The sky is falling...

Well first off, you have to look at the source. It wasnt a news program, it was a tabloid show brought to us by the same people who brought us When Animals Attack 63. They in no way tried to show both sides of the argument, the only thing they did was have a guy from NASA say "these guys are crazy" THe sheer massiveness of a conspiracy like that would be too hard to cover up and it happened 30 years ago, it was less than ten years before the Desert Storm cover up was revealed. By now something would have come out besides these conspiracy guys. As to why havent we gone back? Why should we. Unless were going to set up a permanent settlement or something whats the point of sending three guys to hop around and collect rocks for a few days at the cost of billions of dollars? As soon as we have a solid reason, im sure we will.
I'm sorry, but I think that it's sad when all people can do to have fun is to take something major and try to prove it wrong. And I don't know if you know or not, but were going back to the moon. (USA)
The Reason that Nasa pictures look Fake is because ITS FAKE, Nasa was forced to do that because US DID LAND THERE, but they found ALIENS.
There is one of the REAL and ORIGINAL picures taken in that historical mission.


Now years ago a secret project was made to fight that treat to manking, its code name is.....


Now EA was taken over by those aliens, that is why no more WING COMMANDER games are being made but now its too late, we know how to fight then....

[Edited by Dragon on 03-23-2001 at 15:48]
Originally posted by Supdon3
That websites great Shane! All the truths i knew but just didnt know how to explain.

Yeah and saves me from having to type a point by point rebuttal. Or cutting and pasting it from that site :)
The most major flaw in conspiracy theories is that the government has an extensive track record of being *very* bad at hiding information <G> I mean, certainly keeping nuclear weapons away from the Soviets is far more important than convincing millions of people that someone's been to the moon...

This particular case of conspiracy theories for idiots is especially disgusting because it's an attempt to taint one of the truly great things our country accomplished <G>
I heard a weird story that the people in China was not allowed to see or hear about the moon landing and that the government denied the landing for quite a long time. It has been a while since I heard that and I do not know where I heard/read/saw it. Anyone knows if that's true?
Well hopefully the "source" will be truthfull. I for one think we actually did since I was there in FLA when they launched the silly thing. I remember it vividly. I kept up with all of the Apollo missions, is what drove me to go into the Air Force to begin with. But what do you say to those that believe Area 51 is heavily guarded due to them keeping alien artifacts and alien craft? Do you debunk that just as much as this? Its just something to think about. Funny how tabloids and news shows pull in the ratings when they discuss things like this, it must be that someone is watching, or perhaps its just like the show survivor or treasure island, a load of cockpit doodoo.

Well fortunatley for us, just becuase a bunch of uninformed people believe it, it doesnt make it true. Lots of people would like to believe that Area 51 holds aliens, and maybe it holds things that are as close to that as is possible, but the US has to have a place where it can test new technology and equipment away from the prying eyes of the public and its enemies. Thats it. Its in the desert which is far away from civilization if something goes wrong and its flat open land so its easier to see someone coming a mile away.
I don't see any correlation between something being guarded and aliens existing. Area 51 is a military test site -- of *course* it's guarded...
I think its just the connection between Roswell out there, a heavily guarded military site, and mistaking the testing of new technology for being alien technology that makes people think there is alien stuff there. Truely the rumors are probably put out there so people chase those and dont bother with the actual truth of what is in there. The government and military probably dont have to say anything at all. We distract ourselves.
Well Area 51 very well might just be a simple base where they test new stuff. Lets put it in another way, the security detail over the A-Bomb tests near my hometown was no where near what it is at Area 51, and that test, wasnt exactly just another test or program. Be interesting to be around in say 80 years to see if the story changes any. I believe there is alot more to the whole thing than what we have been told or have read or been taught. For the record, there are things our military and government has done and is doing that the general public will never know until long after the ones that could have the finger pointed at are dead and long gone. One of the reasons why they lock away files for long periods of time so that those that could be blamed are gone (statute of limitations). Again just to let those know that threw stones at me for mentioning this, I believe we did go to the moon, but I wont ignore any questions that arise about possibilities of a cover up. After all, who else has the power and resource to be able to do that and maintain a cover up.

*No one* has the power to fake something as big as the Apollo project, which involved hundreds of thousands of real people (tm) to plan, produce and run.

As for the A-bomb test -- that's sort of hard to cover up... the actual development of the bomb had *incredible* security measures <G>
Area 51

Have you guys heard that Area 51 has been abandoned. IIRC it was in Popular Science. They did an investigation because the charterd flights to and from the Groom Lake base was cancelled and there has not been any reports of ground traffic in or out of the base. Maybe all the international intrest in this place got the Gov. alarmed.
More than likely, its in lockdown status. Maybe they got worried after letting our nuclear secrets slip away from Los Alamos Nat. Labs. Boy lots of security there eh.
