
In SO1 you were fighting several Kilrathi battle-fleets trying to invade Ghorah Khar.

In SO2 you were fighting a bunch of loser Mandarins.

That's the difference in difficulty. :)
Ok then...

But then it makes SO2 pretty lame... (except for the satisfaction you get to blow Jazz out of the skies...;))
But then it makes SO2 pretty lame... (except for the satisfaction you get to blow Jazz out of the skies...
I wouldn't call it lame, just different.
And if Blair doesn't blow up Ayer's Rock, Thrakhath does it for him. Either way, Mandarans get burned.
It was a fun little joyride. Mind you, I would have preferred a fighter which goes faster than 400 kps, but I guess we must take the good with the bad.
Considering we see the Concordia slag two Fralthis in as many minutes and then to see it getting held up by a solitary Kamekh...with no phase shields mind you, does stretch credibility a tad.
Well, the Concordia could have been damaged by previous attacks by several wings of different ships (capital ships or bombers)...

Remember their flight deck was damaged (from Minx's bomb), so they coulnd't launch fighters...

Hence a few runs from Grikaths could have sufficed to seriously damage the carrier... :)
Yes, SO2 might have been easier than SO1, but consider all the pros it has, when it came out:
You see Maniac again, for the first time since WC1!
You can kill Jazz!
You can use a nuclear weapon!
And best of all: It is not mankind that carries the total victory away! ;)

And what kind of ship could sustain multiple hits from 3 Particle cannons? It is the second heaviest armed fighter (after the Wraith) of this time.
Remember the Crossbow? Two neutrons and three mass drivers... even better than the Morningstar (except for the Mace thingy... ;))
OK, for the sheer punch with a single salvo the Crossbow tops the Morningstar. But the 3 Particles had a significant longer range and fired way faster!
And look at my post, I said fighter, not bomber. :p
Tut tut tut... no nitpicking... go back in your lair, cat... Once again, you've been proven wrong... :p;)
Ah, the human has not enough honour to face failure and admit it. Bah! Those humans, too dumb to understand their own language. :p
After all, I always thought YOU were the master of nitpicking. :)

(I think we should pay attention or we will be restricted to the "insults" thread.)

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 04-08-2001 at 16:53]
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

After all, I always thought YOU were the master of nitpicking.
Ehm... the cat is probably correct... ;)

At any rate, the Morningstar's MACE makes it by far the best fighter (bombers included)...
Thing is, once you've dropped the gift on a capship... the fighter becomes barely better than a Sabre... :rolleyes:
The KILRATHI is right, as always. ;)

Hmm, I don't know if the Morningstar without Mace woulkd be still better than a Sabre. OK, its missile loadout is bad, but I never almost never used missiles in WC2. The Morningstar had thicker shields and I prefer 3 particles to 2 particles and 2 mass drivers, due to the longer range (and I think it drained less energy, or the Morningstar had a larger gun pool).
Cats are usually wrong, especially when they said "You cannot defeat the Drakhai"... AH! Couldn't have been more wrong... :p

But yes, the Morningstar's missile loadout really sucks... the Sabre on the other hand has EIGHT missiles!! But its armor blows, as much as the Rapier's... in SO1, I hated Sabre missions (not as much as Epee's, obviously ;) )...
The Sabre's armour blows? What? It has stonger front/rear armour than your beloved Broadsword, and only 2cm weaker side armour! Boy, mpanty, if that isn't enough for you, your flying skills must really be crap. ;)
Pah! That's what Joan's Fighting Spacecraft says... B*llshit I tell you!! The Broadsword's is way better! :)
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
What a convincing argument...
Isn't it? ;) I doubted, at any rate, that I would have been able to convince you... :p

And MY taste is more important than a Kilrathi's... <G>