The most loathed startfighter ever.

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I'd go with Laser/Particle myself. Particle cannons do 44 damage compared to Ion guns' 30 damage, and consume only 20 power compared to the Ion guns' 30 power. This way you get more damage AND less power consumption!
I think that, the ferret notwithstanding, such a short range weapon as the mass drivers is a liability in a fast and light fighter. something you can use far from the heavies is probably better, because with greater maneuverabilty comes the ability of hitting more often. The heavies need more punch because they´ll hit the enemy fighter less frequently.
Edfilho said:
I think that, the ferret notwithstanding, such a short range weapon as the mass drivers is a liability in a fast and light fighter. something you can use far from the heavies is probably better, because with greater maneuverabilty comes the ability of hitting more often. The heavies need more punch because they´ll hit the enemy fighter less frequently.

Yeah, having long-range guns was part of what made the Arrow good in WC3. The Epee would have been tolerable if it just didn't have the crappy paper-thin armor--if it even had as much armor/shields as the Ferret it could have been livable, but instead it is a paper tiger, with great attack strength yet lacking the ability to stand still long enough to draw a bead on anything without getting instantly blown up.
Overmortal, I don't know if the ferret would havbe been so effective in a modern game engine, or at least in an engine where the distances were more significative.
dogfights tend to be pretty close in WC, especially in the first two games.
The mass driver of the ferret is a great weapon. It's refire rate is great! It's feels almost like the dust cannon on WCSO.
Edfilho said:
Overmortal, I don't know if the ferret would havbe been so effective in a modern game engine, or at least in an engine where the distances were more significative.
dogfights tend to be pretty close in WC, especially in the first two games.

Play UE. You can fly a Ferret in the simulator in UE, and it's still a great ship. The range on the guns isn't really a big problem because the Ferret is fast enough to stay on someone's tail, well within gun range. The only drawback is that it won't take too much in the abuse department, but, then again, the idea is not to get shot anyway :cool:

Long story short: The Ferret still owns. Period.
True, but the Ferret is perfectly designed for doing it. Here's a little trick you can pick up in WC4. When an enemy is charging you, bank in one direction and roll in the other. You'll do a nifty corkscrew that'll keep you from taking many hits (if you do it just right). Once you're past them, turn, follow, own, enjoy.
Now that might work! IF I can pull it off. You're probably right, if done well, you're in the perfect position to kick exhaust ports.
It almost always works. Ever notice, in WC4, how they would do that corkscrew circle that made it damned hard to get a lead in? That's how they did it. Stick left, roll right . . . or stick right and roll left. Apply a little big of afterburner if you in a slower craft, and watch the shots miss.

You'll also notice that ships in WCP don't do that . . . I think Origin took that move out because it was a bit hard to counter. That proves how effective it is.
My hated ship for each WC (and Both Privateers) game I've played:

WC1 + SM: Dralthi (I like all Confed ships...if you know how to handle the Scimitar, it still handles horribly, but can dish out a lot of pain)

WC2 + SO: Epee (1st), Ferret (2nd), Sabre (3rd)
Epee is just horrible. Ferret isn't as good a light ship as the hornet, and the Sabre needs better handling.

Privateer: Galaxy (I actually prefer the Tarsus to this big target)

WC3: Hellcat (It's a Thunderbolt with less staying power)

WC4: Hellcat (Confed) Vindicator (Border Worlds)
Hellcat, see WC3. The Vindicator's tach. cannon and rear turret doesn't make up for the weaker body (I'm not very good mid-way...I'm either a dogfighter or slugger)

Privateer II: Shaman (not really worht the credits)

Prophecy: Tiger Shark (1st) Devestator (2nd)
Tiger Shark is an updated death tra...I mean Hellcat, while I dislike the Devestator only because it has no dogfighting ability whatsoever.

Overall *Drum roll*

Wing Commander II's Epee. It's really a downgraded Hornet. I'd feel better off in a Brick (the X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter Community's name for the Tie Bomber (--o-o--) )
How can you not like the Ferret? It's perfect for tangling with anything that doesn't require a torpedo . . . or have some wierd sort of backwards-firing missiles.
. . . Or has a rear turret, or has fast recharging shields, or has heavy shields, or is flown by someone even resembling a good pilot, or . . .

A Ferret can handle a ship with a rear turret. It's not terribly hard to do, either. The heavy/fast recharging shields would be the bigger concern there . . . and that's why she has mass drivers.

However, you do have to be a competant pilot to survive in a Ferret, and I guess that's why you don't like them. ;)
Bonkus Maximus said:
Privateer II: Shaman (not really worht the credits)

The Shaman is not really meant for you to buy it and stick with it. Basically all it is is an upgrade over the Straith that you start with (and the Shaman IS the cheapest fighter other than the Straith). It has a bit more speed, and can carry four missiles/modules compared to the Straith's two. When I play Privateer II, I buy the Shaman just to get away from the Straith, but then I buy something decent to replace the Shaman as soon as I can. The Shaman isn't meant to be good--it's only meant to be better than the Straith, which it is (except for the armor strength).
Epee clearly trouble with the ferret: it's not quite the dogfighter I'd like...preferably abput +1 dps in all maneverablility characteristics.

I'd also wager the Straith to be actually better than the Shaman...I've been vaporized in a Shaman, but far fewer times in the Straith...I think the best overall series of ships: Straith, Karnenan, Drakkar/Icarus/Heretic and the Freij. Mk II
Well, I have to disagree, I found the shaman to be really great. it's almost like cheating. I hag around it a long time before upgrading to a ship with lot's more stuff.
All fighters can be great if placed in the hands of an experienced pilot. I have never played P2 enough to make an opinion, though.
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