TCS Vanguard CV-21

I think it could be a nozzle for an intersteller vacuum. You know, to suck in mines, ejected pilots, space kittens, small moons and asteriods... anything in front of the ship basially. ;)
I just noticed the Fralthi II-class Kilrathi cruiser has a big gun as well...

maybe if I do that flashback scene I'll have the Confed and Kilrathi cruisers having a slugmatch with those things lol.
Nope, the Kilrathi engine intakes are blue just like the Confed ones, but instead of looking like cinder blocks they look like crosses.
Well maybe it is another type of intake that in the front...In Wc2 the Ralatha for example has Green/Yellow Intakes...
It IS the same type of cannon! Or whatever. I just took a closer look at the Fralthi II's "gun" and it's a red version of the same texture on the Tallahassee.

Maybe the Kilrathi invented it and Confed copied it, or the other way around. A less-powerful phase-transit cannon perhaps?
Or they just copied the same intake ;) Well it looks the same in those low-poly game models cause of obvious reasons :D
Cam, it's your ship. It's what you want it to be. I like the idea of a capship missile tube. I guess if you animate something getting shot out of it, then that's what it is. If you don't, then the debate rages.

You have the power to bring order to the CZ. The decision rests with you.
Yeah, so true. :) Oh well, I was just curious mainly--I don't plan on animating those guns firing (that is if I don't plan on doing those flashback scenes) though so it doesn't really matter... ;)
Originally posted by Ripper
Cam, it's your ship. It's what you want it to be. I like the idea of a capship missile tube. I guess if you animate something getting shot out of it, then that's what it is. If you don't, then the debate rages.

You have the power to bring order to the CZ. The decision rests with you.
God id hate having that over my head