Wing Commander 1 Ship(s) question...

Eh, I prefer the Maniac style.

"We kicked the afterburners and those damned kats never even drew a bead on us. We mopped the floor with their asses!"
Maj.Striker said:
It's a better story when you gather around and tell the plebes about the time you charged a wing of Jalthis. "Damn those lasers, full speed ahead." It's more intriguing when you limped back home saying, "I gave those bastards a run for the money...I took them head on and I'm the only one coming home." Not quite as impressive as...I afterburned like a coward to whiz past them then hung like a parasite on their ass until I finally busted through the shields and took them out...then I could breath again. Hmm, its a personal opinion.

I'd prefer something like -
"... before the kat could blink, I was on his tail... one heat seeker and a few shot later he was nothing but space dust. what proves that even a Hornet can kick a Jalthi's ass - every time! :cool: "
"... so, I got on this kat's tail, fired a heatseeker, and BOOM! Kitty litter!" - Maniac, WC3

Of course, the tech's expression as he was telling the story does kinda put a damper on things just a tad. :)
Funny, The ship I dread flying the most in WC2 is the Rapier G. I always seem to get whooped on it... It didn't age very well.

I also like the Raptor better in WC1.
The raptor must have everyone's vote. It was possible to kill most of the bad dudes before you could even tell your wingman to break and attack. The speed was just fine, it was tough and the re-fire rate was phenominal. I was V impressed with the raptor. It should have lasted and been refined for WC2 rather than the rapier, I mean lets face it even the sabre is fairly poor right.

I guess the Grikath was quite a good continuation of the Jalthi, not so many guns but a pain in the bum turret and it was tougher to kill.
Grikaths were a pain in the ass. Especially because, whenever you ran into them, they were hunting in packs. One Grikath alone was something to pay attention to, but four? Even I had a rough time with those . . . unless I was in a Ferret. Then everything was just fine. But in a Rapier? Pbthpbth. A wing and a prayer, man. Especially with Hobbes shooting me in the ass.
I hated the Rapier G - especially when coming up against jalkehi and Grikath - their aft turret was cuting through after 2 shots.
I actually started off liking the Raptor better- it is a good ship, fairly well rounded and versatile. But once I'd been transfered to a Rapier squadron and back again to a Raptor, I began counting the missions until I could fly the Rapier. That may go against the grain with what most folks here think, but I like the Scimitar too. Its shielding is tough to beat.

I, like others here, found the killing of Jalthi to be very rewarding. Blasting one with 2 or 3 frontal bursts was often enough to seriously damage if not destroy it: auto-slide, auto-slide, auto-slide, watch your fuel! And, as has been noted, pulling in behind one for a shot on its "6" isn't too hard.
Gah, so many against the Rapier from WC2? It was my favorite fighter in WC2 (except the Morningstar maybe) and one (if not the) all-time favorite. I loved the Laser/Particle combination, high speed/maneuverability and its looks.
But I certainly prefered the Raptor over the Rapier in WC1: speed wasn't such a big advantage.

gevatter Lars said:
Mh IRC the Jalthi had a 3/3 loadout...but still is kicking ass if you come in his frontarc.

That'S what Claw Mark's says but in-game she carries 4 Lasers and 2 Neutrons. I'd love to fly a Jalthi in WC1 once - I wonder if I'd hate her (like I do with most Bombers) or love her.
Hate, most likely. She's not that fast, and I imagine that her gun pool, once drained, takes quite a while to regenerate. During that time, you're getting your ass kicked by me in an early model Hellcat.
Yeah, probably the Jalthi's flight behaviour in the new flight models will be rather hindering.
That's why I'd love to fly her with the original WC1 where speed and maneuverability didn't matter that much.
The Rapier II is also my favorite fighter from WC2. Sure it wasn't the fastest, but it was faster than anything except a Ferret or Epee. Sure it wasn't the most heavily armed, but it had better guns than most fighters. It was however the most heavily shielded fighter (Not counting the 'sword). I could beat the first mission of the K'Mang series in WC2 easier with a Rapier (Provided I was given torpedoes). It had a good balance, almost like the Hellcat, not as good as the hellcat, b

The Rapier, also, in my opinion is a very attractive and sleek ship.

And thats why I like the Rapier. Besides, what do I know, I also love the Scimitar... (Initiate Debate)
The raptor had superior guns, while i really loved the rapiers missile payload.
guess they are both good ships. I would rather attack cap ships in a rapier, while when facing a jalthi i would prefer the raptor.

(I really hated the salthis in wc1, they were extremely hard to hit)
Sylvester said:
The Rapier II is also my favorite fighter from WC2. Sure it wasn't the fastest, but it was faster than anything except a Ferret or Epee. Sure it wasn't the most heavily armed, but it had better guns than most fighters. It was however the most heavily shielded fighter (Not counting the 'sword). I could beat the first mission of the K'Mang series in WC2 easier with a Rapier (Provided I was given torpedoes). It had a good balance, almost like the Hellcat, not as good as the hellcat, b

The Rapier, also, in my opinion is a very attractive and sleek ship.

And thats why I like the Rapier. Besides, what do I know, I also love the Scimitar... (Initiate Debate)

Heh, the Rapier had heavier shields than the Sabre? Hellcat better balanced than Rapier? :confused: