Where are the Nephilim from? [2]

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Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

Hehe, I think the point was that *since* the book was after the game, the content was based on things decided *after* Prophecy <G>

I suppose it's a good possibility.Do you think that Origin,assuming that they had everything planned out, would give Forstchen that knowledge,though?
Originally posted by Bhaktadil
I suppose it's a good possibility.Do you think that Origin,assuming that they had everything planned out, would give Forstchen that knowledge,though?

Forstchen had no knowledge of WC:P's historical additions.
When the time is right, and all souls are pure, another Insults thread shall see the day...
AND THEN WE WILL SEE... OUR ALMIGHTY LORD... and he will bless the beginning of hostilities! :D
That was ammusing, LOAF. I, too, wish for a filling lunch. Mmmmm. :)
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
If you two don't stop being stupid I'll ban you both and eat a filling lunch.

I recommend you eat the filling lunch anyway. A temper like that may be a sign your blood sugar's getting low ... :D

-- Brian P.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
What if it means my blood pressure is high and that I should *avoid* a filling lunch?

Is anyone's blood pressure ever so high they can't eat a nice, filling lunch with Steak Fajitas?

Mmm.. high blood pressure or no, I ALWAYS feel better after chow. Nothing like chow to make me feel warm, peaceable and that all is right with the world.

Whaddaya mean I'm fat?

-- Brian P.
I have never had high blood pressure, just dangerously low pressure. Although food helps, it doesn't make me feel better all the time.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
What if it means my blood pressure is high and that I should *avoid* a filling lunch?

As opposed to a nice, um--"emptying" lunch? I highly recommend Guadalajaran Spring Water Ice cubes for that...:D
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