Wing Commander movie coming to terrestrial UK TV

But they're also wrong about lemmings -- they *don't* kill themselves. It's just (and god knows why) hip to think so.

I think Prinze and Lillard are fine actors -- especially Lillard, who has pulled off a number of great roles. They are, at the very least, great for their roles in WC... Lillard plays a wonderful WC1 style Maniac jackass and Prinze plays the wow-I'm-a-fighter-pilot! young Blair perfectly (far better than Hamill voicing him...).
It says Wing Commander doesn't it? Then I'm taking my right as a fan to be pissy and moany about the fact that its not like the games ;)

Seriously though the casting for that film was pretty good in my opinion.
Originally posted by Elric

They didn't really need great actors for the movie, but pulling the actors from teen flicks made it feel like merging the magazines TEEN BEAT and SCI-FI/FANTASY WORLD. Instead of a silly teen movie or a cool sci-fi flick we were left with an unmemorable, silly teen sci-fi flick.

Lets see, you need teen actors because Blair and Maniac are in his early 20s right?
What do you want, Ian Mckellan and Christopher Lee ?
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
But they're also wrong about lemmings -- they *don't* kill themselves. It's just (and god knows why) hip to think so.
Eh, it's one of them urban legend things. Nonetheless, given the lemmings' tendency to attempt to cross any water barrier by swimming (which, in the case of large lakes, usually results in drowning), the 'one million lemmings can't be wrong' saying is relatively correct (in sarcastic way, of course).
Well... not really -- it's not true scientifically, and it makes no sense sarcastically. The opinions of the masses should have *no* affect on somethings quality.
Originally posted by Pedro
Then how do you explain McDonalds not getting shut down? :p
Thats some low grade rubber

Stating that there *IS NO CORRELATION BETWEEN TWO THINGS* claims that *YOU CAN'T* explain things.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
(...) Prinze plays the wow-I'm-a-fighter-pilot! young Blair perfectly (far better than Hamill voicing him...).

Perhaps, but Hamil didn't voice for blair until WC3. By then, Blair had seen alot of bad things and been through alot of crap. Personnally, I thnk Blair did a good job portraying the way Blair most likely felt at that time period.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
But they're also wrong about lemmings -- they *don't* kill themselves. It's just (and god knows why) hip to think so.
God and Frosty know why.

Contrary to Quarto's assertion that it is urban legend, it is actually considered common scientific knowledge as a result of a Disney-sponsored nature film in the True Life Adventures series made a few decades ago.

Lemmings do become over-populated, migrate in huge groups, and sometimes drown crossing streams, but they never become suicidal. A portion of the film crew herded and threw a large number of lemmings off a cliff, for dramatic purposes, so they could be filmed falling to their deaths. The lemmings themselves never would have done something like that under normal circumstances.
Originally posted by Zor Prime

Perhaps, but Hamil didn't voice for blair until WC3. By then, Blair had seen alot of bad things and been through alot of crap. Personnally, I thnk Blair did a good job portraying the way Blair most likely felt at that time period.

He voiced Blair as a cadet in Wing Commander Academy.

Originally posted by Frosty
A portion of the film crew herded and threw a large number of lemmings off a cliff, for dramatic purposes, so they could be filmed falling to their deaths. The lemmings themselves never would have done something like that under normal circumstances.

BTW, I didn't like the way Blair was a bit anti-social in the first part of the movie - guess I'm too used to the Blair in WC1. But I suppose Hamill's voice would have been a bit too 'mature' for the WCATV series (only saw a few episodes).
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
So... your proof that popular actors are bad at acting is that popular actors are attractive? Excuse me if I'm missing the logic here... <G>
I'm glad you did miss the logic because there was none. I was being facetious.

Originally posted by Ghost
Lets see, you need teen actors because Blair and Maniac are in his early 20s right?What do you want, Ian Mckellan and Christopher Lee ?
How old was Hamill when he did Star Wars? Did Star Wars have the same *teenie* feel to it as WC? I don't think so. The problem with Prinze/Lillard is that they are already stereotyped as teen flick actors. I'll bet that if you told your average moviegoer that Prinze/Lillard were in a new movie coming out their first thought would be "Teen Flick". Wait a sec, aren't they both set to star in Scooby-Doo? Whatdya know? Whether or not they can break this mold remains to be seen. But even this could have been overcome with a good script.

There just didn't seem to be any ummph in the film, and it was doomed to be yet another third-rate sci-fi flick. For those that truly enjoyed the movie, I'm happy for you. I was extremely disappointed with it.
Originally posted by Elric
The problem with Prinze/Lillard is that they are already stereotyped as teen flick actors. I'll bet that if you told your average moviegoer that Prinze/Lillard were in a new movie coming out their first thought would be "Teen Flick".
I think it's very unfair to criticise an actor just because he's been stereotyped as an <insert genre here> actor. Some of the best performances ever have come from actors who were cast against their usual film type.
It's also funny that you should bring up Star Wars, since Prinze's not-too-brilliant performance was essentially on par with Mark Hamill's performance. And you know how badly Hamill's performance affected Star Wars ticket sales :rolleyes:.

Originally posted by Wedge009
BTW, I didn't like the way Blair was a bit anti-social in the first part of the movie - guess I'm too used to the Blair in WC1.
Someone who's lines for the first half of the game are limited to shrugging in agreement once or twice is not considered anti-social? :)
Originally posted by Quarto
Someone who's lines for the first half of the game are limited to shrugging in agreement once or twice is not considered anti-social? :)
Well, at least he did agree with people. (Really need to watch the movie again) But I don't get that feeling from Blair in the movie when he first boards the TC. Almost as if he didn't want to mix with others (Maniac was the complete opposite). Of course, his Pilgrim heritage played a part in that, maybe that's what was different for me...
Originally posted by Quarto
It's also funny that you should bring up Star Wars, since Prinze's not-too-brilliant performance was essentially on par with Mark Hamill's performance. And you know how badly Hamill's performance affected Star Wars ticket sales :rolleyes:.
You're exactly right but you totally missed the point didn't you? Hamill's and Prinze's acting in SW/WC aren't that dissimilar -> so what's the difference? Hamill wasn't typecast at the time was he? He was an unknown. Prinze's name, whatever his ability now or in the future, brings with it *teen flick idol*.
Some of the best performances ever have come from actors who were cast against their usual film type.
As for your comment on undue criticism. Well I just wasn't that impressed with his performance. And I, and I'm sure Prinze himself, pray that WC won't be considered his best performance. Hey you used not-too-brilliant, I didn't.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Corvette Summer's Mark Hamill wasn't a teen sensation?
Oh sure, make ME do all the work. This was cut from Hamill's film biography on Yahoo:

He made his screen debut in Star Wars (1977) and became such a big hit that he had trouble getting other types of roles. Hamill appeared in films such as Corvette Summer (1978), The Big Red One (1980), and The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia (1980).

He did do some off/on work on TV but he was largely unknown.
Since I'm a goddamned Hamill fanboy:

Both Mark Hamill and co-star Annie Potts got into some type of bad car accident during the filming of Corvette Summer. I forget details but it left Potts with terrible arthritis for the rest of her life and Hamill with nothing more than bad whiplash.

This accident is not to be confused with the 45 foot, 57 mph dive Hamill took off of the rainy interstate highway that marred his boyish looks between Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.
Moral of the story: don't get into a car with Mark Hamill. :)

Seriously though, that's pretty unlucky, being in (at least) two serious car bang-ups.