The sky is falling...

Originally posted by RFBurns
More than likely, its in lockdown status. Maybe they got worried after letting our nuclear secrets slip away from Los Alamos Nat. Labs. Boy lots of security there eh.


ISTR reading somewhere about a year or so ago that the USAF was abandoning Groom Lake. And it would make sense that
they would do so ... if you want to test super-secret
equipment of any sort, you don't really want the stuff
to be at the world's most famous Secret Base, with maybe
hundreds of tourists with cameras lurking to get a picture
of UFOs. They may not see any flying saucers, but they
*might* see some of the deep black stuff that the USAF
wants to keep hidden. A secret base that's no longer
secret isn't much use to anyone ... so it wouldn't surprise
me if all the juicy stuff was moved lock, stock, and
barrel to an undisclosed location.

Here's a silly thought: Maybe the whole area 51 craze
was started by a foreign intelligence agency, in the hope
of getting lots of people to show up at the base, so that
they could infiltrate spies in among the regular tourists.

Why? Well, if there are a lot more people, there's a lot
less explaining to do. If a guard asks "What are you doing
out here in the middle of nowhere?" you then have the
perfect cover story "I'm looking for UFOs".

Just a thought.


Brian P.
There arent any tourists near area 51. Miles around it are empty desert and anyone who enters that land, or loiters near it are arrested by military police. They might not be held for loitering but are forced to go away.
I have seen something about Area 51, there is one piece of land that we could see the main base are, it was on top of a ridge, the remaining area is own by US Goverment, the detection area is seperated from the main base.
Whats in there I dont know, could be a great number of this, UFOs, B2, Nasa moon landing film set.....
Or they simply shoot you without warning. They have that right even if you accidentally walked onto that base.

Both the main base and the detection area have a lot of deset around it, you *could* go in a few kilometers inside but since its desert you will be spoted ver soon and intercepted well before you get in visual range of either bases.
You could also be shoot on site, but remember Area 51 is in a public spot light, if there was something *strange* in there, it was moved long ago to another more secret area.

[Edited by Dragon on 03-23-2001 at 18:15]