WC4 official guide

Also, as I understand it, once you have it done, it will be necessary to have it done again sometime in the future (10 years?).
That's a good idea... let's stick LOAF's head in a CDrom drive and make lots of copies of it. We could sell them, it'd be the next big hit as reality shows go. Inside LOAF's head. Of course, that's also kind of a scary prospect.
I haven't heard anything about having to get lasec surgery done more than once... lense replacement requires that you go in to get the lense cleaned with a sonic... thing, though.

The inside of my head is 10% Wing Commander information and 90% Kerri-Lee fantasies.
If everything you know about Wing Commander only occupies 10% of your mind, than these 90% Kerri-Lee fantasies would need multiple DVDs. :)
Ehm... I'd like to ask a question...

WHO ON EARTH, besides LOAF, would be interested in multiple DVDs of Kerri-Lee fantaisies???? :p

(and by "who on Earth", I mean on this CIC chat zone... :))
Kerri-Lee is off-limits here, LOAF!!
This is a Wing Commander universe forum!

You should be banned for bringing that up... :p:p
Because, presumably, one would have to understand what a 'first degree' joke is first. (How the heck do jokes have 'degrees'?)
Ok, let me explain this French concept of "degrees"...

A "second" degree joke is NOT to be taken seriously at all... it is exactly what I meant when I said that LOAF "should be banned"...

OF COURSE LOAF cannot be banned, I knew that when I wrote it... Moreover, I certainly wouldn't want the living WC encyclopedia to be banned from this forum (even if he has this Kerri-Lee problem... ;))

I said it, hoping that you guys wouldn't take me seriously in the first place...


I don't now how you can call it...

A friend tells me it's "good nature BANTER"... I don't know if you guys get the idea... :)
The way I see it, jokes, by nature, aren't meant to be taken seriously. In any case, I seem to be hearing too much of it of late.