WC Novels....

I want to learn every lenguage, exept frence. Those folks refuse to learn other languages, so you have to learn that strange laguage of them.

And what's so romantic about it ? Nothing more then someone who speaks with his mouth full of yoghurt !
*LOL*. Really nice comparision....not much more and I would have fallen down the chair...but I really think if you just 'speak' it and this just quite well, it's a very nice language...
I don't know about romantic, but French certainly is a hell of a lot more melodic than English or any other Germanic languages. I like French a lot. It's a very nice language... though if my French teacher makes me learn yet another tense... ;)

Wedge: Eh? Didn't you say something about your family being from Mauritius? Or am I mistaking you for someone else?
*g* This with the French teacher I just left behind me...teaching myself is what I have to do now. But I don't have the time for it. Always if I think today is a good day to make a revision in French...I remember I have to learn for an exercise/ a test etc. Today I would also like to do, but tomarrow I have to write biology...etc. So I've got the feeling I forget everything I have learned in 4 years until half a year ago, when I have chosen other subjects...:rolleyes: Ou qu'est-ce que vous pensez? ( I think even this is wrong: HELP!!!!:eek: ).
No, it's quite correct.
Perhaps you should ask: "Ou qu'est-ce que vous en pensez?" if you want to know what we think about your post (just to make it more clear) :)
Not everything forgotten.:) Just the whole rest. But you are right: I really forgot the 'en'. So the sentence was correct but also not 100% stylistic correct.
Non, il aurait fallu dire:
"Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez?"

Le "ou" devrait être omis, parce il implique un choix.
Or il n'y en a pas...
D'ailleurs commencer un phrase par "ou" n'est pas très littéraire...

Qu'est-ce qu'il faut leur apprendre aux allemands et aux anglais... des vrais durs-à-cuire! ;)

Ok, I think that's enough for the French lesson.
Tomorrow Italian and Spanish... :)

[Edited by mpanty on 03-01-2001 at 12:33]
Danke Sprachgenie, nur davon versteh ich noch weniger...*g* And thanks for the correction! But please just give up teaching me in French (for today)...my head is full. I've just learned math and biology that's enough for today!:rolleyes: And what do you expect? The last time I spoke French was in June last year. I was happy to be able to remember a complete sentence without using a dictionary! :)
And mpanty: I know about the accon at ou! But please tell me where I find it at a german keyboard! Then I will use it next time!
LOL Bandit!

Originally posted by Manjana
And mpanty: I know about the accon at ou! But please tell me where I find it on a German keyboard! Then I will use it next time!

AHA! I don't have it either, 'cause I use an American keyboard here in Canada, but hey, check this trick out:

1) Turn your "Num Lock" key on, up to the numeric keypad on the right... the light in top right corner of the keyboard should be on.

2) Press ALT + the following combinations of numbers (FROM THE NUMPAD) to obtain the letter of your choice. Release ALT to let the e, a, i, o, u with accents magically appear on the screen:

ALT + 130 = é
ALT + 138 = è
ALT + 136 = ê
ALT + 133 = à
ALT + 131 = â
ALT + 140 = î
ALT + 147 = ô
ALT + 150 = û

Italian accents (hey, they minght come in handy one day...)
ALT + 149 = ò
ALT + 151 = ù
ALT + 141 = ì

It's not really a "trick", just basic MS-DOS and Windows symbol codes... they exist for all symbols... all kinds of accents and cool stuff like this:


the such...
you just have to find the right one... in Paris I have a list :)

Of course, you can always copy-paste them from the "Insert symbol" option from WORD, but that's a lot longer ins't it? :)
What did I say? French is complicted? Even the keyborad combinations are complicated...written French...argh! I downloaded the combinations and I hope, I will never have to write a letter in French! But also thanks!
Oooh, lots of stuff about languages here!

Originally posted by Quarto
Wedge: Eh? Didn't you say something about your family being from Mauritius? Or am I mistaking you for someone else?

No, that's me. :) Chinese ancestry: Grandparents moved to Mauritius, parents moved to England, now we're all Aussie citizens. Crazy! And I still only know how to speak English. Though I can understand bits of Mauritian Creole (local dialect of broken French).
I'll take that as a compliment. :)

BTW, don't see you around so much... been letting EW have a go a mod duties?
Quarto's not around too much when there's not to ramble about how great a race the Kilrathi are... ;)
Time limitations. Happens to all of us, sooner or later. I still go through all the new posts every day, but I'm much more selective in what I respond to.
Right, Quarto. I have to think about it 'cause I can count with my parents being nerved after...well normally 20-30 min...that nerves me a lot.