Would you like a CapShip with that?

Oh, *lol*

Sorry... I thought You meant the system... I never knew that, Rostov... Too bad You can't talk to him, I bet he'd have a really rough sterpetypical Russian accent like every other WC character ever... "I hevv destrroyd my targete" Please...
Interesting... I wonder why they never had a scene with "This bar don't serve Kilrathi, COLONEL..."

"Do You have a problem wi..." and further Cobra-type discussions...

That is of course, until I realize that until Forstchen stepped in the bartender guy never even had a name... :)
Apparently, he and Ralgha were friends -- despite the fact that Ralgha had been captain of the ship that'd crippled him... <G>
Now THERE's a guy who doesn't hold a grudge! Must be the easy access to certain morally questionable substances... I mean the bartender never needs to go on the pill (jesus that sounds weird)... Although I would have loved to see Shotglass pissed beyond recognition about that Zach Siegler thing... You know, hair out of place, slurring speech, one eye open *lol*
My heart always belonged to Sparks...

But Trisha isn't bad. I cry for her. At least that's what I'm sticking with.