Tiger's Claw death

The Strakha in WC2 have dumbfire missile loadouts. A salvo of DFs could easily take out the Claw.

Tarquinn said:
But what exactly did the higher ranking Confed officers think has happened to the Tiger's Claw? And how did they expect Blair, one man, to save the ship from something that destroyed it so fast that it couldn't even call for help?

Blair is good, but he isn't a demi-god.

That's the curse of being squadron commander--the responsibility for a disaster like the Claw's destruction had to pinned on someone. Remember what Hawk warned Maniac about when he finally got his squad in WCP...
"To be in control . . to be in command . . to be the one they string up when your squad screws the pooch on a mission . . ."
I also like how, in Prophecy, you earned promotions and medals . . although, it was scripted, instead of earned by how damn well you flew. However, I still thought it was unrealistic that, when the entire flight wing had just barely scraped enough together to survive or accomplish something, they automatically said "Damn! That Casey has single-handedly saved the entire confederations ass once again! Good work, son! Your father, if he weren't a pile of man-parts, would be proud of you taking the credit for the effort of yourself and another twenty people who aren't getting any credit! Want a medal?"
Casey sure did get all the credit; it's almost like the Midway crew were out to make a legend outta him, even though it was the first game you had dozens of other pilots on your wing who deserved as much credit.

In WC3, after Angel died, I must have iced 25+ ships with one lone (useless) wingman, a feat accentuated by the fact I was flying pissy drunk. And what do I get when I land on the carrier? A LECTURE from a lowly 1st Lieutenant--I mean SO WHAT if 2CDs ago I ordered her to gimme a stiff dressing down. I got nothing for all my hard work and concentration. No medals. No welcoming committee. No "special rewards" from Ginger Lynn :D
Ijuin said:
Because, as Jazz says when he is revealed to be the traitor, Jazz stole Blair's flight recorder disks, which is why they were missing when Blair's story was investigated. If Blair had taken the disks himself when he landed, then Jazz would not have had the opportunity to steal them.
Yeah, I know about that, but I didn't think it was the pilot's responsibility.
Well if I had made a discovery of something so incredible like invisible fighters, i would of made sure I had proof that I wasn't crazy.
As far as Blair was concerned, he did have proof-the recordings were sitting in his fighter, waiting for the tech crew to remove them for review.
I'd imagine that it's not the pilot's responsibility to handle the flight recorder. Hindsight is 20/20, so we look at the situation and say "sheesh, if Blair encountered something as unusual as stealth ships he should've made sure his proof was secure" -- but that's not normal protocol. Blair had likely flown dozens of missions with potentially significant implications and the flight recorder data was always reviewed with him during debriefing -- without him physically having to make sure the flight recorder ended up in the right hands. It just so happened in this instance that someone else operating with an alterior motive got to the recorder first.

BTW Jazz's reason for treachery was silly IMO. His brother died at Goddard, well tough, it's a war...people die all the time. If he was gonna go psycho he should've gotten mad at the Kilrathi who had killed his brother in the first place, not the carrier assigned to defend the colony. What a brat.
And I qoute:

"You're one sick bastard Colson, If i had had my way, you'd be dead already..." Capt. Christopher Blair
Ijuin said:
Remember that in WC1 times, normal fighter-mounted missiles COULD kill capital ships--the new generation of phase shields seen in WC2 were not yet in use. Torpedoes would not have been needed.

Exactly, this is why you shouldn't play 2 before 1 like I did. I was young and foolish *sigh*
Tarquinn said:
But what exactly did the higher ranking Confed officers think has happened to the Tiger's Claw? And how did they expect Blair, one man, to save the ship from something that destroyed it so fast that it couldn't even call for help?

6 words:

Tolwyn has it in for Blair...
Nah . . . at that time, he didn't really have a reason to. That was long before his involvement with Behemoth Project, and long before his contact with the Belesarius group. (sp?)

Also, I don't think it would have mattered that Tiger's Claw radioed for help. They were in Kilrathi territory at the time. "No one around to hear you scream". of course, that raises the issue of "How the hell did Blair get back to Confed?" I suppose the Claw was part of a strike group . . . maybe he docked on a non-carrier ship?
Blair and company (Angel, Iceman, etc.) landed on the Austin, which was also part of the strike on K'tithrak Mang.