Wing Commander Redux

Just an update... I just learned how to use Lithunwrap, and this is the result: my first UV-unwrapped textured fighter, the ageless Dralthi Mk 1!



no offense but... your textures sucks...

just to mention: I'm the project leader of the Wing Commander Sga project:

We have almost every model from wc2-4 converted...

and hell, we are very close to the release... I would say in one month there will be a beta demo and in about 4 months the 1st campaign ill be released.

That's right, the first, as there will be many others :)

Best Regards Tolwyn
no offense but... your textures sucks...

Well, that's very constructive... how exactly would you say it "sucks"? I was going for a different look than the standard "random square metal plates" texture, but it's only my first attempt at using Lithunwrap. What would you suggest?

I'm glad you are progressing so well on WC:BGS and I look forward to playing it soon.
sorry... I have to much of work ...

anyway, here are some suggestions:

-a few of additional polys would improve your models much
-textures shouldn't be that cartoonish.. try something in wc3 style. I am sure it will fit better.
look, it is no longer up-to-date...

I can't say that I don't like it, but you should consider whenever or not you want to release a visually lacking mod.
Jeremy Reimer said:
Well, since you haven't replied, I've gone and made some changes to the textures. Perhaps they are less "sucks" now? :)

The correct term is "less succulent"... :D

Yes, that's a bit better. Now it merely looks a bit like wood parquet flooring.

Also, you might wanna consider putting textures on the edges of the "pancake"wings. It looks nekkid at the moment.
TC said:
What's wrong with the 'cartoonish' style?
Well, mainly that it's cartoonish...
Jeremy Reimer said:
There is a texture on the edges-- a smooth grey texture, just like in the original game.
Bah; a design flaw of the original game, then...
That said, go the original one better and put the same texture on the edges as on the rest of the surface. That'll help it look less succulent.
Bah; a design flaw of the original game, then...

I don't think so-- using WCVIEW to view the original game renders shows quite clearly that the edge is painted the same grey as the tail fins-- in fact, to be strictly accurate, the outside edges of the semicircle wings should have a thin strip of grey as well.
While I love the visual style of Standoff and UE (obviously ;)), I don't think a cartoonish style is in anyway bad or ugly. My advice would be to ignore the people who tell you that cartoonish textures suck, and press on with the textures for the other models :).
You know, Tolwyn, I gotta say I much prefered the old version. The new one isn't really more realistic, it's just more gray :p.

Personally, I'd love to see a mod that's as cartoony in style as WC1 or even the cartoon series was... but this is unfortunately out of the question, since there aren't any cel-shaded space-sims to modify.
but look it is much better to have a defined texture style... and you know as good as I that wc3 and 4 ships are grey (or almost :) ) ...

This is also why Confederation-class will have a different look compared to wc2

Anyway... I'll have a new trailer (this time with many in-game scenes) ready for you before the 5th CIC's birthsday :D
Quarto said:
a mod that's as cartoony in style as WC1 or even the cartoon series was... but this is unfortunately out of the question, since there aren't any cel-shaded space-sims to modify.
I'd love to see that . . . for some reason the cartoonish animation of the new zelda Game Windwaker bothered me, but I think it might look pretty cool if applied to the WC universe.

It's not that complicated to have a Toon look. It's just a pixel shader. So if you have access to the DirectX ID3DDevice (version 8 or 9) you can do it. There is even some sample code in Ati's RenderMonkey. I'm not sure if it's coded in ASM or HLSL, but it's like 4 lines of code to load it from a text file and apply it to your render. The only thing you need is a video card that supports pixel shaders and DirectX 9 if it's in HLSL.

(It's in the Non Photorealistic Effects section)