What exactly happened to Blair under Neph care..


Anyone wonder what exactly happened to Blair when he was captured by the Bugs? I know that he seemed (when I rescued him) alittle gothic and perhaps considering recreating the Black Lance Again? I know that it may seem unlikely.. but he did appear to be very very pardon the pun.. "bugged" about something..

In the darkness of night, One single creature lights up the sky.Black Lance Command
Recreating the Black Lance. Very, very unlikely. First how could someone like Blair do that? Tolwyn was a powerfull guy, but Blair isn't. He was "questioned" by the bugs seen all that they did and also they reminded him about the stuff he wanted to forget. That's why he seemed so "gothic".

Welcom to the BB!

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Musta been that anal probe. I know that would distress me for quite a while
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This too is very true.. however, I thought abotu the prospect. I am actually starting my own club which takes this kind of possibility into account. I have posted the first two chapters of our PBM in the Fan Fic section for review.. I hope everyone likes them.

Anyway, Are you sure abotu that? From experience, I can tell you that severe circumstances can make some people do some pretty foolish things.
Perhaps he sufferes from some kind of stress disorder.. I mean heck the guy has been alive since the start of the Kilrathi War (wasn't that like alnost 70 or 80 years ago?)

In the darkness of night, One single creature lights up the sky.
Founder of theBlack Lance Command
Perhaps he sufferes from some kind of stress disorder.. I mean heck the guy has been alive since the start of the Kilrathi War (wasn't that like alnost 70 or 80 years ago?)

You mean Blair? He's 50 years old in Prophecy. The war started in 2634 and ended in 2669 (shame on you if you didn't know that
), that's when the war was officilay declared, and the first major atack was made, though Kilrathi were atacking Confed at least 5 years earlier.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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whoops.. my bad. I seem to have forgotten my history.. Either way, Earth, read my story, I am sure you will find it quite different than anything you have ever read before..

In the darkness of night, One single creature lights up the sky.
Founder of theBlack Lance Command
Something that probably should have been addressed before everyone from here to Proxima decided to start a Black Lance neo-nazi club and register some wacky Black Lance domain is the fact that the name of the organization is *NOT* the Black Lance... the term refers to the *black* Lance class fighters flown by Tolwyn's project...

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
<---Mass Snip---> Sorry about my little rant.

Secondly. Are you trying to say that the Dragon class ships are actually called "Lance" class ships?

In the darkness of night, One single creature lights up the sky.
Founder of theBlack Lance Command

[This message has been edited by Bandit LOAF (edited February 03, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by WildFire (edited February 03, 2000).]
Welcome to clueless, population you. Cliche'd pseudo-roadsigns aside, I don't believe anyone brought up Germany during World War II. My point which you so eloquently missed in your "Boo hoo, history hurts!" rant was about the *BLACK LANCE* which were a fictional group in Wing Commander IV designed around the ideals of *NAZI GERMANY* -- as thus, followers of the BLACK LANCE would be *NEO-NAZIS*, since Wing Commander 4 took place after World War II.

AND I'M NOT EVEN CRACKING A JOKE ABOUT HOW YOU SAID "... three years ago... People were so poor then that they had no choice but to follow Hitler." EVEN THOUGH IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
So how come the ship in the CIC ship database isn't called Lance?

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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WildFire: I'm sorry if this offends you, but if there is one thing I can't stand in this world, it's when people take personal offence on the topic of Nazism/Hitler/Neo-Nazism/Whatever for no proper reason.

This board is NOT the place for that. Such useless, baseless WHIMPERING will only lead to flames, insults, and of course, bans. This is an INTERNATIONAL chat zone, and frankly, NOBODY GIVES A DAMN if you're German. NOBODY GIVES A DAMN that I'm Polish. NOBODY GIVES A DAMN that LOAF's American.
Your nationality is not a badge of some sort, to be worn whenever somebody says something you don't like. LOAF never said anything offensive about Germans. BUT YOU DID. It was YOUR post that accused Germans of being Nazis. More importantly, it was YOUR post that implied that the rest of the world automatically assumes that Neo-Nazis are Germans.

I suggest - and being a Moderator, I do not have to SUGGEST anything - that you think about what you write. Otherwise, you don't have a future on this Chat Zone, Mister.


As for the original discussion, I just don't see how Blair could do anything, when there's a seven-foot tall bug on top of his head
. And he most certainly would not recreate the BL (whatever it's proper name is
). I do not agree with Earthworm - Blair in fact was much more powerful than Tolwyn. But that's the whole point - Blair's strenght came from conviction, ideals. He would never resurrect the BL, because he found the very idea behind the BL repulsive. Possibly because that idea was also a personal insult as far as Blair was concerned.
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The above having been said, I suppose I should probably add that we do not require anybody to keep quiet about their nationality. You ARE allowed to be proud of what you are.
Wow, you're Polish? I do give a damn, then, because I have this article in Polish that I need translated...

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
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Boy Quarto... If you hadn't added that last bit there I might have had to argue with you...


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Quarto, Tolwyn was a big Admiral, and almost a Space Marshal. He was in charge of R&D, he could get the resorces that he needed to create his forces, to create all those Lance fighters, the BL starbase. Blair, though more "popular" in Confed, after destroying Kilrah and all that
while Tolwyn suffered a great blow to his honor when the Behemoth was destroyed, could never organize things like that. Blair was a pilot, and he stayed one till the end (assuming he's dead). Unless of course he would be promoted to an Admiral, and given a very important comand, and than got hit in the head prety hard.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited February 03, 2000).]
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LOAF, I'm also Polish, and I have lots of time on my hands. So if you need something translated, you can send it to me.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited February 03, 2000).]
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LOAF: Send it on over

TC: I was planning to say that in the original post, but I kinda got caught up in my righteous anger

Earthworm: Yeah, but it only took Blair a few moments to unravel everything Tolwyn had set up. Hmmm... A certain Lt. Col. North comes into mind, non?
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ChrisReid says:
You also live in Lynnwood right? Near to Seattle?

Yup, that's what's in my profile.

Quarto says: Earthworm: Yeah, but it only took Blair a few moments to unravel everything Tolwyn had set up.

Pure luck.
Blair would never find out if he didn't get the Dragon (Lance) fighters.

Hmmm... A certain Lt. Col. North comes into mind, non?

Um, what?

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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