Worst wingman in wc serie

There's a scene at the bar where you're talking to Rachel and you are given the option to "Have another drink" or something else. If you choose to have another drink, Blair downs the entire bottle just before the Victory is attacked and the scramble alert is given. Flying while loaded is fun, but it makes it quite challenging to control the ship. Not to mention those pesky insystem sobriety checkpoints.
Usefulness wise, Vagabond. hands down. he killed fast like nothing else, and stayed alive. for missions where a wingman really made a difference (needed one to make it less than difficult to finish) vagabond almost always made it to the end, and managed to actaully HELP OUT by killing something before i did.

Viper61 said:
Fighting a battle over and over and over again till you don't die isn't the same as being a good WC pilot ;).


Perhaps, in a general sense, but often times you aren't given a choice. Some missions are a breeze, others are much harder. I'm not the best there is, but I consider myself to be an above average stick and rudder man. Having said that, I believe that sometimes you are placed in a seemingly impossible scenario by being thrown in against overwhelming odds and/or by being assigned an extremely difficult mission profile with no "wiggle room." At the same time you are often provided little useful help. Winning the mission by completing all of its objectives on your initial attempt is of course your ultimate goal. But, as in the "Save the Ralari" mission of WC1 or the third Jotunheim mission of SM1, it isn't always possible to accomplish the first time out. I doubt there are many players here who haven't run into one or more missions that confounded them and required multiple attempts to achieve success.
Maniac in WC1 was the worst. I also hated Hobbes, stingray, and jazz in WC2 they would blast you from behind.
I had an official hintbook for WC3 and it said that hobbes, and cobra were invincible, the victory was invincible for the beginning of the game (I think it could be destroyed in the first mission that you scramble in the arrow). Flint was invincible till locanda. The game said always take cobra until she died, cause she was invincible and as good as maniac. After her death and hobbes defection take maniac, but only if you had been insulting him, since he fough harder when you rode him during the dialogue instead of supporting him.
But that could have just been the hintbook trying to make the game seem more grand lol.
BigsWickDagger said:
Having said that, I believe that sometimes you are placed in a seemingly impossible scenario by being thrown in against overwhelming odds and/or by being assigned an extremely difficult mission profile with no "wiggle room."
Eh, true. Like 'pivot' missions/levels/etc you have to win to continue in some games. I'm much more entertained by going through a game as if I have one life (the ones that allow me too anyway). So if I have to eject, I eject . . . if I have to fail a mission, I fail a mission . . . life goes on, and thankfully in most games I play (including WC) so does the game. Theres really no reason for me to go through a game playing every mission over and over again till I beat it . . . thats boring. I got enough of that playing Atari and NES growing up. :D
The way I play games, you'd think I'd enjoy RPG's more than I do. :(

Viper61 said:
I'm much more entertained by going through a game as if I have one life (the ones that allow me too anyway). So if I have to eject, I eject . . . if I have to fail a mission, I fail a mission . . . life goes on, and thankfully in most games I play (including WC) so does the game. Theres really no reason for me to go through a game playing every mission over and over again till I beat it . . . thats boring.


I know what you mean. The problem for me is that often times in a WC game I'm not really sure which mission, if not fully completed, will put me on the losing path. Plus, though I have the strategy guides, I hate to "cheat." I'd rather play the mission over again until I have beaten it soundly. Granted, it can get boring sometimes. For example (hypothetically speaking), after defeating 4 Dralthi, 4 Gratha, 2 Ralari class Destroyers and 6 Jalthi, all while flying a Hornet with Paladin on your wing, you'll encounter one more group of fighters or another mission objective that you must complete in order to stay on the winning path. Your ship is shot to pieces, your wingman is requesting help if anyone so much as looks at him, you are out of missiles, etc. Yeah, I'd be OK with fighting until the last second, ejecting, and living to fight another day, but sometimes the game is not. That element of "realism" is missing. I can feel good about my performance- 1 Hornet lost but at the cost of 14 fighters and 2 cap ships to the Kilrathi- but the game does not. That constitutes the "wiggle room" I refered to earlier- it simply isn't there a lot of the time.
I felt that Knight was the worst Wingman in WC I, because he kept geting in my way when I was firing on a Cat
TopGun said:
I felt that Knight was the worst Wingman in WC I, because he kept geting in my way when I was firing on a Cat

Yeah, then he'd whine about not being a cat-lover in the bar. Plus he was ALWAYS eating something. He shouldn't talk with his mouth full.
BlackJack2064 said:
Maniac in WC1 was the worst. I also hated Hobbes, stingray, and jazz in WC2 they would blast you from behind.
I had an official hintbook for WC3 and it said that hobbes, and cobra were invincible, the victory was invincible for the beginning of the game (I think it could be destroyed in the first mission that you scramble in the arrow). Flint was invincible till locanda. The game said always take cobra until she died, cause she was invincible and as good as maniac. After her death and hobbes defection take maniac, but only if you had been insulting him, since he fough harder when you rode him during the dialogue instead of supporting him.
But that could have just been the hintbook trying to make the game seem more grand lol.

The info is right, in WC3 the kill-ability of each wingman varies. Maniac, vagabond and Flash may die an any mission (meaning failing to eject in time). Hobbes, cobra and vaquero will always eject successfully (instead of dying) until hobbes' betrayal.

Flint is immortal until you pick a girlfriend, then she gets kill-able.
TheRedDuke said:
Plus he was ALWAYS eating something. He shouldn't talk with his mouth full.

That's funny. He did always have a bowl of soup or something in front of him. And wasn't it Hunter who was always pulling out his pistol?
That'd be Iceman with the pistol.

Hmm, worst wingman: the ones from Armada are quite unimpressive. But from the mainstream WC, I can't say it's been too long. Flint maybe. But I disliked her anyway and often gave her the "moral down" answer, may be to that.
maniac is the first thing that pops in my mind. he didn't hasetate too shoot at a cat when he's flying behind me, and thinks i'm willing to give up some armour (also not the first time that he kills me with his cannons, or fires a missile, ramms me, steals my kills etc).
I hated have maniac on my wing that was usually a death sentance, if he didn't bail out or die at nav 1 there was a good chance that you died from friendly fire.