Wing Commander 1 Ship(s) question...

Actually, I remember reading somewhere that the Rapier's shields were indeed heavier than those of the Sabre. It's just the Sabre's recharged faster.
I love the Raptor. Oddly enough, it and the Panther feel very similar to me. In the same manner, the WC1 Rapier and the Vampire feel very similar to me. I didn't like either of those very much.

(Take special note that the Rapier was different by wc2)
Hehe, the first time I flew a Raptor (Rescue the Exeter?) I blew the mission. I don't think I ever thought highly of it after that (though still better than a Scimitar). Given a choice between a Rapier and Raptor, I'd probably take a Rapier.
I'm playing this mission. Gimle. The problem is that an Exeter is no match for a couple of Jalthis. It is easier than Kurosawa, though.
Edfilho said:
I'm playing this mission. Gimle. The problem is that an Exeter is no match for a couple of Jalthis. It is easier than Kurosawa, though.

Send angel after one of the pair of jalthi's and take on the single one coming from the other side.
while she is messing around with one, and (since she doesn't really know how to fly) disrupts the other one's attack by almost colliding with him, you take out the loner on the other side.
Then go for the one angel is not attacking (simply attack one and if suddenly anges shoots him...or you, change targets for the other).
Once you are left with the last one, he's a piece of cake (you might want to order angel to break off - so she won't shoot you... and to think Blair fell for her... Foo!).

if work this way, even if angel doesn't disrupt both Jalthi's, The Exeter can stand some heavy beeting even from one Jalthi. Just don't take to long on taking out the first one (missiles, tailing...the works...)
Jalthi would be much more dangerous with an AI that used wingman tactics. Fortunately the Kilrathi have already been described as glory hounds and tend to single enemies out (except for the movie). A human crew in one would be much more deadly, just like the early days of WWII when wingman tactics were developed by Navy pilots in the pacific to counter the more manueverable Zeros.

The Raptor was always my favorite fighter in WC1, I never did feel as if manueverability was a huge concern. It didn't feel slow to me, probably cause the high top speed. And once you got behind any Kilrathi fighter with a full capacitor, even the mighty Jalthi, would go down. (The only fighter which didn't come apart was Baktosh, his Jalthi was armored like a Ralari).

I was glad in WC1 that there were no Gratha aces, I found them to be deadlier than the Jalthi (except in escort mission, the Jalthi seemed to have an edge in the damage it could dish out....seemed hah!!) Was it just me, or did the Krant seem to take a lot more damage than the other fighters? Once damage started showing up on the VDU, it seemed to last longer than any other fighter in WC1 (aside from Baktosh, though Khajja had some serious sheilding and defenses too).
Good advice, hammerhead. I should use wingmen more often, but I have a problem in WC... I'm a glory hound myself, so I tend to keep my wingpersons leashed to formation while I kill all the kitties. That usually works, except on escort or defensive missions.
BlackJack2064 said:
I was glad in WC1 that there were no Gratha aces, I found them to be deadlier than the Jalthi (except in escort mission, the Jalthi seemed to have an edge in the damage it could dish out....seemed hah!!) Was it just me, or did the Krant seem to take a lot more damage than the other fighters? Once damage started showing up on the VDU, it seemed to last longer than any other fighter in WC1 (aside from Baktosh, though Khajja had some serious sheilding and defenses too).

The Gratha was deadlier... ALWAYS!
Somehow, when ever I was escorting a ship, and came up against Jalthi's, I always managed to get her out, even if she was one inch from disaster.
But when ever I came up against Gratha's, I knew I would have to repeat the mission, at least once.

And the Krant does seems to take a whole lot of damage - guess that was the whole point of it.

Edfilho said:
Good advice, hammerhead. I should use wingmen more often, but I have a problem in WC... I'm a glory hound myself, so I tend to keep my wingpersons leashed to formation while I kill all the kitties. That usually works, except on escort or defensive missions.).

Oh, don't worry - WC1 wingmen don't score to many hits if your good enough (and it doesnt take to long to be good enough)- especialy not Angel, and especialy not on the Gimle 1 mission.

Just remember to recall them to formation when the last Kil is left around (it will usualy be the one they engaged when the battle began - that is if you didn't shoot him for them before the battle ended... ALAS, at least the keep one of them busy :D )
That's just what happened, she killed the one I assinged her just seconds after I got the other two.

Something weird happened on the next mission, the one with 9 Dralthis. I can never kill more than 7, at least two of them disappear. Angel always got home empty, I guess two of them got killed by the other Dralthis.
I think they run away,after you kill Dakhath...
or it's the ones Angel is attacking - they simply escape her after she hits them bad.