The Fans Shall Triumph


Vice Admiral
I think that the Wing Commander series is a great and strong series. I also think that we, the fans, may be the one chance to keep the series alive and resurrect it. Does anyone else feel the same?
I don´t know, mostly depends of the companies, EA owns the WC rights for games IIRC (so new games, i doubt it, at least for PC).
But yes, we, the fans are the only chance to keep it alive and kicking.
hehehe....we have a chance...

Actually, I think if anyone it'll be non-WC fans who keep it going. The upcoming TV series could make or break the WC universe. If people like it and start watching it (beyond WC's apparently meager following), the series could get a jumpstart.

If it flops, we're in for hard times.

Also, WCP GBA will be a major point too. If that can ignite enough people's intrest, a new PC game might be in order.
WC might be able to come back. But it will be difficult because the EA Will be scared of anouther huge flop like the movie was. But if they can see it can make money of course they will make new wc! So the one determining fact about any ne Wc's is will it make money and WCP for the gameboy will be the test to see if there is money in WC
EA had nothing to do with the movie.

Although there was the fact that they barely broke even on WC4. I don't remember how well WCP sold (well enough for them to come out with WCP:Gold I'd guess).
WC:p sold well enough, but in the world of big blockbuster games like Metal Gear Solid and Max Payne, which sold a lot more, so it didn't look as big of a success.
I think relying on the TV series to bring back the game is a HUGE mistake. I don't see it gaining the following it needs to make it realistic for EA to bring back the games. The fans on the other hand are a differant story. If we yell loud enough I'm sure EA would listen. They made a bad choice by choosing Ultima over WC. Thats something we as players can get across to them by bombarding them with Emails and letters
Originally posted by Knitewing
If we yell loud enough I'm sure EA would listen. They made a bad choice by choosing Ultima over WC. Thats something we as players can get across to them by bombarding them with Emails and letters

Oh yeah, good joke :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Knitewing
I think relying on the TV series to bring back the game is a HUGE mistake. I don't see it gaining the following it needs to make it realistic for EA to bring back the games. The fans on the other hand are a differant story. If we yell loud enough I'm sure EA would listen. They made a bad choice by choosing Ultima over WC. Thats something we as players can get across to them by bombarding them with Emails and letters

more people play RPGs than flights sims, so by going with Ultima, Origin/EA choose to make money.
it's funny to see what a company will do when it has to answer to investors....

P.S. pygmypiranha, don't u ever get tired of creating threads with this topic?
Originally posted by Happy

more people play RPGs than flights sims, so by going with Ultima, Origin/EA choose to make money.
it's funny to see what a company will do when it has to answer to investors....

I agree with that up to the point that they picked the wrong game and didn't sell like they thought it would. Ultima flopped for the most part. Their thinking was exactly along the lines you posted. But thier sales numbers didn't bear that out. WC was outselling Ultima by a landslide. Origin/EA thought that the WC market had hit it's peak and that they had room to grow with Ultima.
they viewed WC as a singluarity, for the mostpart, people lost interest in flight sims, everquest came out the year after WCP, and there were also a few others, RPG, real time strat and first person shooters are/were the big cash-cows. it is rather obivous why they chose Ultima. But iI NEVER said we had to like it.
Originally posted by pygmypiranha

Never, it got you thinkin again didn't it happy ;)

yea, it got me thinking, maybe we should set up a paypal account, ask for donations, and finance a WC game!!! :eek:
EA would HAVE to do it then, right?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Happy
yea, it got me thinking, maybe we should set up a paypal account, ask for donations, and finance a WC game!!! :eek:
EA would HAVE to do it then, right?:rolleyes:

I don't know what to do truthfully. The situation that Wing Commander is in makes me feel like the who thing is falling apart and there is nothing I can do... I kindda feel helpless. If there was something I could do I would certainly do it.
I have an original idea... QUIT PREACHING. Quit whining and get your butt moving. You want a new wc game... MAKE ONE. If you can't code, get someone to do it for you or sign up with a team. But don't sit there moaning about how you'd like something done. Action starts with YOU!
If the objective is to get EA to produce more WC games (... which is what he's talking about...) then a fan made game won't really help much.
If funding the creation of a new WC game is the major obstacle, then it may be possible for us, the fans, to fund it partly out of our own pockets. Let me explain what I mean.

In Japan, Konami Entertainment decided to fund the production of the third installment in its popular dating simulation game series "Tokimeki Memorial" by creating an investment fund. Fans could invest in this fund in increments of 10,000 yen (about US$85.00), and in return they would recieve a dividend based on sales of the product--it was estimated that sales of 300,000 copies (about half the sales that Tokimeki Memorial 2 had gained during its first year after release) would bring a 100% return on the investment. As a bonus, the investors also got to see their own names listed in the credits for the game. About four thousand fans chose to invest, resulting in a total fan investment eqivalent to more than a million US dollars.

If we were able to set up something similar for Wing Commander, then I believe that it would be possible to raise enough funds that we could approach EA and say "Hey, if you will produce the new WC game and give us a 10% stake plus N copies at a discounted price, we will put up half the money to make it", or something similar.
well.... when you put it that way... though Origin still couldn't help you. The entire Maverik team is GONE. you'd be better off getting the rights from EA, then approaching chris and the other original creators.