WCP: Soppy ending

Superman can be badass but he tends not to lose his cool too often. Thus, I perfer the original 70s incarnation Ghost Rider or Batman, whos just a freaking madman. Oh, and Spider-Man, for some fun. :) His PS game rocks!
Even Superman doesnt want to see what happens when he loses control. A frightening thought indeed.

No kidding, Spider-Man for PS rocked! Its like the alltime greatest superhero game.

Superman 64 on the other hand... :begins to weep:
Originally posted by Rampage3051
Well, if Keen Commander ever gets in trouble, he can always count on... (da-da-dum!)

Eh... :)

You guys are history! Nobody has ever tried to stop Commander Keen and Duke Nukem going berserk... :D
Mostly Commander Keen tries to keep others from going berserk (and destroying Earth/the Galaxy in the process).
With the exception of that guy from Keen 3. What was his name again? (was it Mortimer perhaps?)
Although he didn't really go berserk, but at least someone tried to stop Keen instead of the other way around... :D
Mmmhh... very well, let me rephrase what I said then...
(and pay particular attention to the parts in bold)

You guys are history! Nobody has ever tried to stop Commander Keen and Duke Nukem going berserk... :p
I've got the Need...

Interesting happens when you accelerate past about 10000 KPS. Then inertia really starts to take over...Use WCPEdit to see what I mean. ;)

On a minor note, does anybody know how to change the space background during comabt in Prophecy, or know of any games that can? I kno, this is prolly better in the Editing section, but I didn't really think it worthy of a full post...
What do you mean change the space background during in-flight? What do you want to do exactly? :confused: