Who will you join up with?

Shadowcat450 I could have gess that with that user name you would like battletech universe.(Good one, that for sure, I am waiting for MW 4 to show up in here).
And dont worry EW, Battletech is most of 100 T mechwarriors bots (I love the atlas skull), little of fighters or ships but that was inplemented as well in the universe but most players just like the mechs better.

[Edited by Dragon on 02-20-2001 at 21:48]
Originally posted by Earthworm
Hm, this looks like another one of those versus posts...

Will it take the entire CIC crew as well as the mods to come here and anounce that you can't post stuff like this?
Alas, Earthworm, a thousand mods wouldn't be enough.
Ah, but torture is always so messy... the blood just ruins the carpeting. Editing posts, on the other hand...
Certain individuals had better stop bringing up vs subjects after being told not to, or else.
How man times have you said that ? Some people have a reading problem, or they are just stupid.
Awright, I'm going to try to save this thread from oblivion :)

The orginal question was:

Originally posted by papachulo10
If you could join any organization (i.e. Confed) in any sci-fi universe who would you join up as?

So, what I'm going to ask is: what are the recognized "organizations", or groups that exist IN THE WING COMMANDER UNIVERSE?? From what I know, there are:

*Terran Confederation
*Union of Border Worlds
*Empire of Kilrah (not too much left after WC III :D)
*(there was) The Black Lance

Then there are these "Steltek" an "CIS" from Privateer (which I don't anything about 'cause I didn't play the game...)

Anything else guys?
they were a race of primitives in WCATV and they were convinced the cats were their gods until grunt and blair convinced them otherwise.
AHA! The WCATV series again... Do you now by any chance how to get the high-res episosodes from http://www.Blacklance.org??

I could only manage to find the low-res from Meson's Starport...

The CIC news link for BlackLance doesn't work apparently, or it only links to the homepage... Where do I get the weekly ATV episode?
Originally posted by Napoleon
DUDE, you click on the get it here link, not the "blacklance.org" link, jeeze you people are sooooo dense!

Hey Nap, you don't know what you're talking about! If ya go and look up in the CIC link to ATV series, you'll see that the "get it here" link actually redirects you to wcnews!!

It's a wrong link I guess!!