Voice acting.


Destroyer of assclowns
Just like the Standoff guys, we're need just a few more voices to round out our voice talent. Previous voice work for another mod like Standoff is preferred, but not absolutely required. Candidates should be serious and be able to sound like someone in their 20s. Openings are for miscellaneous ships and roles, with a strong emphasis on Confed fighter pilots.

To become a candidate for this process, reply to this thread to officially let us know and then PM or email Tolwyn at Tolwyn@gmxpro.net for more information.

Then try your luck on these 26 lines. Voice recording should be done by the Goldwave program, in 44 khz mono. I shouldn't say this, but you guys need your own microphone. Please make sure to eliminate breathing into microphone sounds.

You are free to say your interpretation of the theme as long as it doesn't deviate too far.

1) "All fighters are destroyed, area is secure"
2) "Enemy fighters have arrived"
3) "I'm attacking your target"
4) "We're the backup and we've arrived to save your ass"
5) "Bravo Wing here, we've just arrived"
6) "There's a fighter on your six!"
7) "I'm dying!"
8) "Charlie Wing here, we've just arrived"
9) "I'm getting the fuck out of here"
10) "I'm disabling your target" (going for engines)
11) "I'm disarming your target" (going for turrets)
12) "I'm breaking formation to engage enemy"
13) "Delta Wing here, we've just arrived"
14) "Echo Wing has arrived"
15) "I'm taking damage"
16) "I'm ignoring your target"
17) "I'm not following your order"
18) "I can't pick up your target on sensors"
19) "You just fired on me, man"
20) "Main player has been killed!"
21) "Main player just did something cool!"
22) "I'm out of missiles!"
23) "My fighter is heavily damaged"
24) "Main player is straying away from objective"
25) "Main player is traitor, off with his head!"
26) "I'm following your order"

The guys with the best "comm voices" gets the fighter pilot roles, but there is a strong chance that the people not selected for this role will be delegated for other roles as well, they are as equally important.
I'd like to try my hand at this.

Uhm, how do we get Goldwave? I'll record some samples at those specs using a different set of software, then post them to my website (you'll have to access them from the index page).

My site (very, very basic, used only for document storage):
Moonsword's Site
Those are very unpersonal lines... they are so basic and uncharacterised. I asume that every character is going to have his own lines. Funny, Arrogant, or whatever!

Anyways maybe I'll give it a try :D
Having nothing better to do, I just sat down and finished all of the lines, along with some variations. They're up on my website now.
Moonsword said:
Having nothing better to do, I just sat down and finished all of the lines, along with some variations. They're up on my website now.

excellent job... I will contact you tomorrow with your assigments ;)
The Fly said:
Those are very unpersonal lines... they are so basic and uncharacterised. I asume that every character is going to have his own lines. Funny, Arrogant, or whatever!

It's meant to be that way, and that's why I deliberately made it so unpersonal. As I said, it's your interpretation. It's up to you to figure out what to say and how to portray that personality.
I've already gotten it and sent a response. Also, there's a second one on the way, about the script. No rewrites, just some minor questions about the editing.
Moonsword said:
I've already gotten it and sent a response. Also, there's a second one on the way, about the script. No rewrites, just some minor questions about the editing.

message received... reply is on the way

Ed, I have got your mail too ;)
Well, I was thrown in to cover a bit on the ending sequence of UE. I know how to act, have been in two professionally produced musicals (how exceedingly queer of me) and I've done voice mod work before. PLEASE don't make me do another ridiculous accent if you decide to use me. If you need something recorded I'll oblige you, just ask. Otherwise you can play through UE and listen to me, the happy aide, give the progress report of the whole mission at the very end. I have better recording equipment now as I work for a company with some high-power mics for clear voice recognition with the software we author.
Howdy. You guys said that yall need VA's, preferably with WCStandoff experience? Well, I know it's not much, (I got into the forums late in the game, so to speak) but I was able to lend a voice to the Standoff project as Generic Confed Pilot #2.

Although I would love to be allowed to offer my voice, thanks to a F#$*!@$ cold or something that I've had for the last 3 days, my throat and voice are both shot, so I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to submit my specific rendition of any of the above 26 lines for at least another couple of days.

However, I do have all of the old lines that I submitted to WCStandoff (each line recorded three times [+/- 1] with different inflections). Would y'all be willing to listen to some of these to see if whether or not I would be WCSaga material, and then wait a couple of days so my voice can return and I can do the lines for y'all?

The lines that I used for WCStandoff are as follows:

The qualifing line:“How about you try shooting AROUND me instead of THROUGH me."

Generic Confed Pilot #2 Lines:
killcongrats:“Damn, Sir! That was so good, that it was arousing!"
death: “I’m going down! Get these bastards, Sir!”
ejection: “I’m getting hammered, here. Got to eject!”
friendlyfire: “Ow, ow, ow!”
arrival: “Here I come, to save the day!”
bridgedeath:“I think I blew up the bridge. ..Yup.”
enginedeath: “I destroyed their butt, Sir.”
negative: “You’re joking, right?”
turretkill: “Get in there and remove some of those turrets.”
breakandattack: “Break formation and begin attack run!”
attacking: “Commencing attack run, back us up, will ya?”
formation: “Return to formation, my babies.”
engaging: “I’m engaging the enemy.”
giveorder: “Don’t let me sit here like a sissy, man.”
enemypresence: “Critters ahead.”
torp: “Let loose a torpedo.”
Capkill: “She blew like a Tinderbox!.”
destination: “Alright, I’m on my way.”
kill: “The critter didn’t know what hit him!”
turretfire: “Watch these turrets, they’re thick. I don't think they like me.”
damage1: “Taken a bit of damage.”
damage2: “Fine and dandy, Sir.”
damage3: “They really caught me with me pants down, Sir. Literally, man.. I'm not wearing pants.”
traitor: “Are you nuts? Time to put you back in line.”
taunt1: “You’re just another mark on the killboard.”
taunt2: “Okay fuzzball, time to be slagged.”
taunt3: “This is what you get for being a dick.”
yes: “Affirmative, Sir.”

You can also contact 'Mark' from the WCStandoff team: He's the guy who assigned me the role and listened to my voice acting.

I'd really really REALLY appreciate it if you guys would be willing to reserve me a role if you like what y'all hear. Thank you very much for your time.

---TZSB424 (aka, TexanZeppo256)

(PS, don't let the "Howdy"s and the "Y'all"s scare you: Although I am from Texas, my accent is actually fairly benign and even sounds British at times, or so I'm told... :rolleyes: )
A few of the Saga Team are doing voices for Standoff as well. So it's not like we're being greedy by trying to grab you guys. Hell, some of the generic Standoff pilots being generic Saga pilots, it'll show that some of them survived the Battle of Earth. So it helps flesh out continuity.

And Tempest (Mark) is cool.
Alright, I sent an email with a .zip attachment to the gmxpro.net address with a subject header of "WCSaga VA audition (CIC member TZSB424)". Should be there by now.

And yah, Mark is a pretty cool guy. :)
Sylvester said:
You were Lieutenant Valeri?

Eh that's the one. Couldn't remember the name for squat and was too busy to bother looking it up.

I would be the previously infamous (few years back when I started a real fest over my post count) Lance "Antix" Thibodeaux... credited in the opening scenes for no apparent reason, not that I felt I should be. Thank the Lord I have better sound equipment nowadays. That background hiss annoyed me to no end.

It was a bad accent. I know it was a bad accent. I took it on the chin and let them use it anyway. :p