The Perfect Fighter?


Using WC3/4 technology, what would be the specs for your ideal fighter? Categories include light fighter, heavy fighter, bomber, and fighter/bomber. You can use any equipment developed through the end of WC4 (no MIRV or swarmer missiles in other words). Please refrain from giving your ship overkill stats like ten thousand shields or twenty tachyon guns.

Here are my entries:

Tanto Light Fighter
Origin of name: The Tanto is a short sword carried by Japanese Samurai warriors
Max Speed: 540kps
Max Afterburner: 1400kps
Acceleration: 400kps^2
Max Y/P/R turn rate: 90/90/120 deg/s
Shields front/rear/left/right: 250/250/250/250
Armor front/rear/left/right: 120/120/80/80
Core hit points: 120
Guns: Lasers (6), Leech Cannons (2), Stormfire Mk 1 (5000 rounds)
Gun capacitor size: 500GJ
Cun capacitor recharge: 30GJ/s
Missiles: 4x2 (default 2IR/2HS/2IR/2HS)
Decoys: 24
Autoslide: Yes
Jump Capable: No
Atmosphere Capable: No

I really liked the Banshee from WC4, but the thin armor and lack of punch in the main guns bothered me a bit, so I upped the armor and shields a bit and increased the number of lasers from four to six. Lasers are great guns--they fire fast, use very little power, the bolts from them travel fast, and they have long range--the only drawback is their low damage, so I decided to use six of them instead of four.

Katana Heavy Fighter
Origin of name: The katana is a lightweight longsword used by Japanese Samurai warriors in dueling.
Max Speed: 480kps
Max Afterburner: 1200kps
Max Acceleration: 350k/s^2
Max Y/P/R turn rate: 70/75/70
Shields front/rear/left/right: 400/400/400/400
Armor front/rear/left/right: 250/300/200/200
Core hit points: 250
Guns: Particle Cannon (4), Tachyon Cannon (2), Leech Cannons (2), rear Mass Driver (1)
Gun capacitor size: 1000GJ
Cun capacitor recharge: 80GJ/s
Missiles: 6x2 (default 2IR/2IR/2FF/2FF/2IR/2IR)
*bomber loadout: 1torp/2IR/2FF/2FF/2IR/1torp
Decoys: 32
Autoslide: No
Jump Capable: Yes
Atmosphere Capable: Yes

Notes: While the Excalibur had super guns and thin armor, the Dragon had heavy armor but the guns couldn't fire continuously for long enough to take out even a Hellcat with a single volley. The Katana has guns a bit lighter than the Excalibur but twice the armor.

Ballista Heavy Bomber:
Origin of name: A ballista is a siege weapon that resembles an oversized bow which shoots arrows heavy enough to pierce wooden walls.
Max Speed: 360kps
Max Afterburner: 800kps
Max Acceleration: 250k/s^2
Max Y/P/R turn rate: 45/45/40
Shields front/rear/left/right: 600/600/600/600
Armor front/rear/left/right: 300/400/300/300
Core hit points: 400
Guns: Plasma (2), Particle (2), rear Particle (1)
Gun capacitor size: 1200GJ
Cun capacitor recharge: 65GJ/s
Missiles: 6x4, torp 4x2 (default 4IR/4IR/4FF/2torp/2torp/2torp/2torp/4FF/4IR/4IR)
Decoys: 40
Autoslide: Yes
Jump Capable: Yes
Atmosphere Capable: No

Notes: The Ballista is meant as a successor to the Longbow. It has more torpedos and missiles, slightly improved guns, slightly improved speed and maneuverability, and a bit more shielding. Also, the addition of autoslide capability (unique for a heavy bomber) means that it can lock torpedos while RETREATING from a capship as well as while approaching it, meaning that a second approach may be unnecessary (as if it wasn't already with the ability to fire four torps simultaneously).
Despite all the gimzos and Waldos and widgets you have on those dream fighters, I could still take you in nothing more than a Thunderbolt.
Let me clarify. The point of this is not to ask what existing fighter you think is perfect, but for you to design your ideal ship. Sure you may love the Hellcat or the Thunderb0lt or the Banshee, but maybe you wish it had just a little more shielding or speed or whatever. If you love the Hellcat V, then show me your design for the Hellcat VI, for example.
Originally posted by Col.Dom
Feh. I could do it in a Hellcat :o

I could DO it in a supermarket cart... ;)

About the "atmosphere capable" skill: there is something I can't understand... most of the recent fighters (WC3-4-P) can't fly in the atmosphere... I remember seeing Confed fighters doing it in WCATV, and Blair doing it in WC2... Why did they remove that skill ?

Perfect Fighter?

The pilot makes the fighter perfect - not the design. But I'll give you an answer:

I like an Fighter that is highly independet from support and an operationbase. So, my fighter needs an jumpengine with fueltanks.

The fighter opperates behind the front - in enemy terretorie. It's need a cloakingdevice - or other stealthabillity. It' enough for my to be invisible for the scanners.

Weapons? Yes, Weapons are also required. I'll not fight with swarms of enemy fighters. I'll will fight transports, korvettes and other mediumsized ships. So, a fighter armed with heavy guns is a good choice.
2 plasmacanons, because they are the standard heavy weapon of the war. tachyon is modern and rare. 2 meson'll support the plasmacannons.
2 torpedos and some FFs and Dumbfire are also cool. Or mines - i like mines. they are cool.

The armor will be thick - so i've a good chance to survive. the shieldsystems must have the same quality and strength like the shields of an Thunderbolt.

Speed? What is speed? I'll attack transports. so a moderate velocity is good enough for me. and faster than 400kps - no thanks that is not required.

What is this now? It's my "perfect" fighter. I'll call him "Equinox", but for the Kilrathi my fighter has the name: "no honor"...

Medium/Heavy Fighter
MaxSpeed: 420 Kps -> faster than the Vaktoth or the Sorthak
Afterburner: 1000 Kps -> i'll not escape. it's enough
Acceleration: 200 k/s^2 -> why higher? enough to escape destroyer
Max Y/P/R turn rate: 70/70/70 -> it's more than the dralthi
Shields front/rear/left/right: 250/250/250/250 -> Thunderboltshields
Armor front/rear/left/right: 120/120/120/120 -> my fighter is only mediumsized
Core hit points: 120 -> yeah, thats okay
Guns: Plasma 2, Meson 2
Gun capacitor size: 1000GJ -> i don't know. it must be enough
Gun capacitor recharge: 80GJ/s -> the guns'll never stop to fire
Missile: 4x2 -> enough for me. my guns'll make it
Torpedos: 2 -> hey, I'll never fight against an carrier
Decoys: 24
Autoslide: No
Jump Capable: Yes -> i work behind enemys lines
Atmosphere Capable: No
Stealthability: Yes
Cloakingdevie: No
Sensors: Special operating sensors

So, my "perfect" fighter. it would be an fighter, build in low quantaties. It could be designed between the Thunderbolt and the Excalibur and has the target to destroy enemy supportlines. It'would operate alone or with other fighters of this type. in a swarm, the fighters were very strong. so, they could also attack heavy armored transports and there escort ( up to carriers ). the stealthability'll allow them to track there targets and attack them at the right moment, e.g. they'll jump to the next system.
Originally posted by Col.Dom
Feh. I could do it in a Hellcat :o

well. i COULD do it in an Arrow, BUT, i need 5 more cms of armour on all sides and 7 cms of shields. then 4 IRs and BOOM!:p
1 Arrow: est 200 million credits
8 ImRec missiles: 32,000 credits
2 salvos off in less than 3 seconds at pointblank range: priceless.

Seriously, an Arrow with full imrec loadout can kill anything 1-on-1 in the first pass... its just surviving that isnt guaranteed. :cool:
I likes my fighters like I likes my women -- fast and easy. </TruckStopGuy>

But seriously, I loved the Ferret because it was fast and it wasn't complex at all -- a single VDU and a pair of guns was all you had to bother with... and its shields, though they were light, could withstand a flack barrage since they recharged so quickly.
Do you want to got to holiday? a bed? I'think you're not that kind of man i want to have as a neighbour. But the refregi' is a good idea.
Originally posted by Col.Dom
Feh. I could do it in a Hellcat :o

The only thing you'll do in a Hellcat is get laughed at by your ground crews and get your ass kicked by someone else, possibly me.
Originally posted by Ijuin

Origin of name: The Tanto is a short sword carried by Japanese Samurai warriors
Origin of name: The katana is a lightweight longsword used by Japanese Samurai warriors in dueling.

whew, thank God you clarified that. For a second, I kept thinking of the ancient Norweigan Samurai who not only raped and pillaged, but helped establish the ancient Ricola tradition in nearby nations.

My favorite fighter, which is better served in WCP than in SO, is the Panther, no ifs ands or buts. If I were to design a fighter, I'd bail out and choose the Panther. Short of that, I'd design a slightly different looking Panther. But there is a ship I like more than that. The Tarsus. Priv's "You're really there" atmosphere had my mind making me a life inside a Tarsus, and I still enjoy going there from time to time.
For me the best fighter is a fighter-bomber.
Combinig med speed, good firepower, Torpedos, Med to heavy shilds and armor.

Good excamples for this ships are the Sabre and Thunderbold. They are a little bit old, but still good. ( I know the WCP ships laugh about them )
I love the Thunderbold for its allround abilitis. There's a fighter kill it, there's a cap ship shoot it.
Let them fly as a team of 2 Thunderbolds a Longbow and 2 Arrows and you can kill a Carrier battlegroup!

I also think there is no perfect fighter design, wich is not cheated. Only team work can realy do something.
Re: Re: The Perfect Fighter?

Originally posted by Saturnyne

whew, thank God you clarified that. For a second, I kept thinking of the ancient Norweigan Samurai who not only raped and pillaged, but helped establish the ancient Ricola tradition in nearby nations.

I'm pretty sure there never was a Norwegian Samurai :confused:
I think he was joking. :)

I also think that the Tanto was a knife, the short sword of the Daisho was called a Wakizashi or something IIRC. I could be wrong though.
Originally posted by DetailedTarget
I think he was joking. :)

I also think that the Tanto was a knife, the short sword of the Daisho was called a Wakizashi or something IIRC. I could be wrong though.

No your right that was the short sword.
Originally posted by LeHah

The only thing you'll do in a Hellcat is get laughed at by your ground crews and get your ass kicked by someone else, possibly me.

NO! I'm going to kick in the afterburners, set my guns to full and r0x0r the universe :D

I guess my perfect fighter would have all tachyon guns, a matter/anti-matter power plant and the ability to carry at least ten IRs. It has to look similar to a Hellcat or Dragon.

Yes, LOAF, the Ferret was a damn simple craft and I enjoyed flying it for that :)