...

besides I loved those guns(I only use fusion guns on Capships)
And the Vamp has even better guns. The Dragons guns were never more than something from a medium fighter, and I always felt that the Excals weaps would be more suitable for a ship like the Dragon.

and the missile bays can still hold a lot of missiles(Besides why not a MK II with a greater missile capabilaty).
Than why not a new model of Vamps with even more missile? Every time you try to add more weapons you loose something in turn.

and T-Bolts carried Torps on SO.
So did Vampires... note though, that they were light torps, and couldn't do much good by themselves.
besides Vaps are just too ugly.
Now that, is a personal opinion. IMO, the Vamp looks much better than any other ship in Prophecy, and definetly better than the Dragon. The Vampire has that sleek and deadly design, and it's enough to look at it to know that she can kill swiftly and without remorse.
The only reason I fly Vanpires is because I cant chose my figther, Panthers are a lot better dogfigthers.
Whoa, hold on there buddy, since when are slower and less manuverable ships, with weaker shields/armor, less missille, and guns that are weak, better at dogfighting?:-)
Maniac. a Pilot that always make it home is not a good pilot, a pilot that makes it home with his wing IS a good pilot.
Come on, he may have lost wingman a few time because of his iresponsibility, but you can't very well keep a pilot like that flying in squadrons under the command of some kids 20 years younger than him...
Dragon: Its been stated before that the Nephilim hace technology that can detect cloaks, rendering them ineffective. Translation: Dragon with cloak on = Dragon with cloak off.
10 missiles on the Dragon really is better than 16 missiles on the Vamp, which also has 4 trackers, each with 4 missiles. Coming to a combined total of 32 missiles as opposed to 10.
So you think Vamps are ugly. A lot of real world pilots consider the B 52 and the A 10 to be ugly aircraft, but nobody would dare diss their combat capability.
Finally a pilot that makes it home is a good pilot. A pilot that makes it home with his wing is a good wing commander.
They wouldn't put Maniac out to pasture because with 2000+ kills this is a guy that's sure to thin out the opposition.
To me a Pather is a better dogfigter because of the way the ...well engine thing turns sideway , the vampire it turn up and down. That is better for my flying style.
Also Dragons have, memory serve, 2 Tactyion guns and 2 PLASMA guns.that would make a bug capship think twice before attacking.
well you got me with the ´burs there, but its more likely that the cap ships were vectoring the figthers to them and those guys were flying recon ´burs alone not with suport in a system fill with carriers,cruisers, destoyers and god knows what.perhaps those lamprays could detect cloak ships since I dont know what the hell those things were all about.
And the dragon was a better loking fighter for me.
And I like A-10(but not B-52)

[Edited by Dragon on 01-13-2001 at 22:20]
Originally posted by Penguin
Dragon: Its been stated before that the Nephilim hace technology that can detect cloaks, rendering them ineffective. Translation: Dragon with cloak on = Dragon with cloak off.
Not to mention that there were ways of detecting cloaked ships even before WC4, and that the Dragons could see cloaked ships when they were cloaked themselves.
10 missiles on the Dragon really is better than 16 missiles on the Vamp, which also has 4 trackers, each with 4 missiles. Coming to a combined total of 32 missiles as opposed to 10.
Nice bit of sarcasm there.:) Not that Trackers are terribly usefull when you're enemy is closer than 15,000 klicks, but it's quite usefull at breaking up enemy groups, and they work great against corvettes (just clear away all the fighters, and fly 20,000/25,000 klicks away, and relese all of the Trackers.
A lot of real world pilots consider the B 52 and the A 10 to be ugly aircraft, but nobody would dare diss their combat capability.
I would assume that he won't care about this point.:)
Finally a pilot that makes it home is a good pilot. A pilot that makes it home with his wing is a good wing commander.
They wouldn't put Maniac out to pasture because with 2000+ kills this is a guy that's sure to thin out the opposition.
Exactly, Maniac is to valuable pilot to waste (just look at all that he acomplished... taking out that destroyer while still in Academy, helping to take out the Mandarins, and of course his major part in the Kilrah run. And his accomplishments during the BW conflict weren't small either), and he does seem to be more mature towards the end of WC4, and in Prophecy.
Originally posted by Dragon
To me a Pather is a better dogfigter because of the way the ...well engine thing turns sideway , the vampire it turn up and down. That is better for my flying style.
So they can turn left or right slightly faster, the Vamps agility is much better overall.
Also Dragons have, memory serve, 2 Tactyion guns and 2 PLASMA guns.that would make a bug capship think twice before attacking.
Plasma guns that are to weak to be a serious threat to capships.
And the dragon was a better loking fighter for me.
And I like A-10(but not B-52)
But it's looks won't make it a better ship.
Tachyons and plasmas on the Dragon wouldn't penetrate a capships shields. The Dev has a Heavy Plasma.
Lemphreys, I think, are interceptors. Their weapon is called shield killer or something. Its supposed to be good at hitting torps...
Remember, when it comes to fighters' looks and comparability, its all opinion.