well its stupid

Oh quit whining! It was a very good deal... for me.

I started Lord of the Rings BTW, and boy I'm already fully into the story!

I was thinking... perhaps what lacks in the Wing Commander novels is a story based on a ground mission, of the kind of Return of the Jedi on the planet, to disable the shield generator of the Death Star...

True, Hunter and his friends penetrate in that Kilrathi base to save the Firekkans in Freedom Flight, but that's just part of the story...
Novels like Heart of the Tiger are too much based on space flight missions...
Just a thought... :)
Because the basic concept behind WC is pilots and the fighters they fly. A wing commander is someone who commands a wing of fighters and in this case an element. Ground missions almost never even figure into the games.
Well, the reason that there was no ground based missions is that the engines before WC3 couldn't handle the rendering, and even then they had some issues.

There was that great ground-based combat sweep during End Run though. :)
And in the WC4 novel too, but beyond ground suppression to cover ground forces insertion and extraction, as well as providing air support for them, theres no reason for ground missions. If you want to destroy a base or someother stationary target without the use of ground forces, it would be a lot easier just to use a capital ship to obliterate it from orbit.
Although fighters and such are the core of WC, i'd like to see it broaden it's horizons a bit. Instead of just concentrating on fighters, I think ground stuff would add something.
Originally posted by Ladiesman^
Although fighters and such are the core of WC, i'd like to see it broaden it's horizons a bit. Instead of just concentrating on fighters, I think ground stuff would add something.
Yeah, that's what I meant in the first place... Commando-like ground missions... and not everything seen from the "space" point of view...
Well if they were going to do something like that they should create a whole new game based on it. Call it something like WC: Assault. BUt what kind of game would it be? Maybe a first person shooter like Quake or Half-life? That wouldnt convey the feel though of a massive marine assault. So something like Rainbow Six, or Star Trek Voyager: Elite Squad where you have team mates and mission objectives? THat would be cool. Or you could go with a real time strategy game using units available to complete a mission (but without the resource gathering)
Or a RTS with the possibility of impersonating your units (in Space, in this case), à la Battlezone... :cool:
Originally posted by mpanty
Or a RTS with the possibility of impersonating your units (in Space, in this case), à la Battlezone...

Battlezone is probably one of my all-time favorite games... the mix of action and strategy was perfect, and now that you mentioned it, mpanty, I think it'd be really nice to see a WC game based on this concept... Hmmmmm... too bad it ain't gonna happen :(

Is it possible that you're getting ahead of yourselves here? First priority, I would hope, is for a new WC game, preferably one which continues/concludes the Nephilim threat.

I think WC has always been a space sim. I don't think the strategy bit of Armada appealed to many people.
Originally posted by Eder
Originally posted by mpanty
Or a RTS with the possibility of impersonating your units (in Space, in this case), à la Battlezone...

Battlezone is probably one of my all-time favorite games... the mix of action and strategy was perfect, and now that you mentioned it, mpanty, I think it'd be really nice to see a WC game based on this concept... Hmmmmm... too bad it ain't gonna happen :(

don't be too sure about that.... Hellcat and I are planning to make a WC strategy game when WCU and vegastrike are finished......
No offense intended Darkmage, but that's probably a while off. ;)