The Fans Shall Triumph

If only Origin could've spared 10-15 people to make Maniac Missions... :(
Originally posted by pygmypiranha

I don't know what to do truthfully. The situation that Wing Commander is in makes me feel like the who thing is falling apart and there is nothing I can do... I kindda feel helpless. If there was something I could do I would certainly do it.

Falling apart? WC is in the best shape it's been in YEARS! We're getting WCP on GBA, and a freaking TV series! I thought things were looking up...
Originally posted by Ladiesman^

Falling apart? WC is in the best shape it's been in YEARS!

Unfortunately, that's not saying a whole lot...

Unfortunately, its impossible to guess how WC would have done. Considering the state of the space combat sim market right now (even LucasArts isn't making any, and the X-Wing franchise has name recognition even with people who've never heard of the games before), its entirely possible that a new Wing Commander game would have done poorly.
Ultima 9 tanked, but Ultima Online is still a cashcow for EA/Origin. And its hard to say how much of the Ultima 9 failure was due to Origin, and how much was due to EA meddling. I'd like to say its all EA, but the game did take forever to get out...
(I remember reading about it for the first time, and being disappointed that it wasn't going to be a DOS game)
At any rate, CRPGs are popular, and have never really died in popularity. Any failures on the part of Ultima 9 were due to the game itself, and not the genre (as Bioware has been so ably demonstrating for the past few years). Space combat sims, on the other hand, aren't doing so hot.
Looking better, looking worse, I guess it all depends on your point of view.
Originally posted by Ripper
Looking better, looking worse, I guess it all depends on your point of view.

Yes because you know a new game a TV series is a horrible, horrible, thing for couldn't possibly get any worse! :rolleyes:
Like Oddball in Kellies Heroes, " Have a little bit of faith baby, have a little bit of faith." The TV show could have potential, I'm sure all the fans will watch, and that gets great ratings, then Chris Roberts might think he still got it in him, get away from Microsoft and look for a company that's willing to pay for a big game. Have some faith.
" It's a mother beautiful bridge, and it's gonna be there." Oddball - Kellies Heroes
Originally posted by T8H3X11
Like Oddball in Kellies Heroes, " Have a little bit of faith baby, have a little bit of faith." The TV show could have potential, I'm sure all the fans will watch, and that gets great ratings, then Chris Roberts might think he still got it in him, get away from Microsoft and look for a company that's willing to pay for a big game. Have some faith.

He left them a while back. AFAIK, he currently isn't working on any publicly announced games.
Isn't that the "Enterprise" theme song?

If so, I hate them for that... if not, I hate them for something else..

Originally posted by Capn Johnny
Isn't that the "Enterprise" theme song?

If so, I hate them for that... if not, I hate them for something else..


Why? That's the best Trek opening of them all!
Its Clint "Balok" Howard and his dog Spot!

I wonder if he still drinks Tranya.. personally, I prefer a little Boom-boom..


You people should have paid the 38 cents and hired a Visual Alcoholist to come up with a really suavre Prophecy drink.